Altonimbus Entertainment General Meeting
January 12th, 2008
Presiding: Michael Andrews, President
Minutes Taker: Ryan Stasel, Secretary
Board in attendance:
Michael Andrews, President
Dawn Hewitt, Vice President
Ryan Stasel, Secretary
Eric Teitzel, Treasurer
Rian Mueller, Facilities Liaison
Jaki Hunt, Programming
Jess Shelton, Operations
Jeff Tyrrill, Publicity
Nate Clampitt, Relations Assistant
Meeting called to order.
In the future, when we have internet access, we’ll be openning skype sessions so that people that are geographically challenged can take part in the meeting via skype. This will be happening for the February meeting.
We have panelist forms up on the website. Anyone who wants to do a panel, please see Jaki.
Still need staff, needs cosplay staff. Please see her.
Manga library, we still need donations. The more the better.
Other events, but those will be covered later.
Questions: none.
Not that much new.
Small change in managers. Former registration manager has stepped down. New manager is Andrew Dill.
Operations Budget was approved. Nice new equipment coming in.
Manager trainings starting this month, and general staff trainings will be happening starting in march.
Hotel code can now be released: JPA. Rates will be available online. Put that code into the special accounts.
Code is valid for reservations for Thursday through Monday nights. Fewer rooms available those nights, so it may be more difficult to get rooms for those nights. If you have problems, please contact Rian Mueller so he can expand the block.
If you’ve already reserved your room, and got a cheaper rate, please contact the hotel and have them add you to our block, so we can best fulfill our room night agreement.
Parking at the hotel for the convention will be $5 per night, or $3 per day. Rian will look up the difference between what hours qualify for each.
If you did park at the hotel today, please come pick up coupon.
Hotel is working on an addendum for the hotel contact that was signed, hopefully working out all our issues.
Any costs might have an additional 20% service charge, but he’s not sure what that’ll be charged on.
Rian has appointed Meg Uhde as his assistant. She’s working on park reservations. Please contact her if you have any park related events that you’d like to put on.
Rian is working on getting information from several hotels for 09. They’ve been working on fixing our issues we had in 07.
Questions regarding this:
Can we get the hotel do provide security for the exhibit space at night? Rian will check.
Can we hire private security for night security? That would fall more under Dawn or Jess.
Will we have awnings for the park? Not sure.
Is wireless access something Rian is looking into for this years con? Rian will look into it for next year, but the double tree this year is changing their vendor between now and the con, so they are unable to give any pricing until that vendor is secured.
Are we sharing this hotel with anyone else? As far as we know, we have everything. No sharing except rooms.
Toured the Red Lion at the Quay. If we return to the Hilton, we would probably use the Quay for an overflow as well as some smaller events.
Red Lion has airport shuttle.
Reminder that none of these things may actually come to fruition, but we shall see when they come back with an proposal.
Budget, we have approved the budget. Ryan Stasel and Erik Teitzel have begun purchasing equipment.
We will be posting a list of equipment for the Directors in the near future.
We’re doing a program down in Eugene called the Oregon Asian Celebration (Feb 16-17) (Lane County event center, at the Lane County Fairgrounds), and will be sharing space with Copic. We’re going to be working on a few Cosplay mini-events, and some crafty events, like cat ears, and such.
Not going to have a lot of tech, so please discuss any specifics with Dawn if you’d like something specific.
Working on staff retreat centers for the April Staff Retreat. Please give her any recommendations that you might have.
Next upcoming event: Mochitsuki this month. Will be taking registrations for the con there. Some crafty type events, but we’re still working on that. Any suggestions, please post them to the forum thread about this.
We were able to get a table at a very low price, in exchange for us selling tickets to their programmed events at this meeting. Tickets are will-call.
Masq ball flyers are available now. More about the Masq ball will be talked about shortly.
Publicity staff positions, Jeff will be finishing up on PDs within the next week or two. Most of those positions will be within Promotional events. Street team should be starting too.
We’ll be having a contest like last year, that will be for who will write the Info page on the website.
There’s also will be a big festival in Japan that will be promoted by the Japanese consolate, that we will have info on our site about.
Relations: Nate Clampitt, Assistant Director.
We need exhibits hall staff, and Guest Liaisons. We have an Exhibition manager.
We are part of Harmony Gold’s 2008 tour. At present, we are their only NW stop.
Two guests to announce: Tommy Young. Also Richard Epcar, voice of Bato in GiTS, SAC.
Secretary: Needs an assistant.
Masq Ball: Jaki Hunt.
February 2nd, at the Milwakee Community Center.
All registration information is available on the website.
After the meeting, we’ll be having mask making, as well as some dance instruction.
Still looking for staff. Don’t necessarily have to be K-con staff for the Masq… so keep that in mind.
Suggestion: If you have an anime club at your school, hand those out there.
Question: Cosplaying is okay.
Can Yojimbo wear masks? Jaki will talk to Jess and see what they can work out, because in the past, Yojimbo can’t wear any face coverings.
General announcement:
We are now completely self-reliant for our main events, and no longer require the generosity of another con.
Sorry we didn’t have a christmas party… it just wasn’t doable. But, we’re going to work on having some Staff parties in the coming year. Also some outreach programs with local college anime clubs. We’re really like to help make sure local anime clubs have great parties.
Please start out by talking to Mike first, and from there, we’ll distribute the works on a need basis.
We’d be very interested in hitting any interested Anime clubs within reason. Just talk to Mike and we’ll go from there. Anything, even eastern washington, just let us know. We’ll work it out.
RadCon is February 14-18th, in TriCities. Guy and Andrea will be going out there this year, so any promotional material, please give to them.
As an example for funding outreach costs, the SCA has monies set aside for leadership position.
Promotional stuff will be available within the next few weeks.
Jeff will be creating a sticky forum thread for outreach suggestions.
We’re working on who’s going to be in charge of what AV.
General announcements:
Equipment loan policy has been decided: There will be no loans of equipment for personal uses. This doesn’t mean we won’t be using it throughout the year. We will be taking all the TVs up to Sakuracon, and will be taking various things around to Staff events, or smaller outreach events.
Check for Quorum: 21 voting staff present. 29 total registered
-Motion to ratify minutes for August, October, and November GM minutes as they stand. Second. Motion to ratify passed by acclimation. Minutes ratified.
-Motion for consideration by the board: Assumed consent for an official recording to be made of General meetings either in audio or video format. Any speaker may at any given time be allowed to ask for off the record remarks, and such a request will create a break in the official record, until such time as they are done speaking. The board will need to address this issue, and will have it available for general vote at the next meeting.
-Motion for the General staff to recommend that the bylaws committee release all working drafts of the bylaws. Motion passes by acclimation.
-Motion to adjourn: Passes.