Author Topic: SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea  (Read 8793 times)

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Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« on: September 13, 2004, 07:29:41 pm »
Hey everyone, just wanted to get the word out on the next meetup.  

So far it is scheduled for Oct. 14th.  It is scheduled to be at the Governor's cup again, but I am currently looking for a different place that has access to a TV so we can watch some anime.  I am also going to check out what the Public Library can offer in terms of places to meet and watch stuff.

The last meetup was suprisingly cool.  I went expecting that no one would show, but we had 3 people there, Bunny_mae and 2 others.  we shared con pics, talked about anime, and shared ideas for what we could to to get a bigger and better weekly club going on Fridays at maybe, Chemeketa, Borderlands, Library, or ???.  

We also discussed what stuff we would want to watch at these meetings and I got some ideas for a way to break down the club evenings:
the first 1 1/2 hour or so could be classic dubbed stuff like Bebop, Trigun, Kenshin
the next 1 1/2 hour could be subbed stuff
and then we'd finish up with a live action film (japanese or chinese) (also subbed)

I was also thinking it would be cool to have weeks where people come in cosplay, show AMV's, perform FILKs, and then maybe have a mini panel where expert cosplayers, amv makers, and filkers could discuss their craft.  Basically like a mini convention every so often. :)

So, I'll make sure to update as I get more stuff organized and you all tell your friends.  Tenatively, if we can get a place with a TV, I want to show one of the short films from the anime 'Memories', it is really cool, done by the guys who made 'Akira'.

AND if you haven't noticed there is a 'bubble tea' place opening up on Court street (called SIP).  If you haven't tried bubble tea, you haven't lived. :D   There is a place in portland on Woodstock called 'Bubble Bubble' and I will make trips up to portland JUST for that stuff.

Anyway, please post if you are interested in helping or have any other ideas as to where, what, or whatever, so we can make a really awesome club happen here in Salem!!
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2004, 09:21:01 am »
The 14th? What time? Classes will have started by then for me, and my last class gets out at... *check schedule* hmm, well I guess my night class is on Tuesdays! Yay! Well I should be able to attend then. It will be interesting to see how this term goes for me though, between taking 16 credit hours, running the EtherGuild, and this hehe.

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2004, 10:39:32 am »
Well, as it stands it will start at 8:00.  That time may change as could the location.  I'll make sure that I have a finalized time and place posted by Oct 1st.
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AMV Fun?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 08:44:31 am »
Quote from: "rarnom"
Hey everyone, just wanted to get the word out on the next meetup.  
So far it is scheduled for Oct. 14th.  

I was also thinking it would be cool to have weeks where people come in cosplay, show AMV's, perform FILKs, and then maybe have a mini panel where expert cosplayers, amv makers, and filkers could discuss their craft.

Wai! Wai! AMVs! Write e-mail me at guy1656[at], (replacing "[at]" with "@")
and I can bring over the Shuttle-Box of AMV's. If someone can wrangle a projector then we can have a couple of hours of fun showing stuff or even getting into some tricks in After Effects or Premiere...

Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 10:07:38 am »
Well, like I said... I'd be more than happy to arrange something on campus. I can get a projector and other such things from media. I just need a little bit of notice to book the room. Or... you guys could always come to the LAN parties and we could show some stuff there too  :lol: *hint, hint* At the last event I showed the whole Witch Hunter Robin series, and I'd love to see some AMVs

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2004, 10:49:42 am »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
Well, like I said... I'd be more than happy to arrange something on campus. I can get a projector and other such things from media. I just need a little bit of notice to book the room.

Cool.  Would we be able to get a room on a weekly basis?  Say, Fridays?  5pm-10pm?  Dvd player also???  If we could get this rolling then that would be perfect.  I know Bunny_Mae was going to talk to some people as well about what our options are for room usage at Chemeketa.  The ideal would be if we could get into that Theater room.  

My plan is that we could get all these ideas organized at the next meetup and then start the club hopefully by the end of October.  

Speaking of meetups, I am still looking for a place that has eats and a TV, I am not sure I'll find one, but if we can get the club going then it wouldn't really matter because we could start watching stuff there.

So, lets continue to discuss our options in this thread, and Irnogs, let me know if it will work to have a weekly room use on Fridays from like 5-10.  

Quote from: "Irnogs"
Or... you guys could always come to the LAN parties and we could show some stuff there too  :lol: *hint, hint* At the last event I showed the whole Witch Hunter Robin series, and I'd love to see some AMVs

That is a great idea.  I think that we should do that in addition to a weekly club.  We could have just an all day showing and watch a whole series (well, a 26 episode one or two 13 episode ones...).  I got plenty of shows we could watch.  You said that the next LAN party was tenatively scheduled for OCT 2 in building 34 right?
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AMV's? Wheee!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2004, 01:26:31 pm »
Quote from: "rarnom"
You said that the next LAN party was tenatively scheduled for OCT 2 in building 34 right?

E-mail me w/ time & place & I should be able to bring the Shuttle Box of AMV Goodness.
We also have a projection screen and a not-great but decent boom-box for audio.

I will also have my 18GB collection on DVD.

- G

Offline Irnogs

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Re: AMV's? Wheee!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2004, 08:46:34 pm »
Quote from: "Anonymous"
Quote from: "rarnom"
You said that the next LAN party was tenatively scheduled for OCT 2 in building 34 right?

E-mail me w/ time & place & I should be able to bring the Shuttle Box of AMV Goodness.
We also have a projection screen and a not-great but decent boom-box for audio.

I will also have my 18GB collection on DVD.

- G

Hehe, I know some people in the club that would just LOVE that. But, yes, the next LAN should be Oct. 2nd from about 2pm - midnight (we don't usually play the WHOLE time, but it takes a while for everyone to set up) in Building 34. I would be able to get a projector and screen, and the necessary extension cords, ethernet cable, etc. As for the sound system in that room, we usually use headphones for the games so it hasn't been a big deal. Hubert brought his speakers for the last one, and I'm sure I could get him to again.  And I'll try to figure something out for regular meetings too. As it is now, I believe the EtherGuild will start having recurring LAN parties on the second Saturday of each month (except sept, and maybe august because of the school year...). Another option that came to mind today is the theatre in building 3. I'm still kind of unclear about what they allow in the theatres, so we'll find out. At the VERY least I could get a room w/a projector and screen. If you guys want to check out my website I try to update that frequently w/information as I get it: .  I let you know as things develop!

Oh, and be sure to bring your boxes and UT if you have it!

Offline rarnom

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Re: AMV's? Wheee!
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2004, 07:31:12 am »
Quote from: "Irnogs"

And I'll try to figure something out for regular meetings too. As it is now, I believe the EtherGuild will start having recurring LAN parties on the second Saturday of each month (except sept, and maybe august because of the school year...). Another option that came to mind today is the theatre in building 3. I'm still kind of unclear about what they allow in the theatres, so we'll find out. At the VERY least I could get a room w/a projector and screen. If you guys want to check out my website I try to update that frequently w/information as I get it: .  I let you know as things develop!

Sounds good.  I think it would be cool to showcase a complete series or something every so often at the LAN parties, not every week, unless people really wanted it, that just sounds like massive anime overload if we did a weekly club on Fridays and then more on Saturdays, but hey, if people want it then I have no problem with it.

So, yah, I'll be sure to come to the LAN party, I can't be there the whole time, but I'll come probably for a least few hours.  

Oh, and I registered at the Ether Guild forum too. 8)
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Offline Irnogs

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Re: AMV's? Wheee!
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2004, 10:35:40 am »
Quote from: "rarnom"

So, yah, I'll be sure to come to the LAN party, I can't be there the whole time, but I'll come probably for a least few hours.  

Oh, and I registered at the Ether Guild forum too. 8)

You rock  8)

Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2004, 02:03:34 pm »
Alright, I just got the confirmation from scheduling today, so the LAN will be in building 34 on October 2nd from 2pm - 12am. Hope to see you all there!!

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2004, 06:12:04 pm »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
Alright, I just got the confirmation from scheduling today, so the LAN will be in building 34 on October 2nd from 2pm - 12am. Hope to see you all there!!

O.k., I'll come for a while, but I am not much good at LAN stuff... :oops: but I'll bring some anime.  

If anyone has any suggestions or requests for shows they want to see, post away and I'll see if I can bring it.
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2004, 04:23:54 pm »
Don't worry about "not being good", neither am I. Actually I get too sick from FPS games to play them much. And if you're worried about getting things set up, we're all there to help. Hmm, well if you have any requests let me know as well. I'm getting quite a collection :)

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2004, 05:45:37 pm »
Fair enough, but I'd have to hop on someone's computer because mine is worthless and can't handle games (windows 95, 133mhz  8O ), but I am always game for some FPS action... :twisted:

I also got a message from Bunny_Mae today, she said she could talk to the Chemeketa advisor about what our options would be with the anime club.  Is that David guy going to be at the LAN party?  I would like to talk to him about the potential future of the anime club and what he is interesting in doing.  Anyway, cool.  It sounds like it will be fun.
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2004, 07:07:38 pm »
I did email David and told him about the LAN, so hopefully he makes an appearance. I think it'd be in the best interest of the club if he did. I will also be willing to help with what I can to get a good club going ;) I might not have too much time this term since I'm taking 16 credits, but I seem to manage pretty good under stress. Hmm, I hope that the package from Bawls gets here soon too. They always seem to wait until the last minute to send those things hehe. Well, I gotta go. I'm exhausted as Ryan and I have been house shopping this month and between the paper work and looking at a million houses I'm exhausted.

Talk to ya later :)

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2004, 08:15:46 pm »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
I did email David and told him about the LAN, so hopefully he makes an appearance. I think it'd be in the best interest of the club if he did. I will also be willing to help with what I can to get a good club going ;) I might not have too much time this term since I'm taking 16 credits, but I seem to manage pretty good under stress.

Cool, it is much appreciated   :D , and just know that I am VERY commited to making this happen and I can dedicate lots of time to it.  (as long as it is after 4pm... :wink: )
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2004, 10:59:04 am »
Yay!! I just got an email from ATI today. Apparently they're sponsoring this event as well! It'll be interesting to see what they send us. It's great that the club has 2 sponsors now. Well I gotta go post that on the EtherGuild site :)

Offline FilkAeris

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2004, 09:45:09 pm »
If this series of meetings does get started, is there anyone willing to carpool with a nice, friendly, carless yet gladly gas-money-contributing Willamette student?  (Namely, me?  ^_^)


Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2004, 10:06:49 pm »
No problem :) I'd be more than happy to pick you up. Just let me know when you'd want to come.

Offline rarnom

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what I'm bringing to the LAN party
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2004, 11:23:21 am »
O.k.  I am going to bring the following to the LAN party for potential viewing:

Gundam 08th MS Team

and I'll bring these live action titles if people feel so inclined:

Returner  (Japanese Sci-Fi)
Princess Blade (Japanese swordfighting action, kind of sci-fi as well)

Also, once we get the regular club going I'll post a list of my anime and live action titles and people can browse and that way have more input as to what stuff we show.  Maybe we could even get a site for the anime club???  OoOOh that would be cool.  I remember there used to be a S.A.A.S. (salem area anime society) website, but it is now defunct, maybe it too can be resurected??  hmmmmmm.
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2004, 01:28:10 pm »
website? No prob. I built the one you saw for the EtherGuild. I want to make some changes to it, but it is quite functional. We'll be sure to discuss those sorts of things when we see e/o ... hopefully David's there too so we can discuss things...

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2004, 04:40:00 pm »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
website? No prob. I built the one you saw for the EtherGuild. I want to make some changes to it, but it is quite functional. We'll be sure to discuss those sorts of things when we see e/o ... hopefully David's there too so we can discuss things...

Hey cool about the website thing, and obviously I am dying to speak with the mysterious David as well...
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Offline rarnom

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meetup this Thursday!!!
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2004, 06:34:52 pm »
Hey folks, the next Salem anime meetup is this week!!!

It is this Thursday, the 14th from 8-9 pm at the Governor's Cup in downtown Salem.

Please come to hang out with other anime fans and discuss the possiblilities for an anime club in Salem.

At the LAN party hosted by Irnogs, I met some folks who were involved with the anime club at Chemeketa.  We talked about what the club was doing and about what would have to happen to get some space on campus for a Friday night club.  As it stands the possibility for a Friday night club on campus still seems like it will have to surpass some pretty big obsticles, but I am still hopeful that we can make something cool happen...  :)  

So, come, bring con pictures (if you have any), we can relax, and also discuss ideas for future meetups and maybe other things to make our group more unique or whatever.  Hope to see many of you there!!!

If you have any questions feel free to check out the meetup site:

you can also PM me or email me as well...
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Offline Irnogs

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2004, 10:44:50 am »
You guys just need to find a faculty advisor that's willing to do it, then it won't be a problem (perhaps find one that's on campus during that time anyways...). Oh, btw... I have scheduled our LAN parties through APRIL now. They are all confirmed dates for the second saturday of every month in the same building (34), same room (101-103), and same time (2pm - midnight). I should be able to make the meeting on Thursday too. Things have been a little hectic since the house we're buying closes next Monday (*gets excited and starts jumping up and down*), but I haven't totally lost my head yet...

Offline rarnom

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SALEM meetup for OCTOBER and bubble tea
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2004, 02:18:58 pm »
Quote from: "Irnogs"
You guys just need to find a faculty advisor that's willing to do it, then it won't be a problem (perhaps find one that's on campus during that time anyways...)

Yah, I am hoping that it won't be as much trouble as I am imagining.  I just got the impression from some peeps who had been in the old anime club that getting someone to be there was difficult.  But, still, I am very hopefull that we can find someone, and you are right, if we can find a faculty member who will be on campus anyway, then we can definately make good use of that... :D
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