Thanks for the offer, Washougal_Otaku. We can look into having a meeting or two in the 'Couv. I have a few contacts in Student Programs I can talk to, and your anime club's sponsorship will be critical. We may also look into other meeting space in the downtown area of Vancouver, we already have one other space in mind 
Thanks, that sounds great. If the decision is made to try and come to Clark College, I'll send in the paperwork and get us a room to reserve. One of the ladies in charge of club-related events would probably eat this up, because she told me that she wants to try & help improve our club's image, & this could help. Plus, it's pretty easy to get to the campus from Portland.
To EcchiSpice, or whomever, could I send an e-mail to someone for my vote, or probably better, call someone during the time of the meeting?
No offense, but that "Who the hell is NOVA?" sounded particularly rude to me. Maybe take the time to Google it?
To be honest, I don’t care if you found it to be rude or not. If you’re a member of NOVA, Neko_Chan, then I can understand the frustration of me, a Clark County resident, not being aware of your group. If you’re not one of them, get over yourself, please.
I used the phrasing that I did as an indicator that I was a little offended that you Oregonians assumed that I had heard of an Oregon/Vancouver group that probably spends 10% of their time up here. Where do they meet, anyways?
And I don’t use Google, because Google sucks, in my opinion. If some unfamiliar group is mentioned, it should be the responsibility of the mentioner to indicate what he/she is referring to. Especially in journalism, for those of you who are working on that article thing that's mentioned on the main page of .