I'd say... Basically, try to always be doing something

If you're ever alone, try striking up conversation with someone. Don't sit in one place just watching the action; if you see a game or a group of people, find out what's up and try to join in. Don't be too intrusive though, make sure they're alright with it first xD
Take breaks when you can though, or you'll end up exhausted early. If you have to sit down and rest, try finding someone you can have a good conversation with first, and if you do, find a spot there. Or wander by panel rooms and peek in if anything interesting's going on. The arcade's pretty sweet too.
On the first day, when you get your con sched, try highlighting the things that look interesting. (If you're a nerd like me, color code them by level of interest or star your favorites >U>

You might not be able to attend everything, but then if you're ever bored, you can check on the panels you marked down.
Try to be sure to have a place to stash your stuff. If you have a hotel room or a car that's easy, but if you don't, try finding a trustworthy friend (might wanna do this before the con) that has either of these things. You don't want to be lugging around Dealers' Room swag all day, and you might get tired of carrying a weapon if your cosplay has one.
Three things you probably would want to attend would be the dance(s?), the karaoke room, and closing ceremonies, but that's just me ^^; I don't attend many panels myself. The dance should have obvious reasons, the karaoke room is fun if you're with friends, and closing ceremonies is the only thing going on at the end of Kcon, so why not? The cosplay contest never really appealed to me, but you might like it.
... And that's about all I can think of :'D