And that'd be really cool.~ I can't remember who the chess masters were last year. Actually, last year's Cosplay Chess game was kinda boring to me for some reason. D:
This year's will be amazing though!~
Oh really? I missed it cause I only went on Saturday )= So this year should be fun!
We shall do our best to entertain with bickering and Such.
I shall lead us to Victory ! hopefully
I'm not sure what room it will be in It will be in Live 1 and 2 on Monday from 12PM to 3PM (note, the pre-meet is 10:30AM to 12PM), hopefully what happened last year won't happen this year...being, that they simply ran out of room! I was in line to go see the chess but they not long after I got there had to turn away a sizable number of people as there just wasn't any room left for people to go in. Also of course they had to be sure there was enough room for the yeah, that was a bummer. 50~100 some people turned away I would say.
Likely, the same thing will happen again *chuckles* only because of the room size more people will be able to come in. It is after all the biggest event/show on the last day of the con I think that's not hard to agree on right? (Could be wrong though of course) I'm excited to see what the turn out will be as well as the match-ups. ^_^
Oh, has it been decided then on who the two Chess Masters will be? From what I read I think that's the case but I wanted to check. Loved chess for years and I'm okay at it..but wonderful at grabbing attention so it would work well.

I'm not sure if the Chess Master (even if I wouldn't be able to be one, I'm still curious) is actually IN the game or not..don't know how it works for Kumoricon. At Sakuracon '09 I was lucky enough to get in on that in my Kenshin outfit (Lols, I replaced a Stormtrooper that didn't show up.

) and the 'King' was also the Chess Master. However those games were pre-decided before the start of the game, so I'm not quite Anyway, hopefully I can get some answers on that. ^_^
Should be fun. One way or another.