Kumoricon 2020 postponed to November 5-7, 2021!
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Guests FAQ

These are frequently asked questions regarding our Guests of Honor. Please review them and if your question still isn't answered, feel free to email us at guests@kumoricon.org, subject line "Guest Questions".

1. How are guests selected?

We ask that all guest requests be submitted to our guest team via our new guest request form. These suggestions are reviewed by the Guest Relations team. They then narrow the list down (based on popularity, availability, cost) and the Director of Relations begins to track down the potential guests on that list and offer invitations.

2. Can I be a guest?

If you're someone who has done something of note in a relevant industry, drop us a line! Unfortunately, we receive many more people asking to be guests than we could possibly afford to have at the convention. Please do not be offended if we turn you down, even if you offer to come for free. We hope you understand that our Guest Relations staff has limited resources and can only handle so many guests. However, you are still welcome to attend the convention and can apply to host a panel if you wish.

3. I work for ______ company in the Industry, can I ______?

Each year we receive more and more inquiries from Industry contacts. We would love to have your participation in Kumoricon! Please apply online for industry membership.

4. Why do you get so many American dub voice actors as guests?

Well, there are quite a few reasons why conventions tend to get more American guests than Japanese/Asian guests. American guests are very popular within anime communities. They also have the added benefits of not needing a translator, being able to go into the city without an escort, and are a lot cheaper to fly in rather than flying in from Japan.

5. I heard a rumor that _____ would be a guest. Is that true?

It is our policy that Kumoricon staff cannot discuss specific guests until they have been formally announced. Occasionally, someone will ask if a specific person or group will be a guest when there has been no formal announcement about that person or group. In these cases, the answer will always be "We can neither confirm nor deny." Even if that guest has us listed on their own website, we won't say anything until a formal announcement is issued.

It's best to just wait patiently. We like surprises.

6. Why don't you say who you're considering as guests?

There are several reasons actually:

  • We don't want people to be disappointed after showing up to Kumoricon expecting to see someone who was only rumored to be attending.
  • We don't want to get blamed for a guest not attending, for not trying hard enough, not being willing to pay excessive expenses, etc.
  • We don't want a guest blamed for not attending, not being able to make time for the convention, choosing to attend a different convention, etc.
  • The Guest Relations staff prefers to discuss our convention with potential guests ourselves to avoid confusion and miscommunication.
  • We like surprises.

Often, we may have guests confirmed but are waiting for something before making a formal announcement. We may be working out details, waiting for a bio, waiting for a similar guest so that they can be announced in the same press release, waiting for a publicity photo, etc. There are always valid reasons why we haven't announced guests right away. Once everything is worked out and we have everything we're waiting for, we will make a formal guest announcement.

7. Where do you announce guests?

Guest announcements are posted on our website and our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

8. I'm friends with someone you may want as a guest. Should I invite them for you?

While we realize you probably have good intentions, but please do not invite guests on Kumoricon's behalf. Our Relations department handles all of our guest and industry contacts to ensure we can continue to invite the guests and industry our attendees are interested in. This prevents any miscommunications which could hurt Kumoricon's chances of having a particular guest or industry representative attend in the future.

9. What days will the guests be at Kumoricon?

Unless we say otherwise, all of our guests will be at the convention for all three days. Guests will be scheduled for various panels and autograph sessions throughout the weekend.

10. When can I get autographs?

During our scheduled Autograph Sessions. Once our programming schedule is finalized, autograph session times will be publicized. Please do not ask for autographs before or after panels. Guests are busy at a convention and have other panels and events they need to attend.

For more about getting Autographs, please see our Autographs FAQs.

11. Can I give the guest a present?

Yes, but…

  • Do it when it's your turn at the autograph session.
  • Don't give them food. They probably won't eat food from strangers and some guests have food allergies.
  • Don't ask them to put on a shirt right away. Some guests are modest.
  • Don't expect anything special in return.