Author Topic: 2007 August 11th GM Minutes  (Read 5483 times)

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2007 August 11th GM Minutes
« on: August 24, 2007, 03:06:04 pm »
GM Meeting 8/11/07
Presiding - Meg Uhde
Secretary - Ryan Stasel

We are at over 100 staff!

Facilities Liaison and Relations Director, Sean Larson, has stepped down.
   Facilities Liaison has been appointed, Rian Mueller, by the board.
   Interm Director, is John Krall. Open Nominations on the boards have been open for a month. The only nomination is John Krall.
   Vote, all in favor of John Krall. Acclamation. Voice vote, yay’s have it.
John speaking. First time in relations. He’s catching up, and learning how to do everything that relations has to do.
Official prereg at the time of prereg close, 1597.

   Ops has fallen behind this last month because of personal issues for brownie. But, we’ll catch up. There are currently 27 Yojimbo members. “Woot”.

   We have a schedule. Programming staff came through and got things taken care of.
   Gaming: we need games. Bring games, we need to rent games.
   Programming needs volunteers for open mic.
   We still need manga, but we’re doing better thanks to minicon.
   AMVs: 52 AMV submissions. Judges cut things down to a 90minute show, which represents about 7 different countries. 35 entries made it.
   Con program book has gone to press. Cover was decided by vote.
   Pocket guide will go to print shortly, after schedule is “finalized”.
   Hopefully we’ll have a website up that will provide live schedule changes.
   Mascot that was voted and won by the staff will be announced at con.
   Planning of promotional event, thursday before con, will happen at backspace. This would be a “kickoff” party.
   Banner swaps happening.
   Street Team: thanking the 6 people that have really made street team work. Street team is wrapping up.
   Final issue of the news letter, will be published a few days before the con.
   All his workers have stuff under control. Majority of his job is taking care of guests and making sure things are working.
   Charity auction: the table in the back is charity auction stuff. still looking for good stuff. Some artwork from Pear students will be at the con, hopefully displayed.
   Exhibitors: we’re full.

Secretary: last day to sign up as staff.

Hotel notes: we have a good line on CCTV. we can’t do hotel wide sound, unfortunately. VIP dinner will happen. Remaining slots will be sold at con for $50 each.

Minicon: thanks all around. Thanks Rian for coordinating Mini-con. 44 staff, 67 attendees.

Motion to adjourn. Meeting closed.
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"