Hi all,
My RL name is Terry. I am the old guy who lurks around in the background, and laughs at the antics of you younguns. (HEY GET OFF MY LAWN! QUIT PLAYING IN THE WATER FEATURE!) Umm. sorry where was I? Oh yeah, My avatar is Wuntvor. The bumbling apprentice from the Craig Shaw Gardner books. I use him on every board I join. I suppose I should get something anime themed. Maybe Ichan from Angelic Layer.... I am totally clueless about
Spoons, but I assume you mean the game. Never played it, but wouldn't mind learning. Any of you play Munchkin?
Oh, Favorite anime? GAHH! Read my reply to the thread on that.

Really I have so many I can't limit it to just one. I am enjoying Zettai Karen Children right now. I'm not sure, but I think it is the same studio that did Combat Butler Hayate. I do know that the characters of that anime appear in the background on occasion. I also just finished watching Moribito - Gaurdian of the Sacred Spirit. Now THAT is some fine animation.
I could be seen cosplaying Lt. Commander Andrei Kalinin from FMP. Am still looking for a character with beard and moustache that I can play, preferablly with a hat. I hate wearing that darn wig! I may try being Kincho Daimyoujin the Sixth, a tanuki from Pom Poko. I am trying to get my wife to go as Fireball Oroku, also from Pom Poko. I think the two of us together would be fun. I do have a ST-TNG uniform ( 2nd season red-command) with Lt. Commander rank pips on the collar. It is made from wool gabardine, dry clean only, and custom (my wife made it for me from a pattern I purchased). I can still remember the time it actually fit me. (sigh) |  |
I am a major fan of animation in all of it's forms. Part of the reason I started out as a furry and then migrated to anime otaku. I originally wanted to be an animator, but I can't draw well. I decided that my skills are more on the side of computer graphics, camera, and script. I balance out my wife, Shelley, who is a great graphic artist, and
well known as well.
I spend way to much time holed up at home. I don't get out much. I tend to "cocoon" myself. I like sharing my collection of anime with my friends, and have people over every Friday to watch stuff. I probably have the largest collection of fansubs in Eugene I like meeting new people, and have an interesting collection of friends.
I also have a large collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. I read alot.
I was one of the 1113 employees released from Hynix. Was employed there for 6 years. Second one of my jobs to leave Eugene for better pastures. (sigh) I was employed by Western Electronics for 16 yrs. before they closed their Eugene branch. I am currently attending Lane Community College. Am getting my AS degree in Computer Networking. With any luck I will get a position locally in network support. If all else fails I may try my hand at webdesign. I already am webmaster for the
OSRT, and assit my wife with her
CDD site.