The overly contrary guy in my Ethics class... he does nothing but rely on fallacies an derails good discussions.
(Discussing Overpopulation)
Guy: I don't think it's a problem....
Me: See right there, China alone is over 4 billion people... (list of factual reasons why that is a problem)
Guy: You can't just pull out arbitrary numbers and expect me to agree with you.
Me: What? It's not arbitrary it says the exact population count right there on the presentation, it's a factual statistic I didn't make it up...
Guy: ARBITRARY, ARBITRARY, ARBITRARY, Come back with facts and maybe I'll listen.
SERIOUSLY!? A NUMBER CAN'T BE ARBITRARY IF IT'S A STATISTIC AND IS PROVEN, I DID NOT MAKE IT UP! STOP BEING SO DIFFICULT AND TRYING TO BE THE ALPHA OF THE CLASS!!! I don't know how this guy can be so infuriating and illogical, when his cousin who is in the class also is so level headed and intelligent. >=[