Nice rifle, by the way! It's very detailed!
Yeah that gun is a exact replica...IT DOES NOT FIRE. . .Well it does do the cool fuse thing when it fires very loud scares the crap out of my sister. The sucker is very heavy same weight as the originals. And the detail is what sold me, Made in Spain, again it's kinda hard explaing that its made so it dosn't fire
of course *Cough* didn't stop my cousin from almost passing out.
Oh hi everyone, I feel very un-up-to-date. Hige, that is super awesome! I have a particular fondness for Revolutionary war!America. :3
I have a fondness of Alfred period <3 <3 <3 I love that man :3
And I have a love of the American Revolution, and a weakness in my heart for careing about everyone
Ergo I love Japan (Kiku), I love England(Arthur), I love Russia(Ivan)[THough I would like to shank him in his sleep during the middle of the night] "On a bad day" , Canada (Cute little Mattie) [Mattie&Alfred are freaking adorable north america Twins all the way!]
Matties polarbear reminds me of Alfred and Al's Bunny reminds me of Matthew..All the other countries pretty much have my love too <3
Hige: Shiny, shiny firearms. @__@
I don't have a flag, because Austria's is boring without the double-headed eagle. >: kinda want to forget my huge as hell flag and make all the american flags leading up to the present, I also think I'm going to make Badges of the flags from other countries that way they can be hung on a lanyard like govrnment badges LMAO
yeah and Have each countires stats on the back like Russia ATK power + 6