Author Topic: Preregistered?  (Read 1905 times)

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    • ooorangy@Tumblr
« on: August 30, 2008, 12:35:49 am »
Okay, I know the deadline for preregistration was sometime in August-- the trouble is, I sent in my sister's and my mail-in form about 12 hours late. AKA about around the next day.

I'm new to Kumori and don't know the extent of the severity of the rules of registration. Are my sister and I preregistered, or were we just a little too late? If we are preregistered, is there any way I can confirm this? If we aren't, will we need to stand in the registration line, and will we be able get our check back?

I know this is probably the worst possible time I could've put this up. I'm considering emailing Kumori in a moment.

Help, please?