Author Topic: Magical Sleeper Team K!  (Read 4724 times)

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Offline PezCat

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Magical Sleeper Team K!
« on: August 17, 2005, 04:11:39 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen, and all you congoers too, announcing PezCat's K-Con 2K5 BESM tabletop game...

Magical Sleeper Team K!

Held over from last year, the adolescents from Magical Sleeper Team K vow to make their debut at Kumoricon 2005! Addle-brained antics and mystical hijinks will ensue as players will rescue the innocent, fight evil with the powers of love, justice, and shininess, and cause as much property damage as their superpowers (and the show's teeny tiny budget) will allow! Cuteness alone will not save them, but cuteness plus super abilities will doom evil for all eternity in the pilot game of Magical Sleeper Team K!

Player space is limited, so be sure to sign up in the RPGs room (3 Sisters) as soon as possible to reserve a spot!  Game time is tentatively scheduled for 7:00 PM on Saturday evening, with a possible encore Sunday evening if turnout is good enough.

Sixty pounds lighter, just as awesome.
2K3-2K7: Various staff, primarily RPGs and Registration
2K12: God only knows...


Offline JustMe19

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Magical Sleeper Team K!
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2005, 05:26:15 pm »
Do you have all the stuff?  Or can we/do we need to bring our own characters?  Do you mind if we make our own characters within certain guidelines that you set?

Offline PezCat

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Magical Sleeper Team K!
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 02:35:24 pm »
In this particular game, I'd rather use the "pre-made" characters.  I sat down with the BESM D20 book and scratched out 9 characters and fleshed out all the skills and such, so that it's pretty much a ready-to-eat RPG, in case noone knows the system.  It amounts to roll die, find number, add numbers together - much like the Mecha game did last year.  It worked really well last year, because you didn't need to know the system in order to sit down and play (and believe me, the 20 hours I spent creating characters for this aren't wasted time - last year proved that much to me!).

If people want to make their own characters for other games, it's more than acceptable - but for specifically this one, I'd prefer to use the characters I put together.

Sixty pounds lighter, just as awesome.
2K3-2K7: Various staff, primarily RPGs and Registration
2K12: God only knows...



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Magical Sleeper Team K!
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 02:36:50 am »
Okay then, see you there.