Are you a sentient human being between the ages of 16 and 1,000,000 years?
Do you currently plan to attend Kumoricon 2009?
Do you like to play games?
If you answered yes to these three questions, then Tabletop Gaming wants you (to do stuff for us)!
Tabletop Gaming currently has need of DMs and GMs to run RPG content for this year's convention. Below are just some rules system ideas:
D&D 4E
Feng Shui
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM)
Record of Lodoss War RPG (The untranslated Japanese version. Try it, you know you want to...)
... or whatever else you are willing to run!
If you want to help out, just post here or send me an email, and I'll respond as I'm able.
Also, if there is some other tabletop related event you want to run, feel free to contact me about that as well.