I decided on my platform and talent for next year's Miss Tri-Cities~<3
I also decided my whole wardrobe for the event will be handmade cosplay~<3 ^^
Platform- Women Bleeding Pink: The Fight Against Breast Cancer
Talent - Fields of Hope on Piano (Lacus Clyne - Gundam SEED) [I would sing it while playing but I don't think I'm that good of a singer. ^^; Maybe if I get more confidence, I'll try singing it and see if I'm any good.]
I just need to find cosplay outfits for the following:
Interview - Skirt or dress just above the knee.
Swimwear - This will be my hardest to find a recognizable swimsuit that isn't the school issues swimwear.
Evening Gown - Not so hard, but I want something that isn't too far out there...
I can easily alter outfits to be more pageant friendly...
Like I'm taking Lacus's
main outfit from SEED and turning it into a long sleeved top and then combining the top skirts into one that starts purple and slowly bleeds down into indigo. And taking off the white things that hang over the skirt. I'll probably lower the collar, too.