Author Topic: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008  (Read 151308 times)

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Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2008, 09:31:28 am »
I think she was getting notes over DA regarding the AA and things that should have gone to her email instead. Obviously it's the only way to hope to get a reply though. u.u;

I noticed there's a vendor post further up in the forums now. Apparently at least one of the vendors is still in the dark here also.

Offline MistressLegato

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #51 on: June 24, 2008, 12:17:16 pm »
If she is inactive via e-mail, what choice did people have but her DA notes?

I hope she never gets this position again.
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #52 on: June 24, 2008, 02:00:30 pm »
Her Da was the only way I got any response, to be honest. If that's what it takes to get an answer...then what other choice do people have? I know there has to be some angry Vendors out there too since it's the same email they gotta get through to as well. Ugh ugh UGH.

Hazuza, it's never quite been like this before, don't let it discourage you! Keep trying, and try again next year! It's usually pretty easy going to get a table. I ain't gunna give up, I love this convention too much to do so  :-X .

Edit: I think at this point people should just start simply emailing "Relations" instead of the Exhibitors email, it's clear there is not going to be a response and perhaps going above the coordinators head is the best idea, since she's overseen by Relations. I hate to panic at all,'s getting damn close and no other staff has said anything on their OWN forums aside from Treasurer and Director of Programming. It could very well be possible that the AA/EX coordinator is also not getting any help or replies from other staff, so it may be time to try and get a more direct answer.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 02:25:31 pm by Neolucky »

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2008, 11:54:02 pm »
Thanks for all your help, Neo, you tried so hard to help me out!  I will see you there and buy prints from you.  I hope to have a table next year or at Sakuracon.
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Offline lolanime

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2008, 12:01:56 am »
you can try contacting her via aim. Its what i did. I do hope that legato, you try one more time. Two months to go! Good luck to you all! And stop by danmaku crafts if you get a chance.

Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2008, 01:05:49 am »
Blah, I guess I could download AIM. I hate that we're all having to search for ways to contact this person. If you can make it to meetings, I'd say go for it. I've had to miss the last two because it's just too much to drive to Portland as far as gas goes now. I did send a message with my roommate who goes though. I'm confident that things will be taken care of, even if it takes a little more time. I've been pestering people about this problem since February/March when it took me so long to get my contract. x.x;

As it is now, I just hope I get to see everyone there. One of the greatest parts of Kcon for me has been the Artist Alley and getting to see all of the awesome talent that people bring to the convention.

I kind of replied to what lolanime said in the other thread about this, here *too lazy to make two posts*. >.<;;

Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2008, 01:37:05 pm »
you can try contacting her via aim. Its what i did. I do hope that legato, you try one more time. Two months to go! Good luck to you all! And stop by danmaku crafts if you get a chance.

Did she actually respond and give you information through AIM? I'm curious.

Offline lolanime

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2008, 05:53:16 pm »
yeah actually. She emailed me the contract by talking to her.

Offline Misuteru

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2008, 08:07:50 pm »
I contacted her through DA. I was told to resend my e-mail and that she'll answer me in a few days ?__?

Progress, but I'm still not counting my chickens yet U_U
Hopefully I get the reply and all will be well *crosses fingers*

Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #59 on: June 26, 2008, 01:37:10 pm »
Definitely let us know if she does contact you back! And if not, keep emailing >:|!

Offline Patchwerk

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2008, 05:25:16 pm »
I still don't know if email should be so heavily relied on at this point.  It really does seem like the only way to be assured to get any solid response from her is anyway BUT email.

I realize contacting her other ways may not be appropriate, but when you take on the responsibility to be in charge of so many people and are not readily available for them... then there's a problem.  Exhibitors and artists are a main event of conventions and it they're not there, then the convention is really gonna suck.  (Luckily I'm already set because I'm sharing a table with Neolucky.)

Those of you contacting the coordinator should definitely drop the hint that she should check out the forums.  I see that Misuteru has already done that!

I'm probably being redundant with all this stuff... but... eh.  :-\

Offline MistressLegato

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2008, 08:29:57 pm »
If anyone is willing to share a table, I will pay you for half of what you've already paid. 
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline lolanime

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #62 on: June 26, 2008, 10:24:29 pm »
i will legato! I havent paid yet, im doing it on the first, then going down ot oregon or calling someone down there for confirmation of my payment. I think it sucks youve had such a hard time of it all. If you want email me at friskavk at yahoo dot com. Im sure this con will rock, we just have to look out for each other. Also, what are you selling? We are selling stickers, pins, prints, and mainly plushies. 

Offline Hawkeye

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2008, 01:07:23 am »
For any of you who have been trying to reach our artist's alley contact, DA has had massive problems with their email server over the last couple of months, hence the difficulty in establishing contact.  So please keep that in mind when you're trying to reach her.
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #64 on: June 27, 2008, 01:49:23 am »
For any of you who have been trying to reach our artist's alley contact, DA has had massive problems with their email server over the last couple of months, hence the difficulty in establishing contact.  So please keep that in mind when you're trying to reach her.

We've ALL been trying to reach the contact it seems.

What's "DA" by the way? Sorry if it's a silly question! And could there not be a way to have been using an alternate email instead? Is this the same problem that was talked about earlier with the emails not forwarding to Lori's Exhibitor email or is this an entirely new problem? I'm kind of confused, Hawk.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #65 on: June 27, 2008, 03:18:43 am »

Offline Patchwerk

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #66 on: June 27, 2008, 12:32:07 pm »
I'm pretty sure by 'DA' Hawkeye doesn't mean Deviant Art, because I don't know how DA could have 'email problems' because it... isn't email.

I think most of us here now realize that those involved with running Kumoricon have been having major email problems.  I think this should've been more formally addressed though... Like, on the front page of the convention website or something.  Not everyone knows to dig through the forums to look and see what the problems are.

In case Hawkeye doesn't know... By DA we mean ...  The AA coordinator has an account there and people have been desperate enough to try and get her attention that way since email (even though we are told that it is 'fixed') still doesn't seem to be working.

If I'm completely off on this topic, I apologize...  This is just my assumption to try and clear things up.

Offline Misuteru

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2008, 01:44:18 pm »
?_? Got a reply from her finally (and from the exhibitors e-mail too~)

Sadly, no contract yet

"I'm working on my layout to see how many more artists that I can squeeze in. I'll let you know as soon as I have permission to expand the AA a little bit. ^.^"


Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #68 on: June 27, 2008, 02:43:19 pm »
x.x She said she was going to expand the AA a month ago.

I just think that if email were such an issue, it should have been worked on already or there should have been a way figured out around it.  I just wish that she would check the forums once in a while. n.n;;

Offline MistressLegato

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #69 on: June 27, 2008, 02:59:48 pm »
I wouldn't bother making excuses for her laziness.  Whether or not the e-mail on this site is working, that doesn't explain her ignoring all comments made here, e-mail sent to her real e-mail and notes sent to her on deviantart.
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline khaosvanity

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #70 on: June 27, 2008, 03:15:11 pm »
I wouldn't bother making excuses for her laziness.  Whether or not the e-mail on this site is working, that doesn't explain her ignoring all comments made here, e-mail sent to her real e-mail and notes sent to her on deviantart.

Very true! Miss L is right, it doesn't matter if her email was working or not. She could always come onto the forums (which I believe she did ONCE).
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Offline Neolucky

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2008, 03:31:26 pm »

Very true! Miss L is right, it doesn't matter if her email was working or not. She could always come onto the forums (which I believe she did ONCE).

If you look on the first page of this thread, she was here and posted twice. She's aware of this thread.  And now in her DA claims she "Had no idea!"

I don't buy that. Not one bit. She's had these forums brought to her attention, I have PERSONALLY noted her on Da about them and how upset people are getting, she knows dang well what's going on here. However I refuse to start more drama involving this on her DA by making this comment there. I was debating on saying something on her DA journal, but figured it was a bad idea.

I am appalled. I really am.

"I'm working on my layout to see how many more artists that I can squeeze in. I'll let you know as soon as I have permission to expand the AA a little bit. ^.^"

WHAT? ... UGH. She mentioned she had permission (Or had decided to) to do this 4 pages back in this thread!...And her adding "^.^" just feels really annoying to see after all this, in her responses. It's a little late to be working on layout, I think! Cripes as long as it bloody well gets done...
« Last Edit: June 27, 2008, 03:38:03 pm by Neolucky »

Offline Patchwerk

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2008, 03:41:53 pm »
Just sent a note off to her on Deviant Art.  Hopefully that will urge her to participate in the forums and, possibly, set things straight.

*cough*  :-\

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2008, 09:47:10 pm »
She's ignored my DA notes.  Good luck, though!  PLEASE, Kumoricon, do NOT have this person do the AA next year or we won't have ANYONE to buy art from.
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline khaosvanity

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #74 on: June 28, 2008, 12:20:38 am »
Forget it, I'm just hella frustrated about the situation.  >:(
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 01:15:20 am by khaosvanity »
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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #75 on: June 28, 2008, 12:35:48 am »
Just a suggestion... But let's not get a mob mentality here, alright?  We're not getting much contact from any of the convention coordinators... Sooo... While, yes, it would be appreciated if the AA coordinator would help out a bit more... Let's not openly slander anyone here.  Yeah.

Offline GenkiIchigo

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #76 on: June 28, 2008, 01:53:51 am »
Just a suggestion... But let's not get a mob mentality here, alright?  We're not getting much contact from any of the convention coordinators... Sooo... While, yes, it would be appreciated if the AA coordinator would help out a bit more... Let's not openly slander anyone here.  Yeah.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing! It's getting a little bit hostile in here. x.x;; I'm sure people are working on this!

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2008, 08:29:05 am »
By all means, this is not "official", but know that people are working on this. I don't have details, but I was told that people are working to get this straightened out and make sure people are contacted. I know it is frustrating, just please hang in for a bit longer. ;) At least now you can say you have been contacted by a coordinator...thought I am just a lowly graphic designer. :P
« Last Edit: June 28, 2008, 08:30:27 am by Evaldas »

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #78 on: June 28, 2008, 01:59:08 pm »
thank you lowly graphics designer <3

Offline Hawkeye

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2008, 11:07:54 am »
I do know what DA stands for, I have heard that message systems (which I assumed was email based) have been having technical problems for a couple of months though.
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Offline Misuteru

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2008, 12:47:25 pm »
I do know what DA stands for, I have heard that message systems (which I assumed was email based) have been having technical problems for a couple of months though.

DA had some note problems a few months ago but they were fixed within about a week C: (lol I've been getting notes on DA just fine, and sending them back has worked just as well)

Edit: :/ I sent her a small piece of my mind (don't worry I'm a civil person, no caps/obscenities were involved) when I replied to her e-mail telling me she had to get permission to expand the artist alley.

Really, this is ridiculous how hard it is to get a table and how little information I've gotten from e-mailing anyone. I'm going to the July meeting to hopefully sort this out in person (lol and actually get a solid answer) if I don't get any e-mail reply prior. ?_? srsly guys, come on
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 06:43:08 pm by Misuteru »

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2008, 05:25:57 pm »
I do know what DA stands for, I have heard that message systems (which I assumed was email based) have been having technical problems for a couple of months though.

DA had some note problems a few months ago but they were fixed within about a week C: (lol I've been getting notes on DA just fine, and sending them back has worked just as well)


All I know is I'm really tired of excuses.  You can't have every single way of communication with a person not functioning. That sounds more like someone just isn't doing their job.

P.S. This isn't slander, considering she has SAID she's ignoring notes on her DA and wants everyone to forward her their e-mails, which they've already sent several times.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 05:31:15 pm by MistressLegato »
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

Offline TomtheFanboy

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #82 on: June 30, 2008, 07:15:29 am »
Well, this is disappointing. I'm trying to get layout information for my maps (I'm the convention cartographer) and I'm rather disheartened by her lack of response. I sure hope I can get info from her soon!

Time to fire off a fresh email. I'll let you guys know if I get a timely response.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #83 on: June 30, 2008, 01:42:13 pm »
I do know what DA stands for, I have heard that message systems (which I assumed was email based) have been having technical problems for a couple of months though.

I receive my notes JUST fine, as well as sending, there is VERY little wrong with that websites communication, and there is a function to see if your note has been read. (Just check your sent-box and see, if the note is yellow it hasn't been read, if not yellow? It's been read).

Trust me, DA should have nothing to do with getting a hold of the Exhibit Coordinator, in all respects. Sadly it's what people HAVE HAD TO DO just to get a response. I'm sorry, but mentioning "DA having email problems" is another random excuse when dealing with Miss Collins. And now other staff cannot get a hold of her? Cripes! Is there a meeting coming up where this can be brought up? It's becoming something of an urgent matter as the convention draws close.

Yeah. I'm a civil person myself, and I've BEEN civil this entire time, even when being blunt with this coordinator and asking for a simple response! (To which, I was given quite a lacking, if not immature reply). LOTS of people HAVE BEEN civil. We've gone so far as to contact her and ask her to look at these forums just so she can see how much negativity is floating around due to her absence. And STILL she is a no show, even if it's VERY CLEAR she's active online.

What a freaking headache this whole mess has been, for everyone, I'll tell ya'.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #84 on: June 30, 2008, 01:49:06 pm »
A friend has offered to let me split a table with her.  I would like it if someone could tell me who to contact about getting the ID that would allow me into the AA before and after hours.

I know I need to get pre-reg'd, but I also need and artist badge.

Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #85 on: June 30, 2008, 01:52:59 pm »
P.S. This isn't slander, considering she has SAID she's ignoring notes on her DA and wants everyone to forward her their e-mails, which they've already sent several times.

Yeah, I'm not accusing anyone of slander.  I'm just saying we should try and remain civil...  Unfortunately I've been in a situation at a convention where I was quite upset, but civil, (even though I had a right to be because I could've possibly not gotten paid for art I sold) and the coordinators chose to treat me like crap because I was angry. >_>;;  So now I worry.

I do know what DA stands for, I have heard that message systems (which I assumed was email based) have been having technical problems for a couple of months though.

I haven't had any problems with DA.  The AA coordinator recieved my note just fine... I can tell because it let's you know when someone has read a note.  My note to her read:
I would like to HIGHLY suggest that you please check out the Kumori Con forums.  (Link to Forums)
There are quite a few upset artists on there and I think making your presence known would be a very smart idea on your behalf... so that people know that you are, indeed, trying to set things straight.

I think I was pretty polite in the note.  I sent it on June 27.  No response.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #86 on: June 30, 2008, 02:01:20 pm »
A friend has offered to let me split a table with her.  I would like it if someone could tell me who to contact about getting the ID that would allow me into the AA before and after hours.

I know I need to get pre-reg'd, but I also need and artist badge.


I believe you could get that information through the emails: AND (Relation's manager oversees AA/EX I believe) However I do believe that badge will be something you might have to work out with the AA/EX coordinator herself. But it couldn't hurt to try and contact anyone on this list: And ask them.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #87 on: June 30, 2008, 03:07:37 pm »
All I know is that if you're splitting a table with someone, you need to add their name to your contract. The contract states that the addition needs to be done in person(as far as I remember) so probably at the convention. I can't see why you wouldn't have the same in/out privileges as the person who reserved the table once you're added to the contract. I'm not 100% sure though.

Gahh, still nothing from email for me either. x.x

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #88 on: June 30, 2008, 11:21:52 pm »
I hope that everything works out for everyone else. :-\
« Last Edit: July 01, 2008, 05:48:38 pm by Chevi »

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #89 on: July 01, 2008, 10:02:23 am »
I would like to think that someone else on staff could answer whether it's been expanded or not.  I had the same question.

Does anyone know?  It always seems like there are empty tables at the con.
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #90 on: July 01, 2008, 03:43:00 pm »
Well I got the answers to my questions from another staffer. Still no reply from her on the layout though.

I think that if you wanted to go over the head of the Exhibitor Hall Manager then you would have to email, but John Krall is another person who is notoriously hard to get ahold of so I don't know who would reply first.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #91 on: July 01, 2008, 04:06:25 pm »
Well I got the answers to my questions from another staffer. Still no reply from her on the layout though.

I think that if you wanted to go over the head of the Exhibitor Hall Manager then you would have to email, but John Krall is another person who is notoriously hard to get ahold of so I don't know who would reply first.

Would you be able to suggest anyone else besides Krall or Collins? At least for anyone else desperately trying to get an answer.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #92 on: July 01, 2008, 04:25:49 pm »
No, the staff members that I communicate with the most are disconnected from this process.

I guess you could try speaking with the vice chair (the con-chair is out of town) or maybe Pezzer. Pezzer is the Treasurer but he was the Exhibitor Hall manager for like, 3 years (and the last time we were at the Doubletree). He is pretty good about responding.
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #93 on: July 01, 2008, 08:05:20 pm »
No, the staff members that I communicate with the most are disconnected from this process.

I guess you could try speaking with the vice chair (the con-chair is out of town) or maybe Pezzer. Pezzer is the Treasurer but he was the Exhibitor Hall manager for like, 3 years (and the last time we were at the Doubletree). He is pretty good about responding.

Yeah, teh Pezz was awesome when we were there last time. 
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #94 on: July 01, 2008, 09:04:19 pm »
Quote from: MistressLegato

Yeah, teh Pezz was awesome when we were there last time. 

I <3 Pezz!  :-*
.empty movement.

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #95 on: July 03, 2008, 02:24:23 pm »
Just a thought: Is there any way to possibly sticky this topic? I think it'd be great for other people seeking confirmation/tables to easily be able to find this thread in case they have more questions or answers!

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #96 on: July 04, 2008, 12:47:07 am »
I would like to ask everyone to wait until Tuesday, July 8th before emailing about this again. about half a dozen high level staffers are trying to get this information. Please stand by while the staff tends to the issue.

If you don't hear anything official about Artist Alley on here or your own emails then please, recommence your efforts but give us until Tuesday to get the answers.

(as far as stickying this topic. I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon)
Tom the Fanboy
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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #97 on: July 04, 2008, 02:12:14 am »
Thanks a TON for actually helping us out, Tom!  *glomple* 
Demon nurse, la la lalalalalalala, Demon Nurse . . .

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #98 on: July 04, 2008, 04:35:01 am »
Thanks for the update, you're awesome! It takes a load off of me just to hear that the issue is being worked on. <3

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Re: Artist Alley 2008 / Exhibitors Hall 2008
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2008, 03:22:24 pm »
I would like to ask everyone to wait until Tuesday, July 8th before emailing about this again. about half a dozen high level staffers are trying to get this information. Please stand by while the staff tends to the issue.

If you don't hear anything official about Artist Alley on here or your own emails then please, recommence your efforts but give us until Tuesday to get the answers.

(as far as stickying this topic. I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon)

Like the others, I must say thanks a million! You're awesome! D: When I get there, come by my table for a gift, you deserve it. Hell ALL the staff dealing with the con deserve it!