I like all of them, actually, but if I devided it up between english and japanese, I would say I like Hikari more than Simple & Clean, and Sanctuary more than Passion.
So, since neither of the ones I like are actual choices, I won't be voting.
I side note, I heard in an interview Hikaru said she wrote Sanctuary better, and had a heckuva time coming up with japanese lyrics that held the same meaning and emotion. The songs are different, because of the lyrics, yet because of the composition, they are alike.
Its funny in a way.
I wish both KH games had Japanese dialouge options.
One of the reasons I enjoy the .hack games so much is that you can switch dialouge over to japanese, and have english subtitles appear on the screen, rather than hear the english voices. Thats how I played the entire game.
I wish all games had such options.