Attention plushies and dolls!
Kon wants *YOU*

for "Cuddly Cosplay" Do you have a plushie that's been begging for a chance to appear on stage? A teddy bear ready to emote as Ichigo from Bleach, or perhaps My Shinigami Pony? Give it the opportunity to strut! It's a cheesy cosplay presentation just for them!
Make an outfit for the plushie. Provide documentation if you think it would help. We will have sound (a boombox) for CDs and a "followspot" flashlight. If you forget to bring music, you may sing or the audience may provide random sound effects at their whim.
There will not be tech rehearsal. If you have a group, contact director and we'll think of something. Stage size will be whatever table we can confiscate in the room we get.
Stuffed animal must be dressed; no costume is no costume.
Presenter must be inconspicuous (in Japan puppeteers wear all black -- Ninja costume time!!)
Time limit - 45 seconds; no stage hogging!
Further rules TBA as they occur to us.
Cuddly Cosplay will be held on MONDAY at 2 PM in Panel 3 (I think...check schedule to be certain)
Edit by Jamiche:Fixed image link