Everyone from Doctor Who Fandom, Fanfic Bedtime Stories, Religion in Anime & Manga panel, & Filk it Up, you're all awesome, and I would *love* to be friends. For those of you in Eugene, you could also start coming to Anime Friday with us, and/or maybe we could have Whovian meetups.
So PM me here, or:
(541) 606-0318 (gets texts and photos);
Ellen Klowden on facebook
(especially add me there if you would like to be added to the facebook groups for Tiptoe Through the TARDIS, Friends of the Doctor: First Regeneration, or Anime Friday)
Remy.saverem on Skype.
Thank you.
Me: guy dressed up like Chii
You: any girl that smiled at me.
You know who you are. 
And you are adorable ;3
There's definitely consensus there.

Even little chibis with embarrassed moms in the park become your fangirls

(per your post in the other thread).