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Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #250 on: October 19, 2010, 06:49:41 am »
ok ^^  but i realy do need help with my wig. Its really hard to deal with
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline Vexenification

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #251 on: October 19, 2010, 11:40:21 am »
Yeah, I saw that wig luvan, it needs help.. but it will work. @Sunarry:o.o oh no.  @nando: I am totally blind without my glasses, but Vexen with flowery red glasses are.. strange.
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Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #252 on: October 19, 2010, 03:07:59 pm »
hahaha blindness is bliss
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline Teddy_Bearxx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #253 on: October 19, 2010, 04:04:40 pm »
Its not a problem at all Doe, just got confused.

No one has hurt me Marly, its just alot of family stuff that is upsetting me.
I'll be fine.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #254 on: October 19, 2010, 07:54:44 pm »
im ready to destroy my wig
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #255 on: October 19, 2010, 08:28:12 pm »
@nando: any wig (except those that are too thin) can be fixed! just ask kristi XDDDDD Jk kristi <3~ i can take a look at it and see what i can do :3

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #256 on: October 19, 2010, 08:51:53 pm »
i warn u its a haloween wig i bought. It works just needs work done to it
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline nekovamp13

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #257 on: October 19, 2010, 09:08:56 pm »
XP Halloween wigs suck.....
Especially the longer they are...
And I think I'm better with wigs than you Doe, but one of us can look at it.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #258 on: October 19, 2010, 09:31:58 pm »
it's cuz i didn't know how to handle a wig until recently <-< i just need to sit still and get a wig stand (i did most of my hair cutting w/o a wig stand ._. it's ridiculously hard T_T)

Offline FateChooseMe

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #259 on: October 19, 2010, 09:42:54 pm »
Uh yeah.
I bet it is really hard.
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Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #260 on: October 19, 2010, 10:05:05 pm »
lol is this getting onto another subject ventus <w<

Offline FateChooseMe

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #261 on: October 19, 2010, 10:06:00 pm »
SeeU - Vocaloid3
Trainer (Dawn) - PKMN Plantinum
Namine - TWEWY

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #262 on: October 19, 2010, 10:39:33 pm »
heehee >:3

Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #263 on: October 22, 2010, 09:15:14 pm »
does anybody else think it would be wonderful if Jen and friends from Demyx time cane to con>w< too bad it would never hapan
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #264 on: October 22, 2010, 10:17:07 pm »
That's it. I'm officially NOT going to be in the panel. Sorry, but the DT time comment was the last straw. Not doing it. Sorry Doe, but I DT is part of my hell at Kumori, and I will NOT be in a group that wants the Parle crew to show up. Bitchy and nit picky as it is. I won't do it. I don't want to be affiliated with it in anyway shape or form.

Good luck.

Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #265 on: October 22, 2010, 10:27:17 pm »
wow wow wow i neves said they were comen. I my self thought it would be cool. I even said i wouldnt happen.
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #266 on: October 22, 2010, 11:02:56 pm »
im sorry if i brought up something you dont like but you dont have to leave the panel
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #267 on: October 22, 2010, 11:12:59 pm »
...okay..... sigh... -_- it's not your fault nando. i do like demyx time but i wouldn't want it to be something that will be there at kumoricon. it's something that we watch on our own time...

sorry demyx but it's fine. you don't have to be part of our panel. we were lucky last year to have anyone be nice to have fun with us. thanks for being there though. u were a great panelist.

and i'm not sure why a comment like that coming from JUST nando would make u want to quit...

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #268 on: October 22, 2010, 11:37:49 pm »
still feel bad though
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline Kharyin1723

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #269 on: October 23, 2010, 12:25:30 am »
It has NOTHING to do with Nando, and EVERYTHING to do with Demyx Time itself. That is my beef with Kumoricon and the people who participate in it. Almost every single one of them who approached me called me "Demyx from Demyx Time." "Jenn" "TealPirate" "Hey, you look like that girl who has a show on Youtube.." "Hey are you the girl on youtube" "OMG YOU'RE TEALPIRATE!"

I hate the show with a passion. It is reason enough for me to leave. Whether or not you agree with it is your own problem.

@Nando - It wasn't you, it was just the content of your comment. I have nothing against you dear.

Offline Teddy_Bearxx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #270 on: October 23, 2010, 10:11:59 am »
Not trying to piss you off at all but..
your TealPirate on DA?

Strike that, just got my awnser.
*TealPirate got kinda annoying to me fast...*
« Last Edit: October 23, 2010, 10:30:46 am by Teddy_Bearxx »

Offline Kharyin1723

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #271 on: October 23, 2010, 06:29:14 pm »
You know i'm not Teal Pirate on DA...

Offline Teddy_Bearxx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #272 on: October 23, 2010, 06:30:27 pm »
It was a slip of my mind.
Im terribly sorry. It threw me off.

Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #273 on: October 23, 2010, 06:33:33 pm »
what should i do with my wig?! Its driven me crazy
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #274 on: October 24, 2010, 12:44:01 am »
anyways! guys! at the meeting (and those of you who can't make it please email me your ideas or get on skype and chat on there! my name on skype is luvan1me) pleaseee pleaseee come up with more ideas because we have only a few (from me, nick, tyler, fallon, and i'm getting some from kinky later). so far i'm the only one doing any thinking up here, so i would like to here more from u cuz i hate it when ppl shoot down my own ideas, when they can't give me any.

so please give the panel a headstart!

NOW! about the DANCE! it's 50/50 at this point because i have been told there is another person who is interested, but she is going to decide who has the best idea. (more like convenient) and this is what i asked of her to see what kind of ideas and ballroom dance she wants to see. these are the ideas that i told her that may work (and i of course let her know about the ideas we talked about today after the meetup with some of our group members)

setting: this might take at either radiant garden castle or mickey's caste (depending on whether or not u like our walk on quick scenes), at a ball with the people (attendees) of radiant garden (kumoricon)
characters are from KH: birth by sleep (the recent new game)

dance music: here is a few of the songs that a few of us thought would be appropriate. hopefully you like this idea. it incorporates disney classic music (beauty and the beast, aladdin, pocahontas, etc. you name it) as well as some final fantasy (ff8, ff9 mostly cuz those are the ff that were in the game), and of course the wonderful orchestral KH music! we have a list of sooo many songs for the dance that you just have to love it! i mean who doesn't love disney classics? either instrumental or with voices (i think the intrumentals are absolutely beautiful!)

~song 01 (KH)~
~song 02 (KH)~
~song 03 (KH)~
~song 04 (KH)~
~beauty and the beast 01~ might be our starting song of the night possibly
~beauty and the beast 02~
~little mermaid~
~little mermaid 02 (maybe the 2nd one instead of the 1st, tell me what you think)
~sleeping beauty~
~final dance song~

there are other songs on this list as well:  "be our guest" (beauty and the beast) "wish upon a star" (pinnochio) "a dream is a wish your heart makes" (cinderella) "with a smile and a song" (snow white), "world on my own" (alice in wonderland), "go to distance" (hercules), "you'll be in my heart" (tarzan) [probably phil collins version], "i'm wishing", "some day my prince will come" (snow white), and there is a much longer list.

these are some of the ideas i and fallon thought about a bit, but we aren't sure because the director of programming was kinda iffy about skits to begin with cuz of the part of the dance last year that the ouran host club sat the audience on the floor (a NONO) and did their scene. so i told her more of a walk on quick skit while everyone is standing (like a real ball)! so read on to see what i had as an example:

opening: start off with the above opening song (or opening song), and hopefully get the party going by having the main host (terra) introduce the ball "welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Kingdom Hearts (and Kumoricon) Ball of 2011! We really appreciate you coming here tonight! Please enjoy yourselves to the lovely music, and the lovely people here and take an opportunity to be not just yourself, but someone else, and enjoy yourself! isn't this why we are here?" (lawl cosplayers) (or any corny funny line w/e we can think up of)

(music will be playing in the background softly during this scene kinda how a ball would be doing)
then one of the other hosts (ventus) will try to dance with another hostess (aqua) but will be doing it "wrong" or being a clutz then terra will face the crowd and kindly intercept and say to him "excuse me but may i?" faces the crowd and let's them know  "those of you who do not know how to ballroom dance. this is a simple example" and he takes over and starts dancing with the aqua, and the other hosts follow suit and then he will face the crowd again and let the "orchestra" (sound crew) know to cue the start of the ball's music "so let the dance.. BEGIN!" *cue in music* then ppl will start dancing etc have fun letting the dance flow so ppl can settle. (so anything like that there dialog will work)

middle of dance: there will be some of our hosts dancing on the stage (so we don't clutter the main ball floor and can keep an eye out for the crowd), and while they are dancing one of the hosts (terra) will zoom by running to the other end and exit, then another character (ventus) comes chasing after the other  "terraaa!" *runs off stage*, then the final host (aqua) comes jogging after the 2 others saying "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to step on your foot!" and exits.  so it'll make the crowd laugh a bit while they are dancing. (something funny i guess doesn't necessarily mean those lines)

"ending" scene: so when the last song is announced and finished, the 3 main characters and the rest of the crew will just say thank you to everyone for enjoying and having fun at the ball, and they have a good evening "and a funny quick saying like 'and may the darkness be with u" or something (i would looove to incorporate vanitas with that line sooo much right now lol cuz vanitas needs some love)

SO! i'm taking volunteers! those of you who would like to participate (which includes standing by the door headcounting in/out, making sure people don't start to make riots in the ball, check for dress code, greeting guests [u don't HAVE to dance with people! just say hello or something if you like. it's not mandatory! you can just stand/dance on the stage and just wave at people or stare at them like this O-e lol], you can help us, the hosts, personally before/after the dance to set up/take down ballroom backgrounds/props etc.) so let us know what and if you are interested! thanks!

Offline Nando-KiT

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #275 on: October 24, 2010, 03:58:03 am »
i dont do skype. And i sadly dont do email much either. But i can text. I can help with any other ballroom dance besides the box walts. and i would just love to great people!>w<
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

Offline Teddy_Bearxx

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #276 on: October 24, 2010, 10:29:06 am »
For the meeting; I've already talked to you about it, but as well, I will have my phone on the charger all day, and wait for your call. I will do all my cooking before 5, or hve my sister start it when we get on the phone.

For the ball; I love that idea, but I have a few questions. What is the plan for Sora, Riku, and Kairi, as well as Namine and the Orgy XIII? Is there a theme for the hosts? Like Steampunk, Cyberpunk, or just Classical Ball? and are all are Kingdom Hearts people going to be a part of the hosting in some way too?

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #277 on: October 24, 2010, 10:53:18 am »
@Doe: I think "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast would be a great song. And I would love to help set up. Email is preferred with me, since I don't have a skype.

Yeah, I was wondering that too, Teddy. I mean, if we could get the Organization in all black tuxedos/blazers that would be really cool, if we do do the Classical Ball.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #278 on: October 24, 2010, 11:05:24 am »
Im coming up with a Formal Ball Namine cosplay. Just need to know about the theme x3
and also Vexen, I agree. It would be nice since there are so many people who attend the ball everyone could dance with there favorite characters, from any game.

Also, I really think "Be Our Guest." Would be a great Idea.
When I made the comment at McDonalds and asked people at con,
It was supposed to be at Beasts Castle.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 11:39:33 am by Teddy_Bearxx »

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #279 on: October 24, 2010, 05:41:31 pm »
i dont do skype. And i sadly dont do email much either. But i can text. I can help with any other ballroom dance besides the box walts. and i would just love to great people!>w<
i can do the box waltz and even go in a semi round shape
~Zexion KH d1~
~Haruhi OHSHC d2~
~Gaara N d3~
~OC d4~

Offline luvan1me

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #280 on: October 24, 2010, 06:19:39 pm »
ATTENTION! those of you who don't know this, please head this in mind! not EVERYONE will be comfortable with dancing with random strangers! (i'm talking about our panelists not the audience/attendees) so please don't say that all orgy 13 ppl and how cool it'll be for the ppl to dance with their favorite characters, cuz not everyone is a fan of KH! so please keep that in mind! we are the hosts, but we are there to just keep the party kicking and safe!
from what i've been told this is NOT an OPPORTUNITY for our group to SHINE! this is a PRIVILEGE to be good STAFF/PANELISTS! so please! this isn't just a "fun" event, this is a fun BUT organized event! i hate being a stickler to the rules but the reason why they are being sooo iffy right now is cuz of what ouran host club did last year! so please! keep in mind that we aren't there to "perform" or do giant sit down skits! we are there to liven up the party and make the guests enjoy themselves!

OKAY! -end of rant-

@vexen: yes i do love "be our guest" and there are MANY other disney songs that ppl will love to dance too (remember. most ppl LOVE disney! and classics never get old!) why can't u do skype? it's like msn... u can chat like aim or yahoo or w/e. u just have to create the account, it's 100% free. and it's the one instant messenger that doesn't kill a computer like msn or yahoo. i can email u but if you can't create a skype (takes like 2 min.) then let me know so that i can email u!

@nando: i don't text! not at ALL! i hate it with a passion and i have no text! so please! check ur email, get a FREE skype (takes 2 min) here's the link to get u started ~skype easy~ and u DON'T NEED A MIC! or even a webcam to chat/im with us! u just have to have a computer than can input text data! if you can't do any of those things then i will message u a giant thing on here! if you like!

but please keep in mind that i would like u to keep records of all those notes i give u guys! just in case something happens and i'm not there, u know what to do! cuz so far i have everything in here *points to brain* and not on here *points to ...keyboard/computer* so yea >,< i have to start jotting down everything this week so that i have something to lay down for u and, you guys have to have something for us too! so please come with some ideas! thanks!

@teddy: i was thinking beast's castle but i really don't see that fitting into bbs and all the other disney themed songs. so i think we should have it at mickey's castle cuz most of the songs on the list are either FF, KH, and DISNEY! so disney will be a better choice cuz 1) ppl know disney more than KH 2) ppl love disney classics (brings back old childhood memories and 3) i just think that the theme of the scenery will go well with the game, the music, and not so well with the outfits we had in mind for the main 4 ppl, but at least if we have others like the orgy 13 wear formal clothes (preferrably steampunk or 1800's type ballroom wear) then it's just fine! u can wear a tux, suit, anything that makes u look FORMAL! namine can wear a cute dress, nothing too fancy! cuz then the main hosts (terra, aqua, ven, and vanitas will kinda look off with u and the orgy13).

@everyone involved in the dance team: kairi, sora, and riku aren't at the dance, because i know there will be other kairis, sora's and rikus there. so i would like to leave those away from our team at the dance, to have just us, none kh1 and kh2 characters (other than orgy 13 and namine and xion) be part of this team, so we don't go overboard in the team members! small and close is better than big and no communication!

like i said theme is "mickey's* castle, FORMAL wear!" BUT there will be the issue with us losing sight of each other (especially those of us who don't know other members) so i would like to propose maybe this:

preffered style: steampunk or formal wear (like tux/dress/etc. like how u would dress at a jr.high semi formal dance no jeans of course lol just follow the dress code for kumoricon's dance of last year)

orgy13 and xion wear black suits/dresses (w/e style u like as long as u can run around in it!)
namine: white dress (w/e style u like as long as u can run around in it!)

we don't want u guys to trip over yourselves while u guys are running back and forth trying to help run things! lol

« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 08:40:56 pm by luvan1me »

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #281 on: October 24, 2010, 06:47:56 pm »
B-but im not gona be around a pc. And being on the internet on my phone wasts my battery.
It all started with the knee.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #282 on: October 24, 2010, 06:53:52 pm »
i'm talking about in general! nando not at the meeting. for the meeting i can send u an email about what happens, or u can have me three way u a call so we can be on the phone with u if you want to say something or put in some ideas at the meetup.

i'm talking about if you can set up a skype so at later meetings or if i have something to inform u about something while we are all on skype (i may turn these meetings to skype meetings instead so it's easier than talking on the phone or u guys coming all the way down here) cuz texting is limited and i have no text and calling takes up minutes (if not on a weekend) so since this is on saturday we can have u on the phone like teddy.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #283 on: October 24, 2010, 06:56:14 pm »
otay ^w^
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #284 on: October 24, 2010, 08:11:57 pm »
@luvan: okay, I just thought skype was a video chat thing, not something like msn. I'll get an account after school tomorrow ^^
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #285 on: October 24, 2010, 08:44:11 pm »
@nando: =)

@vexen: ah lol yea a lot of ppl think that too. skype actually first started as im-ing i believe and phone/online voice chatting, and then webcam. (or i think it was all those at once like now lol) but yea :3 it'll be easier to do it on skype cuz 1) we can have video chats, 2) we can have group chats (im-ing) and 3) we can also have voice group chats too ^_^ and it's all for free so nobody wastes minutes or gas mileage! and although i hate online chatting, voice chatting would be great (if you guys have mic's) but im can work too :3

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #286 on: October 24, 2010, 11:10:15 pm »
>w< tuff little chibi guard yay. Beware said me will have had either coffee or energydrink befor hand
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #287 on: October 25, 2010, 01:23:31 am »
i wouldn't want to do that though. i asked for a quard, not a hyper jumpy shrimp lol

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #288 on: October 25, 2010, 06:34:30 am »
i can be a guard! ;^;
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #289 on: October 25, 2010, 11:35:17 am »
You ask us to give ideas and we are, but you're not listening!!!
I've given a bunch of ideas, and it's not my fault you don't consider any of them.....

And thanks for including me in the dance...

Just so people know, I might be not doing this at all as well. I will be going to the meeting and make my final decision them...But just a warning...
~Sakuracon/Kumoricon 2014~
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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #290 on: October 25, 2010, 11:46:23 am »
SeeU - Vocaloid3
Trainer (Dawn) - PKMN Plantinum
Namine - TWEWY

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #291 on: October 25, 2010, 04:22:06 pm »
Doe; I know that! But Im saying, if we can get all Orgy XIII members (anyone who wouldnt mind dancing with strangers), then people who do like Kingdom Hearts, and have a favorite character can dance with them. I have a few friends from school who are coming too, so if we need any slots filled let me know and I can make arangments. I honestly do like Mikeys Castle in the ways you are making this happen, so its no problem. As for ideas, I am currently learning some Piano, so if we play "Be our Guest" or "Dearly Beloved" we can do it. My friend Alex is teaching me, so he can be our spare anyone who seems to play Piano.
We can also have a contest?

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #292 on: October 25, 2010, 06:24:23 pm »
im not a shrip. . . Ok so i am
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #293 on: October 25, 2010, 10:01:31 pm »
@nando: lol

@teddy: that's good. we do need more volunteers at the dance (orgy13 would be great) but if they would like to be like a younger kairi or sora from bbs or kh1 that's fine too just as long as they aren't aqua, terra, vanitas, or ventus.

@kristi: you aren't giving any ideas to me. those who have have emailed me. so that's what i'm telling ppl to do cuz i told u that the meeting for kumo was this past weekend, and u didn't come with me or told me you were coming, i even told molly a while back when that meeting was gonna be held and (molly i'm letting u know this too) she didn't contact me and i didn't want to stir up anything cuz of that last big talk.

and u are included in the dance... i said that vanitas is in there...
nothing for the dance (except music ideas, general layout is set) is set in stone, because i'm not sure what the director in charge of the dances wants from us other than the things i just said. and i told her that nothing is set, these are mere suggestions to see if she would be okay with something like that so then we know what we can do for the dance.

if you don't want to do it, take it up with nick, cuz he's getting pissed.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #294 on: October 26, 2010, 07:59:06 pm »
There Helarious, and really kind, but horribley dorky.

Here is Devin, he is a huge Perv xD!/photo.php?fbid=161393860540722&set=a.161210217225753.37043.100000103276588

and Andrew with me♥

Im making them come with me this year, weither they want to or not.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #295 on: October 26, 2010, 09:47:59 pm »
lol well tell them if they would like to help with the dance, and i'll be happy to find something they can help us with.

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #296 on: October 26, 2010, 10:11:16 pm »
i    i    i just forgot what i was about to say
It all started with the knee.

mascot art belongs to Elaine Huang and Jacqueline Taylor

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #297 on: October 27, 2010, 12:16:45 am »
it's okay just when u remember edit that post!

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #298 on: October 27, 2010, 07:26:02 am »
lol well tell them if they would like to help with the dance, and i'll be happy to find something they can help us with.

okay. :3

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Re: Kingdom Hearts Unlocked 2011
« Reply #299 on: October 28, 2010, 09:53:42 pm »
Topic locked.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 07:12:31 am by randompvg »
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