Why can't it be sunny during summer? I'll never tan at this rate! [/weep]
There's always tan in a can. Nothing like a nice orange glow to make you look like a basted turkey ;P
I've never tried that before, but maybe I should just for some turkey inspired goodness
You'll look delicious :'D
On an unrelated note:
I'm going to be a character in a murder mystery dinner tomorrow.
The character that was chosen for me is a ruthless, calculating, wealthy railroad tycoon that has a fondness for whiskey and food. They needed more guys for the party and she made this character for me.
I can't wait to be a total rich snob ^^
It's going to kick ass.
I have a feeling that everyone is going to point fingers at me because I'm the meany, but I'm most likely an innocent one that will live until we figure out the real murderer. P: