Sorry for the delay in my replies, guys.. other deadlines have been keeping this on the back burner
I've sent out replies today to all the registrations I have received... if you have not received an e-mail, I did not receive your form. (Except for you, Syd.. I did get your form in the mail, but with no pic like you thought. If you can e-mail or mail it, that would be great. Or bring to a gen mtg.)
Bob - go ahead and submit your cosplay, we'll just mark it as other. It's the quality of the cosplay that is important

Nikkiolie - you can submit more than one cosplay. If you have a strong preference on which you would like to use, please let me know.. otherwise, it gives me options on the make-up of the teams.
Wind - As long as it doesn't conflict with duties on your end, and you can make the pre-meet, you are more than welcome to participate in Cosplay Chess

The more the merrier.
Thanks for all your patience, guys. If you have any other questions, let me know.