I BOUGHT A NEW SEWING MACHINE TODAY. Well, my parents bought it for me really, as a birthday present, but still. I'm super-excited, now I'll be able to sew more than a few inches without the thing fouling up. Also bought the pink and black fabric for Rose, so I can start sewing for her tonight once I teach myself to use the new machine. I'm going to Michael's to buy fabric paint for Squiddlethulu tomorrow.
My wig might take longer than I thought, since they're currently out of stock on the particular color I wanted, but other than that Rose is starting to come together. Then I've got until April to do Rogue, shouldn't be too hard.

Though I would like to finish Sakuracon stuff a bit early so I can start on Kumoricon 2012 stuff, since my plans for next Kumoricon are a little ambitious.