Annual Meeting of the Altonimbus Entertainment Membership has been scheduled for
October 25, 2009, at 1:30 PM in the Pavilion Room of the Portland (Downtown) Hilton at the corner of 6th and Taylor.
Preceding the meeting will be a "Hotel FAQ" led by Dawn Hewitt, at 12:00 PM. This will be a one-hour educational session about the relationships between conventions and hotels and why we do or don't do certain things. There will be a 30 minute break between this session and the meeting.
Agenda for the Annual Meeting:Establish Quorum
Ratify previous minutes
- Facilities Liaison
- Publicity
- Relations
- Programming
- Operations
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Vice-Chair
- Chair
Unfinished Business (none)
New Business
- Elections (President, Operations, Programming, Publicity, Relations)
- Other new business (please email if you have an item you’d like to present for a vote)
Good of the Order
- Suggestions for Board-Elected positions
If you cannot make it to the meeting, you may designate someone as your proxy by using
this form. Your proxy may use your vote however they wish, so choose with care. Also, a person can hold proxy for only two other people.
this board for nominations and suggestions.