Author Topic: 2007 July 15th GM Minutes  (Read 5328 times)

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2007 July 15th GM Minutes
« on: August 24, 2007, 03:05:20 pm »
Kumoricon GM 7/15/07
Meg Uhde, President, Presiding.
Ryan Stasel, Secretary

Meeting called to order
Short on Brenda

General Announcements
-Forums have been upgraded to SMF. Take a look.
-Tentative date for the “Mini-con”. Dress rehersal/dry run of the karaoke system, registration system, etc. Open to the public, but not overly so. 3-4 rooms. Date should be Aug. 11th. One room will be badge stuffing. Following the general meeting, we’ll break out into mini-con.
   Cost will be $10 for general public.
   Staff will be $5, unless you’re working the mini-con, it’s free.
   It’s $5 off if you bring a manga up to 2 per person.
   We’ll be testing out any programming we can get up and going, and needs to be tested. Guy will have the AMV “show” ready to go, so that’ll be able to be showed. We’ll know the exact date within the next few days.
-Images for staff badges need to be turned in by 9th of Aug. 510px x 420px. 300 DPI. PNG or JPG.
-Cutoff for staff reg, Aug. 11th.
-Email shirt sizes to Meg at by 9th of Aug as well.
-If you want your name in the conbook, register for staff today. No guarantees if you register at the next meeting.
-On the back table, there is every form known to the con, so fill them out if you need them.

Department Announcements.

Operations - 799 registrations.
-No yojimbo showed up at the last meeting. From Jesse’s reports, a lot of yojimbo are showing up, but few other people have been showing up.
-Still needs assistance making haori’s. Everyone in Eugene that has a working sewing machine and can sew in a straight line, they get to help.
-Infodesk is under volunteers.
-We have 35 volunteers as of today… more than we have ops staff.
-There are more yojimbo meetings, to which Jesse has the list.

Programming by area:
   Cosplay: 2 entries emailed in. She has a state manager and a green room manager. please volunteer. Please remember the plushy cosplay. Homemade plushies are allowed, but they need to have costumes. No naked plushies.
   AMVs: is up an down. Please don’t rely on uploading it to there to get it to me. Friday the 27th (of July) is the last day for submissions. 29 submissions at this point. 2 hours of AMVs for the show, should be thinned to about 1-1.5 hours.
   Viewing rooms: We now have 2 of the shuttles. We should have the schedule ready by next weekend. Manga library is building, but still need more. Relations is incharge of dealing with release for showing anime. Jackie getting list to him (sean) and he contacts companies.
   Karaoke: lot of songs. We should have karaoke stuff online soon, and have a book ready fairly soon. She’ll talk to directors about sound equipment.
   Gaming: waiting for responses on gaming stuff. programming budgets waiting. Waiting for info from backspace. Ground Control has a DDR machine. We’ll check into getting it.

Publicity: Mascot and cover contest are over at 1 second before midnight. Voting will go up within a few days, and all staff will be able to vote. If you log into the staff area, you should be able to vote on that.
   We’ll have larger pocket guides, 8.5x5.5, professionally printed.
   If everything that needs to happen falls into place, we’ll have a panel and event schedule online that will be live during the con.
   We have very few flyers available. We have a box of misprints, but we’ll need to get those reprinted. Street team is getting close to closing shop for the year. Last minute ads, etc. We’ve hit about 50 places, given out about 9900, and we have about 23 people on street team.
   We got all the past program books online. wikipedia entry can now link to them, as well as the oregonian.
   pocky club. pocky delivery form: if you want to give pocky to a friend, you can fill out a form and give it to the club table in the exhibitors hall. glomp and no glomp list. can set preference for whether you should or should not be glomped. Tom also has mini-maps of the convention space. Hall cosplay pictures will be posted on the website after the con. If anyone finds Tahitian vanilla pocky available, please buy it and bring it to the con. pocky club people are volunteers, and their time counts toward volunteer hours.

-Exhibitor hall: 26/37 aa tables taken. Exhibitors call, 72/91 taken. S-words. They’re available. Kumoricon special. Staff price is 10-15% off. $60 for the punched, $150 for hand forged with stands.
-Charity auction: we have 20 items donated. There will be some way for people to use credit cards.

Meeting closed. See everyone next meeting!
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"