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Offline AllyKat

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Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« on: June 14, 2010, 09:21:01 pm »
Urban Dictionary has a lot of definitions for a lot of names... post a pic or an exerpt of what it says when you type in YOUR name!

And now it's your turn!

(by the way, if it has bad words in it... you should prolly delete them or bleep them or something...)
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Offline MiriaRose

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 09:37:41 pm »
I'm undefined.

EDIT: I broke down and used my real name. Here's what came up:
"The Most beautiful girl in the world. She has a perfect body and perfect personality She has no faith in herself but looks like an angel. She helps everyone and is allways willing to lend a hand."
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 03:31:15 pm by MiriaRose »
"Would you kindly. ."

Offline Kallika

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 04:01:05 pm »
1.    Kara    1077 up, 295 down
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A tall, skinny girl who has an amazing personality. All a man can handle, if he becomes so lucky to even have her. A good friend that is always there when needed. Likes to party, even if it means some regretful moments. Always up for an adventure, and never turns down a dare. Very outgoing and smart. Is very athletic person. Someone you can always count on having a good time with.
Dude, its Kara, everything will be fine, look forward to a good time.

3.    Kara    437 up, 206 down
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an amazing friend that is hella funny and crazy.
and gives hugs that hurt your face and neck!
"kara is an amazing friend but her hugs are deadly"


Offline StarryShay

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 04:46:36 pm »
So, mine like, get's pretty innapropriate and wierd. xD
So, read with caution. > o >

Offline Fuyuko

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 07:13:34 pm »
^ Oh my... Some of those definitions are just nasty. People play around with words too much. xD;

My name definition makes me sound like a perfect/preppy/snooty/blonde California girl. The latter is true but the rest is far from it, pfft. And this other one said that Brittanys eat babies as a hobby... O_O THAT'S JUST DISTURBING AND WRONG.


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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 07:30:47 pm »


« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 07:31:37 pm by NARUNIK »

Offline soundninja12

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 07:39:36 pm »
1.A happy person who is a good listener and reliable friend. Likes to party and is always there when you need her.
2.The name Katie is usually given to one who happens to be exceptionally well at pleasing their partner. Katie's happen to be very good at making the opposite sex rather "turned on". one would not regret having been with a Katie.
3. An absolutely gorgeous person. Someone who is so amazingly beautiful its almost physically impossible.

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Offline DemonSpawn

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 08:26:29 pm »
The ones I liked:

5.  hailey
a small very hyper monkey
woah! did you see that monkey?
yeah! i think its called a hailey!

8.  hailey
an interesting type of monkey. found often around the basement of ungaurded hoses off the coast of west...india...
WOAH did you see that hailey over there. OH MY GOD. That's a small hailey !!
I miss 2010.

Offline CheshireStray

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2010, 08:28:58 pm »
noun. Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

....a god? LOLWUT

Offline cloud-9

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2010, 08:33:43 pm »
   Cloud 9    75 up, 68 down
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I live on Cloud 9 meaning I stay high everyday; I don't give a F*CK! Roflcopter
cloud 9 weed high smack blaze dro piff
by Sebby Lite Jan 18, 2009 share this
4.    Cloud 9    27 up, 47 down
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An a capella group comprised of the hottest girls in P-town!
They are so musical, just hearing their voices is like being on CLOUD NINE!

cloud nine    22 up, 51 down
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A method of increasing sensitivity to the body while under the effects of MDMA and other similar drugs. It is when someon lays on the back of someone else and runs around or walks around while the person on ecstacy closes their eyes and feels like they are floating as the air rushes past them. The person rolling that is going to be in cloud nine needs to go back to back with someone else and link there arms together. The person that is going to cloud nine then needs to leanback and have the person who is going to walk or run around pull forward. This should put the roller ontop of the persons back.
"Hey man when we get high tonight lets take a trip too cloud nine!"

"When we get high tonight lets try out a new roll trick i learned the other day."

mines so creepy.....

Offline Saki-the-cat

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2010, 08:41:47 pm »
Morgan              2631 up, 887 down
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She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every feature that she posseses is engraved in your mind from the second you lay eyes on her. Morgan is not limited to just physical features, her personality is equally as beautiful. You wonder how it is that a person this extraordinary can exist, but find yourself just appreciating the fact that she exists, and even better yet, that you know her.

"from head to toe this girl was simply Morgan"

morgan beautiful amazing flirty attractive
by Jake Jake Jake Jake Oct 22, 2007 share this 

That was very interesting to read XD Probably because i'm nothing like that lol.

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2010, 10:04:55 pm »
I like the unpopular ones for mine. OUo

Girl who obsesses over Cleaning, likes baking cupcakes and is a Tank when drinking.
Guy 1 "dude, shes such a hazel!"
Guy 2 "why?"
Guy 1 "She came over with cupcakes, Cleaned the whole house while completely smashed."

Crazy old woman with several cats. Treats the cats as daughters and has long, grey hair. Had a very handsome partner in her youth but left him to pursue her interest in cats.

And then there's
1. Someone who is an amazing mother.
2. Someone who is beautiful on the inside and out.
3. Someone who laughs at everything.
4. Someone who is supportive and inspiring.
5. Someone who is creative and artistic.
6. Someone who is the best best friend.
7. Someone who is fun to be around.
8. Someone who is simply the best person anyone could ever have the privilege of knowing.
pfft I like how these can apply to a lot of people.

I really like this thread tho xD I didn't expect so many positive things out of that site. It's good for your self-esteem! c;

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2010, 10:32:04 pm »
This was rather fun on facebook :) Here we go:

1. tania    462 up, 70 down

Girl's name for characteristically: smart, pretty, and shy females -they dont know what they have which makes them even more loveable
Awww, Tania is so cute!

2.    Tania   282 up, 55 down

this word mean a really pretty girl that falls in love with guys that are sweet and cute with pretty eyes.
hey girl dont be a Tania when you meet that guy.

my fave one: "...She can enchant you with her personality and pwn you at halo..."   LOL, <3 the Halo reference!
I really like this thread tho xD I didn't expect so many positive things out of that site. It's good for your self-esteem! c;

I concur! This is a different side of urbandictionary! :)
And so it begins...

Offline dafe01

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2010, 10:36:59 pm »
1.    Dafe    
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A small gangster
He's one tought Dafe
(>^_-)>  ÐɋƒƐѳ1  <(^_^<)

Offline jaybug

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2010, 11:43:49 pm »
Shay; you either have no fear, or no shame. lol You poor poor thing. I just hope you aren't number 6.

Me;1.    jay    
Someone who is a beast at everything he/she does. Such as running barefoot on a muddy cross country course-or being beyond hot.
Derek: "Did you see that jay run by?"
Nick: "Yeah his name is Jay, he's really good."
Victoria:"And he's so hot!! Jay is such a jay!"

2.    Jay    873 up, 320 down
A joint, a rolled marijuana cigarette.
If you're coming to my house bring a case of beer and a jay.

3.    Jay    198 up, 51 down
usually a big strong man most likely an MMA fighter or football player. He is that friend that would stand up and fight for his best friends or girlfriends. Most likely your favorite friend to hang out with. your favorite friend to party with.
Enormous penis and stamina of a race horse.
I seen this Jay the other day, I wish I could be like him.

I think #3 if full of ego.
Have Fun


Offline kylite

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2010, 12:30:27 pm »
Sadly work blocks urban dictionary so no definition of Jesse or Jesse Cranston
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Offline jaybug

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2010, 06:03:44 pm »
Sadly work blocks urban dictionary so no definition of Jesse or Jesse Cranston

1.    Jesse    2556 up, 1007 down
a complete pimp/stoner who everyone likes and who gets all the girls
That Guy Is Definantly A Jesse..
Oh Man What A Jesse!
pimp stoner asa cool hot

2.    jesse    1573 up, 504 down
extremly amazing. very fly. person who is very loved <3 (:
dude, your such a jesse.
fly loved amazing chill great

3.    Jesse    1258 up, 431 down
Litteral Meaning- God exists.

Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin. '

A very manly man.
DUDE! Jesse is an amazing person!
awesome velcrum hot muscle manly.

4.    Jesse    713 up, 196 down
A kind boy who knows just what to say and when to say it. Often boys with this name end up charming any girl who they come in contact with. Sweet and innocent he is the perfect boy. Always lovable and caring.
"My dear friend Jesse is so amazing."
kind caring charming sweet innocent lovable perfect

5.    jesse    618 up, 284 down
a jesse is an awsome kid who is capabel of many things that are unbelievable to find in one lil person
hes a very smexii boy who has alot on him mind....might dislike some people but still have the spunk to still be friends and umm hes one smarty/fatty acid
-jesse's may change the world
- "omg did u see that guy yesterday?"..."oh yea he was so bangable"
wormster fatty acid smartiipants booger dude

6.    jesse    400 up, 123 down
an outrageously wild specimen that will make your wildest dreams come true
Did I tell you about Jesse? He gave me the night of my life last night!
sex wild party orgy drinking

7.    Jesse    351 up, 85 down
The most amazing guy any girl could ever ask for.He's always there when u need him.He has the most gorgeous smile you have ever seen.He always knows how to make u smile even when your day isnt the best.He's the greatest guy there is out there!!
Jesse: The most wonderful guy in this entire world!

Just so you won't be worrying too much dude.
Have Fun


Offline kylite

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2010, 06:14:27 pm »
*grins* hello ladies! Jesse is here!
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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2010, 06:15:34 pm »
4. Meaning loyalty in French, dark as night in Arabic. She lights up a room with her charm and energy, people gravitate toward her as she can be at ease among any company. Lela loves to laugh, and she is known for being witty and humorous. Lela's tend to be driven, agressive women that have a high level of confidence, so they require the attentions of a strong, honorable man. She is fiercly loyal, a friend for life, she is gracious, generous and kind...passionate, excellent lovers.........

Erm.... Well then...
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Offline AllyKat

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2010, 06:26:35 pm »
By the way guys... if your name has a BAD definition and you want a good one, put it up on urban dictionary and let us know so we can vote for it and get the TRUE meaning of your name to show! I've been considering putting a new def up of mine name.... thats the fun part about urban dictionary, its the peoples definitions!

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2010, 06:53:40 pm »
1. Slang term for cocaine.
2. 1. In female version, a Charly is a sexy mama with the body of a goddess and equal parts of intellect and genius.
       The perfect ingredients. Usually found with flowing red hair.
    2. In male version, a Charly is a damn Vietnamese fighter man.
3. An adjective for an object to determine it being slow, lazy, sluggish, stupid and just generally crap. usually in a
    situation where that object would not be, e.g a computer.
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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2010, 08:09:34 pm »
   Cloud 9    75 up, 68 down
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I live on Cloud 9 meaning I stay high everyday; I don't give a F*CK! Roflcopter
cloud 9 weed high smack blaze dro piff
by Sebby Lite Jan 18, 2009 share this
4.    Cloud 9    27 up, 47 down
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An a capella group comprised of the hottest girls in P-town!
They are so musical, just hearing their voices is like being on CLOUD NINE!

cloud nine    22 up, 51 down
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A method of increasing sensitivity to the body while under the effects of MDMA and other similar drugs. It is when someon lays on the back of someone else and runs around or walks around while the person on ecstacy closes their eyes and feels like they are floating as the air rushes past them. The person rolling that is going to be in cloud nine needs to go back to back with someone else and link there arms together. The person that is going to cloud nine then needs to leanback and have the person who is going to walk or run around pull forward. This should put the roller ontop of the persons back.
"Hey man when we get high tonight lets take a trip too cloud nine!"

"When we get high tonight lets try out a new roll trick i learned the other day."

mines so creepy.....

What the bloody hell!? Cloud 9! do yer real name!

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2010, 09:41:43 pm »

D8 Fffff!
It makes me sound so amazing...but I'm not! ; 3;

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2010, 11:04:39 pm »
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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2010, 03:19:21 pm »
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Offline Washougal_Otaku

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2010, 11:08:47 pm »
Well, Washougal wasn't in there, but my real name, Aaron, was.

Most of them are things along the lines of one who is sexy and/or cool.  The first one that sounds like a somewhat legitimate entry (which was also the first one) goes like this:

"In India "Aaron" is a slang word for pimp."
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Offline emasik

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2010, 12:02:17 am »
Probably my favorite definition.

Olivia is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Words cannot describe the being which is Olivia because mans brain has not evolved to such depths yet. But they still try.

Olivias are usually beautiful beyond what one could ever imagine. Charasmatic. Weird. Charming. Intelligent. Witty. A total blast to be around but can be moody at times. Hot bod. Will always come through. Has profound love for all around her. Doesn't take ****. **** her over once and she will get You 1000 times worse just by batting her eye lashes.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 12:04:50 am by emasik »

Offline KHking

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2010, 09:52:09 pm »
First I typed in Zash, my favorite nickname:

To move really quickly online.
My iPhone zashes through the web.

Then my real name, Zach:

#1. A name of a person who is often smart, cunning, dresses well and likes to have fun. A party goer that attracts many people with his intellect, jokes, and good smile. #2. A name of a person who likes to fool around and be with his friends, often very caring about others and has no problem dealing with tools.
My boy Zach likes to play beer pong at the college fraternity perties, he is the life of the party.

^ I like that one!!! But... now it gets worse. Much worse.

Zach- N. literally translated to... the great women seducer.. in ancient the Greek language. Usually having an urge to have sex for more then 7 hours.

V. To have sex with women for more than 7 hours. To have millions of your potential children die all over your girlfriends face.
V. Dude, I just zached all over her face.

^O.e WTF???? ?I'M THIRTEEN!!!!!!

one who f*ng*rs girls for fun at corn a big flirt and all he wants is to get in her p*nts

the coolest person in the world, next to God. revered as one of the best people to know by many scientists around the world. he is so cool that everyone wants to meet him and all the hot chick want to be near him.

The most amazing guy I have ever met in my whole life. Makes you laugh anytime you're feeling down. Has an adorable/handsome face and smile. He can be flirty at times, but you learn to love it. He is also easy to become best friends with, and will stay on the phone with you and listen to all your girly problems without complaint. And is the funniest person alive. And will buy you something and yell at you if you even try to pay him back. And i love him to death XD
^In some ways, I'm kinda like that.

Mostly non-conformist and doesn't like rap.
^Who the hell is stalking me?!?!?

a hot guy that is always happy and has many friends that love him and would do any thing for him. he would give you the shirt off his back, or his hoodie if you are cold.
^ I disagree with the part about me being hot.

There was also one about immortality or something.

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2010, 12:09:29 pm »
Colleen    256 up, 47 down
An amazing girl with multiple talents. Everyone loves her and shes just the coolest ever
~I saw colleen the other day, she was so adorable.

Colleen    146 up, 8 down
Colleen is the most amazing you'll ever meet in your life, and she's also lovingly adorable. She's there by your side, day and night, rain or shine, or even if you have the worst days of your life. She's there, no matter what. She's smart, she's random, she's interesting, she's just overall amazing in every corner, and every segment of her personality. She's also very smart, and can't be fooled. She's nice, and tries her best at anything, even if it's possible or not. She's one in infinity, not even the most prettiest/smartest/amazing girl in the world can compare Colleen, because she's a billion times better than them. She loves to cuddle, and once you cuddle with her, you'll never want to let go, because she's the best thing that will ever happen in your life. Every time you walk into a crowded room with a Colleen, you can't help but smile that each person would be staring at you with great jealousy. Once you lose a Colleen, you better pray and hope everyday that you'll see her, and be with her. Just a glimpse of a Colleen can leave you breathless.
~Colleen, without you, my whole heart would shatter in a million pieces. I'd take you back in a heart beat, even if putting my whole heart together piece by piece.

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Re: Urban Dictionary Definition [Your Name]
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2010, 12:40:28 pm »

I was actually expecting a lot worse. lol. XD
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