Author Topic: 2006 March 12th GM Minutes  (Read 6103 times)

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2006 March 12th GM Minutes
« on: March 15, 2006, 08:37:53 pm »
March 12th General Meeting

General Meeting agenda:

A.   General announcements (Meg)
a.   Should meeting still move? Though the logistics of moving the meetings from place to place are interesting, to say the least, we will still move them as planned to accommodate those outside of Portland.
b.   Kristin is the new director of Publicity
c.   Meg is producing a phone book with all contact info for EVERYTHING having to do with the convention– please send personnel@kumoricon all contact info you are comfortable sharing with other staff.

B.   Operations (Ryan)
a.   Sean is no longer in registration or as hotel liason position.
b.   75 people have registered so far. We see apx. 80% of our registrations in the final month, and are currently around where we were last year.
c.   Who is getting email for volunteers? The mailbox password is now with Rian. We need volunteer coordinator!!!
d.   Jackie has offered her garage in Beaverton to store items for the convention

C.   Programming (Brenda)
a.   Schedule updates: We have one! Please note that you must fill out the panel request form to be considered on the schedule. You must also fill out a budget request if you are needing money for your panel.
b.   Schedule blurbs are up
c.   Cosplay still needs a coordinator, though we may have a coordinator soon.
d.   Arlene has ribbons from 2004 that were used for cosplay.

D.   Publicity (Meg)
a.   Zac has stood down
b.   Announcing Kri (Kristin) as our new director, (Mira will be supplying moral support)
c.   We have a con book mock up! We plan on selling ad space this year and have a mock book to show where ads and info will be placed.
d.   Brownie: can we have a big page in the con book and sign for security/Yojimbo? Yes
e.   Merchandising ideas: Kumoricon DVD, umbrellas
f.   What color will the t-shirts be this year? The same thing each year won’t sell as much. Post a poll on Sakuracon boards on which color/design ideas
g.   Kumoricon table at Sakuracon will be in the exhibitors hall.

E.   Relations (Meg)
a.   Guest list, guests are available on the site, but the pages are not visible as of yet, due to a glitch in the site. Ryan S. will fix.
b.   Still need many positions filled. They are listed on the site.
c.   Meagan is new Industry Manager
You'll be loved, you'll be loved, like you never have known. When memories of me will seem more like bad dreams. Just a series of blurs, like I never occurred. Someday, you will be loved.