Yeah, the Blob was sort of lame, but I still think having it come out of the projection room in the theater and start eating all the viewers was a stroke of genius. If you saw it in the theater, I am sure it gave you the heebie jeebies. And yes the Blob was actually fairly fast if it wanted to be. When you think about it it isn't a lot different than alien symbiote from the SpiderMan storyline.
For lame stories try "Day of the Triffids" OK I understand that everyone is blind, but COME ON! These are walking plants for crying out loud. And how do we defeat them? A firehose and salt water. I am sure that worked really well in Kansas.
Anyone watch "The Birds" recently? Now THAT is stupid people! I hear a strange noise in the attic, let me go up there and open the door. See a bunch of birds, but STILL GO INSIDE. Then shut the door and forget how to turn the doorknob (or accidentally lock yourself in the attic). Oh, and fall in front of th door so when they come to try and save me they have to push my unconcious body with the door. OK now we are ready to escape. Lets see the old steel hardtop pickup truck or the cloth top convertible. Lets use the cloth top. Birds can't attack through that. Then there is the whole gas station scene with the cigarette. "Hmm, I smell gas, well it is a gas station, time to light up." BOOM! Darwin Award winners every one.