Wow, after reading the comments about the masquerade, I am definitely not sad that I missed it. I even went back to my room and considered making a mask so I could check it out, but it sounds like I would have been disappointed if I did, as it was essentially "rave with masks!!!" ^^;
I don't attend the raves for varying reasons-- don't want to cause damage to or get sweaty in my cosplay, among other things...
I was interested in the Masquerade because it sounded like it would be kinda classy.
The dealer's room was pretty disappointing. I think it may have even been better last year. :X
Friends & I went to the shounen-ai/shoujo-ai party, and nobody was running it. Things got very annoying when people decided to try to come up with things to do, and one young girl essentially took this as an opportunity to bark orders and yell at people. My friends located staff to see if anyone knew anything and were met with little/no response. Shoulder shrugs and such.
We left that panel pretty quickly.
On the plus side, the yaoi/yuri party was ridiculous fun, so mad kudos to the people organizing that one.

Some of the staffers were genuinely helpful and friendly. A few were not. I didn't have much interaction with the staff, but I simply asked a staffer sitting outside one of the panel rooms if this was the right panel, and she kinda made an ambiguous gesture that could have been a shrug or nod, so I peeked in the room and found...nothing going on. Weirdness.
The biggest panel disappointment was the Maria Watches Over Us screening. As far as I know, it didn't happen, but my friends & I lost patience, so if it eventually started up, I don't know. The people in the room didn't seem to care or know that there was an event that was supposed to be going on in there. At the time, the majority of attendees were lined up for the Cosplay Chess panel. I got the feeling several times at the con that they were focusing so hard on the huge events that they kind of ignored smaller events that were also going on and nobody knew or could really be bothered to find out if they were going to happen.
I don't know if anything can be done about this, but kids would ride the elevators as many times as they could get away with, pressing every button and stopping on every floor. A lady got into our elevator and was told by some kid, "going down? You'll want to take a different elevator, because we're pressing every button on the way down."
The lady firmly said, "no, you are not." and the kids went "awww maaan, I knew someone would say that!" and pouted, then got off on the next floor. Thank god.
Staff manning the elevators, when they were present, were very pleasant and helpful.

Closing ceremonies were a big disappointment for me. The last two years I've gone, they have been a highlight of the convention, and always left me revved up and smiling and thinking, "man, this was a good con." This year it was just like, "blah blah bliddy blah, IT'S OVEEEEER!!"
and I'm looking around like, "seriously? We're leaving now?? I did NOT need to attend this!"
The hotel staff was amazing.
I skipped out on a lot of panels this year, so I'm sure there were a lot of great things going on that ran smoothly, but it was a big sad that a few that I did choose to attend were so messed up.
I don't know for sure that I'll be here for the con next year, but if I'm able to attend, I'm really really looking forward to the new convention space, I think it's going to be a lot more suitable.