10. Afros. They're stupid looking and are sometimes a little scary.
9. Black bears have white skin and polar bears have black skin. Weird...
8. It tastes funny.
7. I had to dye my hair black for my Ranma cosplay.
6. I never did get my hair tied right while cosplaying as Ranma.
5. The only characters in the Slayers series worth mentioning that have black hair are Prince Philionel and Eris; one's annoying and the other is a hot evil bitch that doesn't know what she's talking about (for those of you who've never seen Slayers, that'd be Eris

4. It's harder to spot on the floor than blonde hair.
3. There's not enough black-haired anime characters, which you'd think there would be since that's their natural hair color.
2. I can't tell if it's my hair or my cat's hair.
1. Some people can't tell the difference between black & brown, and sometimes it's not their fault!