yes i do realize this is a sexy picture.. well not really but yea my boyfriend made me say it. oh well. im sorry its in black and white. this one is kinda old. below it is a more recent one.

this one was taken the other day for my boyfriend so tell me what you think.
ok. so im almost 5'7, im plump and I effing love it, and my hair is blue black green at the moment but i will be dying it black soon. yes, i am a woman, as you can probably tell. my hair is usually kept short (lon g in the front short in the back)
i love all mangas and animes really, but my favorite are naryto, sailor moon, kingdom hearts, things like that. i lvoe Life, the manga not the drama.
i have been strongly wanting to do Axel, with a wig of course. but im not sure. i can make most of the things needed for my cosplay, other thigns i can buy secondhand becuse i do NOT have a lot of money to spend on this. this *points down* was part of my lolita cosplay lastyear, and it was hand made by my grandmother.

also, please send any suggestions to my email because i cannot get online a lot, but i can check my email from my phone. please send them either to or send me a text at 360 989 4280. if you send me any bad texts or anything of that sort, i will not answer and i will report you.

thank you ever so much

have a nice day