Do you have an at-home e-mail address i can send it to so you can read it properly without having to go through your hassles at work? I have you mailing address but not a name for the envelope (they don;t delvier mail without a real-looking name).
Anyway, i'm not as confident in the sotry as I was a couple of weeks aogo and am thinking of withdrawing from the contest. I also don;t know iof previous psoting on the Internet makes a story ineligible. (not having seen the rules....)
hi, michael! good to hear from you again.

i have pm'd you my legal name.
i have no email access at home, sorry.
there is no rule precluding a piece previously viewed elsewhere from being submitted for this contest.
in fact, there is no rule precluding submission of a piece that has previously won other contests.
every piece submitted will receive a review from me--even if it falls outside the rubric of fanfiction; even if it is only a paragraph, or a full novella; even if it comes in after the deadline.
unless an individual author requests a review in a different format, my reviews will tend to take the form of line-by-line critiques. these critiques include not only proofreading and editing, but also character continuity and plot development pointers, and questions folks unfamiliar with the requisite canon might ask, for authors to contextualize.
the only pieces i would decline to judge for the fanfic contest are:
(a) pieces that were in last year's contest---unless they were significantly rewritten, and/or only judged by folks who were not among last year's judges;
(b) pieces for which i served as beta reader---though if others step forward to co-judge, those others could review such pieces.