Kurimono:Yeah, there were SO many Yuki cosplayers at Sakura Con... hehe... all female, too. Whooda thunkit?
I definitely like Kyou, but it's sometimes bothersome that he seems to be eternally in the same mood (pissed off). The two times I like him best are when he's being teasing/thoughtful, and when he's showing trademark catlike behavior.
Star Ocean 3? Hai, many likeable characters in that game. But I am very happy to say that one of my favorites is actually Fayt. He seems like such a typical character type: regular teenage boy, considerate, friendly, honorable... but unlike many RPG heroes, he just seems so genuine and realistic. What do you girls think of him? ^_~
My other favorite characters are Nel and Peppita. However, none of my three favorites have costumes I'm terribly interested in, female or no. I love seeing them worn by other people, but don't want to make them.
On the other hand, Adray... now that's a crazy costume I'm considering. Full-upper body painted tattoos! ...Not very glompable, though.

Just to explain the "4 is a bad number" for those who don't know, "4" in Japanese is pronounced "shi" which is the same word for "death."
四 -> four , 死 -> death
which is why you rarely see number 4 or get things in 4s. its kinda like 13.....sort of
Hey, I stumbled across an interesting bit of dialog in Star Ocean 3. At the beginning, Fayt and Sophia discuss why there is no room "104" at the hotel. It seems that a common Japanese tradition for hotels is to omit the first room number ending in the number "4." Sound familiar? It's a lot like how some western hotels and other buildings omit the 13th floor.
I found it interesting not only because I hadn't known it, but also because they carried it over in the translation. It would have been possible to substitute it with our 13th floor tradition, but they decided to carry over that bit of Asian history.