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I can't wait to see that movie!
n_n Variousss - Japan-A-Radiohttp://www.japanaradio.comThis is my like... my new additction. -flips out-It's sweet. Seriously. Check it out if you like J-Pop and Anime Tunes. (I 'unno if they play J-rock though, -sigh- I've only listened for about 4 hours now....)
Dogfight by Move. The opening theme to Initial D 4th Stage.Love Eurobeat!
Hikaru Utada - Hikari.This became known as Simple and Clean for the american release of Kingdom Hearts.
Quote from: "Dustin"Hikaru Utada - Hikari.This became known as Simple and Clean for the american release of Kingdom Hearts. I could be wrong about this, but I think I've heard all three versions of that song (Original Japanese, Remixed Japanese, Remixed English).I think of those 3 I really like the remixed Japanese. I really like the tempo of it and it just seems to flow better than the others. I still like the others though.
There are actually five version of Hikari all written and arranged by Hiki-chan herself <3! There's a regular Japanese, a mixed Japanese, a regular English and a mixed English an a vocal-less orchistrated version. It's my all-time favorite pop song, not that I have a lot of favorite pop songs, but still.
I could be wrong about this, but I think I've heard all three versions of that song
It's Raining Men (or bishies) by The Weather Girls.