Author Topic: 2008 May 18th GM Minutes  (Read 4816 times)

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2008 May 18th GM Minutes
« on: May 23, 2008, 10:15:03 am »
Altonimbus Entertainment GM 5/18/2008
Presiding: Michael Andrews, President
Minutes taken by: Ryan Stasel
Board in attendance:
Mike Andrews, President
Dawn Hewitt, Vice President
Ryan Stasel, Secretary
Eric Teizel, Treasurer
David McCarley, Facilities Liaison
Jess Shelton, Operations
Jaki Hunt, Programming
Jeff Tyrrill, Publicity

Sitting in for Relations, Nate Clampit

Meeting called to order: 13:25.

Departmental Reports.

-Thanks to assistance from the VC and Chair, the second Tier is mailed out. Working on getting monthly mail outs.
-Tech and Registration have both filled the minimum required for their departments for the coming con. Could still use more, but at this point, we’re good.
-Introduce Managers and Assistant Managers.
-News from Yojimbo.
   Currently have all of 9 paid Yojimbo, and 15 that are on “the list” but have not officially registered.
   Training starts today, but in the staff section of the forums, you can find more info on the forums.
-Volunteers we have, and are looking for work.
-Registration computer broke yesterday, looking at getting a replacement.

-Staff needed for Cosplay and Gaming (needs some).
-Karaoke needs staff, just know you’re going to have to listen. =P
-Draft of schedule should be out in June, and then release candidate out in July.
   -Any questions people have, please talk to Guy after the meeting.
   -Windows Movie Maker in Vista is bad. It makes stuff that only work in Vista and XP, and they’re Huge.
   -About 20 entries. Japan, Germany, France all represented.
   -Only person that can’t enter the AMV contest is Guy, and any judges.
-Cosplay. 1 entrant that can’t fill out the form, so they’re copying and pasting. Looking for more staff, and otherwise, please let her know if you have any questions, or would like to help. Seamstress/ers would be great.
-Kumoricon Lite was a good turnout… about 200 people. 170 books donated to the library. Upcoming outreach: July 19th, there is a dance scheduled. Cosplay swing dance. Less formal, but same idea. Might have some games (blackjack, etc).
-Art show is coming back. We have a manager, and there will be more info up on the site soon.

-Street Team. Full force, we’re going now. Grab flyers. If you post them anywhere, go into the forums and let us know. Looking for a street team lead in Eugene, Portland, and possibly Vancouver. This would be a staff job. Certain places, like Powells, we need people to routinely hit those places to refresh stock of flyers. There’s also a print out on the staff part of the page that has advertising rates, info about the con, etc that can be dropped off at businesses. Also looking to organize local skype sites for areas.
-looking for a promotions manager, and a press coordinator. Seek out Press, or local Businesses to look at ad swaps (where we could advertise and where they can advertise with us), possible coverage of the con, etc.
-Going to be improving the calendar. We’d like to show local events (club events, and other events that our attendees and staff would be interested in). Looking for PHP, CSS, HTML programmers if they’re interested.
-Contest for “Info” page on the Kumoricon Page was last week. Had no entries. So, if you’d like to do it, please let us know.
-Mascot for Swing dance is being worked on, it’s in the staff areas of the forums.
-Only staff that cannot enter Mascot contest are anybody involved in administration of the contest.

Relations, Nate reporting.
-Major news, confirmation of Greg Dean is going to be attending the con.
-Need Exhibit hall, and Artist Alley staff.

Facilities Liaison.
-Room Block increased. 140 rooms. 1/3 of those are already gone. ~700 room nights at this point.
-Looking for an assistant. Please email forwards to David, please send a brief “hello”.
-OLCC training for staff is right out. There will be a trained and licensed tender pouring for the event. The hotel, insurance, and Con will require this in Con Space, since it could potentially have minors able to walk in.

-UO Event went great. About 100 people showed, and they’d like for us to come down again and help.

-Staff Retreat went great. Got full deposit back.
-Did pay taxes this year, which, “sucked”.

Vice President.
-Assistant. Alex Geesman. Will be running Maid Squad.
-Helping out with Registration now.

-Tier 2 is mailed out. Small stack left with minor errors.
-Tier 3 will be a couple weeks.
-Uwajimaya event was yesterday. Someone cut through our booth, kicked a power cord, and took out the laptop.
-Looking for campus reps at some point. Hopefully to get involved and helping with Anime clubs around on campuses.
-Looking for more venues.
-Looks like we could get the Bleach movie at Bridgeport Regal (Fathom event). Would be June.
-PCC wants to have a Minicon event 2 weeks after the con. This would be Sylvania. Hawkeye would like to get us some contact info for Rock Creek.
-Sean Fraser works at Regal that will get both Death Note and Bleach. Will get contact info.
-Outreach stuff generally goes through Mike.

Meeting Adjourned. Second.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 10:19:36 pm by staze »
Founding Member, Altonimbus Entertainment
"You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?"