Message from the Board of Directors

Posted November 13, 2022

The board of directors for Altonimbus Entertainment would like to formally apologize for the current situation surrounding the actions of some of our staff members and our responses to it. The board of directors has met and after being informed of the details of this situation we are shocked at the lack of transparency, communication and also the neglect that our Staff and Attendee Services ("HR") team has shown. At the urging of the board of directors, our Staff and Attendee Services and our Chair have stepped down in part due to the neglect of this situation.

In regards to the original event in 2021, our social media did not have the full information about the finding and reprimanding of the volunteer staff who were involved. Unfortunately due to a lack of communication, our investigation regarding the situation is still underway.

The posts made on our social media over the last couple of days do not represent our core values and beliefs. We accept full responsibility for the mismanagement of our social media posts.

We have reached out to the injured parties to seek resolution and reparations.

We are actively working on EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) training to ensure as an organization all of our staff are fully trained to see, seek, and resolve any equity challenges that may arise in the future, starting with all of our upper management.

We will not be making any more statements as this is not our story to tell and we will support the injured parties in elevating their stories.