Author Topic: Is it innovative or blasphemous?  (Read 23748 times)

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Offline Kotori

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« on: April 14, 2005, 08:35:02 am »
When I first attended a Con those fateful three years ago, I saw a bunch of Harry Potter cosplayers. At first I thought, "Anime? I think not!" But as time passed, and more of those seemingly random cosplayers of all sorts appeared at the conventions, it became more, well, conventional. And so I'm wondering: Would it be wrong to dress as my favourite HP character for this upcoming KumoriCon? I figure, who better to ask than the experts, so here I am, asking you all. Feedback would be wonderful and very much appreciated! Hope to hear from you soon!
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Offline Luana-neko

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2005, 08:53:00 am »
Sure, why not? There was another group of Harry Potter cosplayers at Sakuracon. Basically, my view is that as long as it's a character from something that the majority of anime fans like, go for it. Hence why everyone loved the Dread Pirate Roberts and Captain Jack Sparrow at Sakuracon this year :D
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Offline Panda0_0

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2005, 10:09:27 am »
i want my friendto cosplay as some starwars person to an anime con and flip people off! it would be funny but i think he would get his ass kicked

Who are you? Whats your name? SUPER BROTHERS!

Offline superjaz

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 10:37:21 am »
its that extra bit o spice that makes exsistance extra nice (and where else r u gonna dress as you fave hp character yay hp)
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Negima

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 09:43:41 pm »
I don't think there's anything wrong with cosplaying something like that.

PrincessFrodo (right?) dressed up as a HP character at a Con awhile ago so there have been HP characters before.

And superjaz3p: a "Simpsons" quote.  ^_^

Offline otakusan

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2005, 12:00:35 am »
go for it, the point of the con is to have fun..... plus i see harry potter doujinshi all over at sakura con, and all of it was yaoi or


Offline Kotori

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2005, 02:50:43 pm »
Thanks for all the advice, you guys are awesome! Just between you and me, this'll be my first KumoriCon, so I'm sorta tentative about everything. Better safe than sorry, I say!
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Offline otakusan

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« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2005, 12:01:32 am »
Quote from: "Kotori"
Thanks for all the advice, you guys are awesome! Just between you and me, this'll be my first KumoriCon, so I'm sorta tentative about everything. Better safe than sorry, I say!

aah dont worry it will be my first time at kumoricon as well, lol


Offline Kyuubi

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2005, 07:05:54 pm »
dont worry u will catch on to things very fast.

dont forget to visit the game room ^_^ HALO 2 ROCKS

DIE GRUNTS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE...sorry ^_^;; little to much playing... :oops:

are there any guys that use bow and arrows in anime???

Offline Kotori

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2005, 11:09:54 am »
dont worry u will catch on to things very fast.

dont forget to visit the game room ^_^ HALO 2 ROCKS

Man, I wish I could play Halo. I mean, play Halo without walking into a wall for five minutes without even realising it. That stuff is hard! The perspective is all wonky for me. So some major cool points to whoever CAN play Halo well, because that takes skill.

And otakusan? I'm surprised to hear that this'll be your first KumoriCon, because I just sort of assumed you were a seasoned veteran. I wonder how many other first timers there are around here...?
I sang you to sleep those years ago...

Offline Radien

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2005, 08:57:45 pm »
Personally, I think it's perfectly alright to do just about anything on a whim (as long as it's appropriate to wear in public). If it's all just for fun, then it's all good. Kill Bill, Legolas from LotR, and Homestar Runner have all made appearances, and they all gave me a good laugh. :)

It does, however, annoy me slightly when people make a conscious effort to make non-anime costumes for the sake of having more non-anime costumes. It's just silly.

Quote from: "Panda0_0"
i want my friendto cosplay as some starwars person to an anime con and flip people off! it would be funny but i think he would get his ass kicked

This is NOT a wise idea. And not because it's a Star Wars costume. Star Wars fans are highly plentiful at anime conventions; we enjoy Star Wars references. But if he goes around flipping people off, that means he's intentionally aggravating people he doesn't even know, even if it's just a joke. That alone would make even diehard Star Wars fans (like me) unhappy with him. If he were actually friendly, then it'd give a good impression, and he'd probably meet lots of fellow fans.
A member of Eugene Cosplayers. Come hang out with us.

Kumori Con 2010 Cosplays:

Link (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Apollo Justice

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2005, 09:08:39 am »
oooooo!! some one should dress up as biggs and wege from the first star wars!! that where final fantasy got the names from, biggs and wege were the ones flanking luke's ship in the first star wars movie,
so when people ask who they are,  biggs, oh from ff, no star wars
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Neko_Chan

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2005, 11:00:52 am »
Quote from: "Kotori"
Thanks for all the advice, you guys are awesome! Just between you and me, this'll be my first KumoriCon, so I'm sorta tentative about everything. Better safe than sorry, I say!

:3 Mine too. I have HP cosplay, but I already have my costumes planned out, so I won't be wearing it. But I did wear it to school last year and the Movie (3rd, midnight showing. ;x).

Offline Kotori

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2005, 04:57:17 pm »
It's a little surprising to see so many first-timers headed to KumoriCon, but after the constant references made to it during SakuraCon, it's not too much of a surprise. That's what brings me here, anyway!

Neko_Chan, hooray for HP cosplay! We should have a photo shoot or something if you're bringing your costume along. Any other HP cosplayers out there? Maybe we could all meet up! That sounds like fun, because I've never actually met up with people at a Con before.

Alrighty then, it's now a plan. Any HP cosplayers who wanna meet up, you'd better let me know on here! I'm going as Cho Chang (I have a tendency to choose the...misunderstood characters), what about you guys?
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Offline Negima

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2005, 10:14:14 pm »
Quote from: "Kotori"
I'm going as Cho Chang (I have a tendency to choose the...misunderstood characters), what about you guys?

*Rears up like a cat* Hisssssssssssssss *slaps self back to reality*
Sorry about that; instinct.  (Proud supporter of Harry x Ginny)
Anyway, where was I?  Oh yeah...
I don't plan on HP cosplaying, but if I did I would go as... ... I think I would go as Lupin.  I scored as him on one of those HP personality quizzes.
Hmm, might be something to consider.  I do have a kind of cloak from an old costume of mine.

Offline Kotori

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« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2005, 10:32:47 am »
I don't plan on HP cosplaying, but if I did I would go as... ... I think I would go as Lupin. I scored as him on one of those HP personality quizzes.
Hmm, might be something to consider. I do have a kind of cloak from an old costume of mine.

I think you should do it! Because that would win you like...25 Kotori Points. And let me tell you, those are hard to come by.
I sang you to sleep those years ago...

Offline khayman

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2005, 12:02:49 pm »
Someone should go as Dobby. Maybe the staff. Conventions could use some house elves.
=SynthesiS= KHaYMaN

Offline Negima

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2005, 07:34:10 pm »
Quote from: "Kotori"
I don't plan on HP cosplaying, but if I did I would go as... ... I think I would go as Lupin. I scored as him on one of those HP personality quizzes.
Hmm, might be something to consider. I do have a kind of cloak from an old costume of mine.

I think you should do it! Because that would win you like...25 Kotori Points. And let me tell you, those are hard to come by.

I'll think about it.

Offline Kotori

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« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2005, 07:36:10 pm »
Woot! That's all I ask.
I sang you to sleep those years ago...

Offline Negima

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2005, 11:46:43 pm »
Question: If I decided on going as Lupin, would you expect me to go as "movie-version" Lupin or "the Lupin I imagine when I read the book" Lupin?  Also, can you think of any distinct characteristic for Lupin so people don't say "What wizard are you?"
(Love the books; not too wild about the movies)

Offline Kotori

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« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2005, 11:08:55 am »
Question: If I decided on going as Lupin, would you expect me to go as "movie-version" Lupin or "the Lupin I imagine when I read the book" Lupin? Also, can you think of any distinct characteristic for Lupin so people don't say "What wizard are you?"

I say go however you want! I just would love if I had a fellow HPer out there somewhere, and you seem cool, so that's a bonus. And about distinct characteristics...hmm...well, if you could find dog ears, that would add a bit of the 'Aww, cute!' and 'Hey, that makes sense, werewolf and all...' factor, I think. I'm realy just spouting out ideas off the top of my head, so I'm sorry that they're lame. That's a question to pose to others, too, I'd say, because I'm not the best person to ask. I'd have to go back and refer to parts of POA again, maybe even delve into some OOTP.

And the movies...don't even get me started on those...I love(d) 'em, but...uff. Long story.

If it proves to be too much of a hassle, you really don't have to do it! I won't be the least bit upset or anything. Just thought it'd be fun!
I sang you to sleep those years ago...


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« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2005, 08:10:23 am »
Of most of the clubs and hobby associations that include costuming as part of the hobby activity, just about -anyone- tends to be well received at any convention which includes hall costuming. I've been going to SF cons since the '70's, and I cannot recall anyone at an SF con being told that the 'theme' of your costume doesn't 'fit.' (Complaints about indecent exposure are an ENTIRELY different subject... and let's -not- go there.)  

The SCA is a medieval recreation society, and often those folks visit SF cons in perfect 1400's garb, but no one hassles them for them -NOT- being SF. I would think that just having fun in a costume will elicit a positive reaction from an anime con, as long as they recognise the character.  You would get a smile out of a perfectly well-done "Beetlejuice" dude ("It's SHOWTIME!") because some folks will remember the character and his schtick.

You can always play it as "hey guys, I'm just crossing over to visit from the parallel universe of another genre - how is it here in anime-land?" Or a Tom Bombadil could try "Hey, I was cut out of the movie, so I ended up HERE with you guys!"

My first Kumoricon, I saw an 'Invader Zim' costume, and my thought was 'Hey - theat's -NOT- anime, but it's FUNNY." So, on the one hand, I would hope that no one with a non-anime costume gets hassled, -BUT- on the other hand, I would hope that the costume judges hand out awards within the theme of the con. I think it would be really weird FOR AN ANIME CON to have a decently-done Gundam mech get passed over for an award because somebody else did a more perfect Star Wars Storm Trooper, or a Star Trek uniform, or a Warner Brothers' or Disney cartoon character.

You might give the 'outsider' some kind of honorable mention though, if the costuming is so superb that most other members have a positive reaction to it, -OR- it's a character with a parallel relationship to some other series which -IS-  an anime. Like, if someone did a cosplay skit with Harry Potter, and some anime characters then they could all get an award as a group. A better example might be mixing in an LOTR character with a bunch of Lodoss folks, or a skit like "Let's go questing with Sam, Frodo, Bilbo, and err, LINA INVERSE?!?!?" or 'Presidential Debate 2008: Zechs-Vader vs. Beld-Sauron. Arshes Nei is our moderator..."

OTOH, I was at Sakuracon, and even though I -have- lived in Japan, and -do- speak some Japanese, I *despise* dubs and just about never watch anything if I'm not hearing Japanese, yet I -still- found the J-rockers sort of catty and aloof. My reaction was, "Hey, that's the way they are - it's part of the character," and since I was there to have FUN, I just hung out with other folks instead. So I don't think it was a 'hardcore anime' vs. 'cartoon network wannabe' elitism, maybe it's just THEY'RE LIKE THAT. Deal.

- G


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Gankustuou Cosplay
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2005, 08:35:06 am »
Another fun thing:

'Gankustuou' (Media Factory / TV Asahi) is based on Alexander Dumas, 'Count of Monte Christo' story (1847) but told mostly through the eyes of a secondary character, Albert de Moncerf. 'Gankustuou' opens up an amazing amount of 19th century French costuming as 'admissible as anime,' plus check out THIS bio about one of the costume designers:

About Anna Sui:
Born in Detroit, Michigan, after graduating from high school Ms. Sui moved to New York and entered the Parsons School of Design. She released original designs and began attracting a significant amount of attention. Following her debut in 1991, in May 1997 Ms. Sui opened a boutique in Tokyo, the first of its kind in Asia. The decorative designs she produces are filled with originality and are sought by women all over the world who pursue loveliness, including celebrities both in Japan and overseas.

There is definitely a late-60's early 70's 'jet set' feel to some of the costumes in 'Gankutsuou,' somewheres between classic Chanel and Jackie Kennedy-Onassis. Add big bug-eyed sunglasses and a pillbox had, ant you're partway there, man.

- G

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2005, 10:22:42 am »
Question: If I decided on going as Lupin, would you expect me to go as "movie-version" Lupin or "the Lupin I imagine when I read the book" Lupin? Also, can you think of any distinct characteristic for Lupin so people don't say "What wizard are you?"
(Love the books; not too wild about the movies)

Pleeeease go as the Lupin you imagine when reading the book? One distinguishing characteristic that jumps out (and could double to carry swag) would be a battered "suitcase"/travel bag with his name on it.

"Harry.. wake up, Harry.. would you like some candy, Harry? This is our little secret, Harry..."
(IMHO, the movie Lupin had a really creepy Michael Jackson vibe)
This is my serious voice. Otherwise, I'm just another anime fan, not a moderator.

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« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2005, 04:49:16 pm »
Or a Tom Bombadil could try "Hey, I was cut out of the movie, so I ended up HERE with you guys!"

Ha, good stuff. Thanks for the thorough comment; you're officially my hero of the day! ...That's a good thing.

"Harry.. wake up, Harry.. would you like some candy, Harry? This is our little secret, Harry..."
(IMHO, the movie Lupin had a really creepy Michael Jackson vibe)

And you cracked me up! You're my other hero of the day. I heard that pedophile sentiment from a lot of other people who watched the movie, so I totally believe you on that one.
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Offline Keyta-Kun

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go ahead!!
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2005, 05:05:44 pm »
Eh!  I don't care go for it!! XD  I love the Harry Potter series!!! ^__^
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Offline Shadrie

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« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2005, 08:07:20 pm »
Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke is a guy with a bow

Btw, how do you include a piece of a previous post in your own?
And you'll never know who raked those leaves...


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« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2005, 08:13:37 pm »
To include a quote from a previous post, just click on that handy dandy "Quote" button in that top row of buttons (between underline and code) and then copy paste whatever it is you want to quote. Then, just press the "Quote" button again (it should have an asterisk by it now) and voila! Instant quote! An alternative to pressing the "Quote" button is to just press alt and 'q' instead.

Whew, something I can ACTUALLY help with. If you have any more questions about stuff like this, I'd be more than happy to help, so just drop me a message anytime![/quote]

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« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2005, 08:17:27 pm »
Sorry, that last post was from me, silly Kumoricon forums didn't want to acknowledge my signed in status... Fine, I see how it is...! I see I'm not wanted here. Oh, the heartbreak.  :D

And ignore that last little "
" thing too, I think my computer was just mocking me for typing it so much.
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Offline Negima

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« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2005, 10:33:17 pm »
Quote from: "randompvg"
Question: If I decided on going as Lupin, would you expect me to go as "movie-version" Lupin or "the Lupin I imagine when I read the book" Lupin? Also, can you think of any distinct characteristic for Lupin so people don't say "What wizard are you?"
(Love the books; not too wild about the movies)

Pleeeease go as the Lupin you imagine when reading the book? One distinguishing characteristic that jumps out (and could double to carry swag) would be a battered "suitcase"/travel bag with his name on it.

Good to know because my "book version" of Lupin is younger (but with some gray hair) and doesn't have the facial hair.  I wasn't too happy with the movie's version.
I like the idea of carrying around a battered suitcase.  I can see that coming in handy.  And I thought of an idea for another characteristic but I'm not sure how it would go.  My other costumes I'm thinking of doing are Kakashi from Naruto and a member of the Black Gema Gema Dan (from Digicharat).  I was thinking I could use the cat ears from the BGGD costume and say they're "werewolf" ears.

Wow, I wasn't sure about this idea at first but I may actually try it (still deciding).

Quote from: "randompvq"
"Harry.. wake up, Harry.. would you like some candy, Harry? This is our little secret, Harry..."
(IMHO, the movie Lupin had a really creepy Michael Jackson vibe)

Oh great.  Now I'm gonna have that stuck in my head for a week.  Oh well.

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2005, 02:39:12 am »
Good to know because my "book version" of Lupin is younger (but with some gray hair) and doesn't have the facial hair. I wasn't too happy with the movie's version.

Fair warning... you may find yourself getting glomped by a tall Kabuto. I loved the book Lupin, and *hated* the movie one. Maybe by meeting the "real" one, I can get the icky one out of my head.

I'll be going a little non-standard myself. Taking inspiration from the girl at Sakura-con who used the kanji for "love" on her forehead protector, I'll have the kanji for "traitor/rebel" on mine. In her words, "Lord knows there are already enough Leaves."  :wink:
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« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2005, 09:41:21 am »
I've decided to bring my HP Cosplay, and I'd love to do a photo shoot. xD I'm not any particular character, but I own the Ravenclaw robe (version from the 3rd movie.) and it rocks hardcore. I could get a curly wig and I could be ... -brain shuts down- Cho changs freind who rats on everyone in the fith book. o--o;;; -forgot her name-
But I think it'd be cool, either way. If anyone else feels like it, we could do a weird Harry Potter/Anime skit. :3

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« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2005, 12:15:39 am »
Quote from: "randompvg"
Good to know because my "book version" of Lupin is younger (but with some gray hair) and doesn't have the facial hair. I wasn't too happy with the movie's version.

Fair warning... you may find yourself getting glomped by a tall Kabuto. I loved the book Lupin, and *hated* the movie one. Maybe by meeting the "real" one, I can get the icky one out of my head.

Glad to be of help if I do decide on it.  
This idea also came into mind, but I could carry around small chocolates in case any Dementors are hiding around.  ^_^  I'm just not sure if it would all melt by the end of the day.

You know, for a costume that I'm still pondering on, it sounds like I've already given it a lot of thought and planning.

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« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2005, 01:27:11 am »
This idea also came into mind, but I could carry around small chocolates in case any Dementors are hiding around. ^_^ I'm just not sure if it would all melt by the end of the day.

You know, for a costume that I'm still pondering on, it sounds like I've already given it a lot of thought and planning.

I understand completely... I thought all the way down to carrying around Whoppers in a pouch as "soldier pills" for Kabuto. Whoppers have the advantage of being tasty, crunchy like in the anime, and not melting. :-)
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Offline eerielunarose

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« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2005, 02:02:52 pm »
A better example might be mixing in an LOTR character with a bunch of Lodoss folks, or a skit like "Let's go questing with Sam, Frodo, Bilbo, and err, LINA INVERSE?!?!?" or 'Presidential Debate 2008: Zechs-Vader vs. Beld-Sauron. Arshes Nei is our moderator..."

*Dies laughing.* Awesome. Now there's a couple of skits I'd like to see.  Guy, maybe you should write skits for people!

Anyway, about the non-anime cosplay... myself, my sister, and all the other staffers of con that I've ever talked to about the subject are totally cool with non-anime cosplayers. We love ya'll. I adore our con photographer/reporter from ANGL who dressed as GIR from Zim last year. I myself did a cosplay from an Alan Moore comic for a short while, simply because I think that particular one is so well-written that it -reminds- me of some of my favorite scificish anime.

Btw, those who watch this thread ought to check out my new "Cosplay Cast Call" post/thread, as there is something that mayhaps you could help me out with.

And about Lupin.... I guess I'm the only one in the universe in the David Thewliss fanclub. *sigh* Although, I must say, I was a fan of the actor well before the advent of the HP3 movie, which -doubtless- changed the way I viewed the portrayal of the character. I -hated-  the job they did with the  CG werewolf, but I personally like Thewliss a lot. He is understated... and granted, slightly creepy, which I believe was intentional, but the feel I got from it was not so much "pedo" as it was just making you wonder if he really was nice or was being manipulative and was maybe working with the dark side (... ~why~ do they keep trying to surprise us when 90% of us -have- to have read the books by now or at least heard about them?). But that's just my personal reading on it. And yeah, a lot of people think I'm odd for liking Thewliss so much.

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2005, 03:04:03 pm »
He is understated... and granted, slightly creepy, which I believe was intentional, but the feel I got from it was not so much "pedo" as it was just making you wonder if he really was nice or was being manipulative and was maybe working with the dark side

My personal take on it was that he was acting the part of trying to simultaneouly stifle and express his affection for Harry as an extension of his mother and father. Or to put it another way, motivated to keep it a secret for most of the movie because a) the emotional scars made it hard to talk about James/Lily b) he was terrified of the secret of the Animagi coming out c) he didn't want to be seen as playing favorites and/or d) some other reason altogether.

But any way you slice it, to me the actual acting came across as pedo-ish.  :?

"Harry, would you like to see my great hairy beast? You can't tell anyone else, though..."
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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2005, 02:26:48 am »
A better example might be mixing in an LOTR character with a bunch of Lodoss folks, or a skit like "Let's go questing with Sam, Frodo, Bilbo, and err, LINA INVERSE?!?!?"

"DRAGON SLAVE!"  *Kaboom!!*

Had to get that out of my system.  ^_^

Just to clarify, I'm not angry with the movie just because of the actor who played Lupin.  Believe me when I saw I could point out a lot of things from all three movie that I didn't like.


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« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2005, 01:06:32 pm »
Quote from: "Negima"
Just to clarify, I'm not angry with the movie just because of the actor who played Lupin.  Believe me when I saw I could point out a lot of things from all three movie that I didn't like.

Oh, lol, actually, I didn't like what they did with the third movie at all either. I accept that no movie can live up to a book, but I thought the first two were a bit more "on" than the third. I don't much care for the third movie in general. But I hadn't known that Thewliss was Lupin before I went in to see it (in Britain, wheee! a full week before American release!), and myself, being a fan, I was happy to see him getting to play a good guy and a popular character at last. Too bad fan reception of him seems to be poor. *pets 'im* Poor David. And it's totally okay, I know I'm nigh alone in my fandom here.... Hm. Maybe Kingdom of Heaven will help. *crosses fingers* XD

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2005, 01:09:06 pm »
Oh shoot. That was me. ^^;;; Baka desu!

I figured coming onto the forums from a link in my email would log me in, but I forgot that it only does that on my computer because I have it set to auto login me into the forums everytime. ^^;;; It's too early in the day for me.
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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2005, 07:37:56 pm »
I've decided to bring my HP Cosplay, and I'd love to do a photo shoot. xD I'm not any particular character, but I own the Ravenclaw robe (version from the 3rd movie.) and it rocks hardcore. I could get a curly wig and I could be ... -brain shuts down- Cho changs freind who rats on everyone in the fith book. o--o;;; -forgot her name-
But I think it'd be cool, either way. If anyone else feels like it, we could do a weird Harry Potter/Anime skit. :3

Marietta Edgecombe? That would be super cool. Would you have the freckles spelling 'sneak' too?

I think it's an awesome idea, and it would be super cool if we could maybe meet up at the con and take pictures. Any other takers?

And if we had enough for a skit, then you can totally count me in.
I sang you to sleep those years ago...

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2005, 03:16:22 am »
Quote from: "Kotori"
I think it's an awesome idea, and it would be super cool if we could maybe meet up at the con and take pictures. Any other takers?

Again, if I decide to go as Lupin, I'm up for the idea of a photoshoot.

I agree with you there that the first two movies were closer than the third (they got the order of events right) but I still think they could have done better.  Maybe if they added an extra hour or so....
Possibly my favorite book among the series is the second, mostly because it includes Ginny (Harry x Ginny ^^).  But in the movie you rarely saw her.  If I hadn't read the book, I would have wondered who that girl was near the end of the movie.  Also, is it just me or did Hagrid's return seem a little too much... ... disney-ish?
Sorry, I'm ranting here. ^^;;

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2005, 03:25:34 am »
Quote from: "Negima"
I agree with you there that the first two movies were closer than the third (they got the order of events right) but I still think they could have done better.  Maybe if they added an extra hour or so....
Possibly my favorite book among the series is the second, mostly because it includes Ginny (Harry x Ginny ^^).  But in the movie you rarely saw her.  If I hadn't read the book, I would have wondered who that girl was near the end of the movie.  Also, is it just me or did Hagrid's return seem a little too much... ... disney-ish?
Sorry, I'm ranting here. ^^;;

Oh goodness yes the end was terrible, SO cheesy. I feel like it could have been done better so that it didn't come off quite that bad, but even the whole concept of that way of doing the scene, yes, very Disney-feeling. I wouldn't know how else to put it, and I mean Disney in that "let us make everything unnaturally happy and saccharine" way.

And yes, making the movies longer would have made them better because you could include more of the story and develop characters like Ginny better (true they gave her little to no visual play), but you can't make movies, especially not movies aimed younger than adult for a target audience, that long in a theatrical cut. I sure would have liked to see more put back in for a DVD release though. Or at least have shot extra scenes for -inclusion- on a DVD disc. Blah.
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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2005, 04:43:10 am »
Possibly my favorite book among the series is the second, mostly because it includes Ginny (Harry x Ginny ^^). But in the movie you rarely saw her. If I hadn't read the book, I would have wondered who that girl was near the end of the movie.
And yes, making the movies longer would have made them better because you could include more of the story and develop characters like Ginny better (true they gave her little to no visual play), but you can't make movies, especially not movies aimed younger than adult for a target audience, that long in a theatrical cut. I sure would have liked to see more put back in for a DVD release though. Or at least have shot extra scenes for -inclusion- on a DVD disc. Blah.

I reaaaaally hope they show Ginny more in 4 and 5... especially 5. I loved the fact that in 4 and 5, she begins to develop much more as her own character rather than as an extension of Harry.

*spoiler alert*
And I especially loved the scenes she got in 5, where she was the one who stood up to Harry in the middle of his angstfest. In fact, without her there to hit him with a reality check, I'm not sure how Harry can be anything but a one-dimensional character in that movie.
This is my serious voice. Otherwise, I'm just another anime fan, not a moderator.

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2005, 06:57:38 pm »
Quote from: "Kotori"
I've decided to bring my HP Cosplay, and I'd love to do a photo shoot. xD I'm not any particular character, but I own the Ravenclaw robe (version from the 3rd movie.) and it rocks hardcore. I could get a curly wig and I could be ... -brain shuts down- Cho changs freind who rats on everyone in the fith book. o--o;;; -forgot her name-
But I think it'd be cool, either way. If anyone else feels like it, we could do a weird Harry Potter/Anime skit. :3

Marietta Edgecombe? That would be super cool. Would you have the freckles spelling 'sneak' too?

I think it's an awesome idea, and it would be super cool if we could maybe meet up at the con and take pictures. Any other takers?

And if we had enough for a skit, then you can totally count me in.

^__^- Sure, I love that scene! Oooh. I'm all excited now! I'll probably have to read the whole series over again (For the 20th time. xD)

I'd join in for a skit, but we have to have something Japanese/Anime related in it. I'll ponder that this weekend...

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« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2005, 03:31:56 pm »
I'm willing to loan out my HP costumes for skits.  That way if you need to outfit one or two more cast members that really don't want to get an outfit, I can help.  I don't want to outfit a whole group, but I can help fill in the gaps.

I have about 5 grey pleated skirts (all different sizes from 25 inch waist to 32 inch waist), about 4 Gryf. Sweaters, 1 Slythern, and 1 Ravenclaw.  A bunch of both the old style and new style ties and scarves for Gryf. and  Slyth.  I also have the grey knee socks in two different sizes (because I have really muscled legs!).  I have a bunch of White school shirts (unisex) that seem to never need ironing (thank goodness for real school uniforms, they know how to make easy to care for clothes!)
Sakura Cosplay  2005, Kumori 2004, 2003
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« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2005, 08:24:09 pm »
I'm willing to loan out my HP costumes for skits. That way if you need to outfit one or two more cast members that really don't want to get an outfit, I can help. I don't want to outfit a whole group, but I can help fill in the gaps.

I have about 5 grey pleated skirts (all different sizes from 25 inch waist to 32 inch waist), about 4 Gryf. Sweaters, 1 Slythern, and 1 Ravenclaw. A bunch of both the old style and new style ties and scarves for Gryf. and Slyth. I also have the grey knee socks in two different sizes (because I have really muscled legs!). I have a bunch of White school shirts (unisex) that seem to never need ironing (thank goodness for real school uniforms, they know how to make easy to care for clothes!)


I love you.

And I don't care if you're a boy or a girl or something completely different. Will you marry me?

Because that, my friend, was the most awesome thing I've heard all day. Even if you don't want to marry me, you're still my hero!
I sang you to sleep those years ago...

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« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2005, 09:41:30 pm »
;--; Go-gomen nasai... My sweater turned out real bad (My first Cosplay, ever. Ever ever ever.) and I...
I threw it away. D':
So I'll either buy one (I'm no good at knittin')... Or... ;__; I could, maybe, barrow a sweater?
o-o; That'd be all I needed beacuse I have everything else.
My tie needs wrok. xD I used Blue (dark) and yellow, and people thought I was Hufflepuff instead...

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« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2005, 11:29:00 pm »
Okay, I'm caving in.  I think I've thought about it too much not to do it.  Count me in as Lupin for KumoriCon.  I'll just have to figure out what days to do which cosplay.

Now my next question is what should I wear since I'm not cosplaying as a student?  I figure a cloak with some patches in it, maybe a tie (color?), and... I don't know... maybe a button-down shirt?  (suggestions are welcomed)

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2005, 12:20:48 am »
Quote from: "Kotori"
I'm willing to loan out my HP costumes for skits. That way if you need to outfit one or two more cast members that really don't want to get an outfit, I can help. I don't want to outfit a whole group, but I can help fill in the gaps.

I have about 5 grey pleated skirts (all different sizes from 25 inch waist to 32 inch waist), about 4 Gryf. Sweaters, 1 Slythern, and 1 Ravenclaw. A bunch of both the old style and new style ties and scarves for Gryf. and Slyth. I also have the grey knee socks in two different sizes (because I have really muscled legs!). I have a bunch of White school shirts (unisex) that seem to never need ironing (thank goodness for real school uniforms, they know how to make easy to care for clothes!)

I love you.
And I don't care if you're a boy or a girl or something completely different. Will you marry me?
Because that, my friend, was the most awesome thing I've heard all day. Even if you don't want to marry me, you're still my hero!

Awwww!  You're sweet!  I'm happily married and junk. ;)  I just happen to have the collection of outfits for doing readings and stuff for kids.  They really get a kick out of seeing the real outfits.  

My robes are all kids sized (or they are graduation robes).  I wear the kids large some of the time, but it's really too short for me.  One of these days I'll have to make some sets of robes and cloaks as well.

aka Naboo
Sakura Cosplay  2005, Kumori 2004, 2003
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<a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a&

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Is it innovative or blasphemous?
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2005, 12:35:57 am »
Quote from: "Neko_Chan"
;--; Go-gomen nasai... My sweater turned out real bad (My first Cosplay, ever. Ever ever ever.) and I...
I threw it away. D':
So I'll either buy one (I'm no good at knittin')... Or... ;__; I could, maybe, barrow a sweater?
o-o; That'd be all I needed beacuse I have everything else.
My tie needs wrok. xD I used Blue (dark) and yellow, and people thought I was Hufflepuff instead...

Which House do you need?

Oh for others who want sweaters and scarves, this place has a good reputation:

Hot Topic still carries the two main houses, but this place has the rest as well.

And, last but not least, Patches:
Sakura Cosplay  2005, Kumori 2004, 2003
This is where I got my import Para-Para game:
<a href=""><img src="" alt=""></a&