Author Topic: A little anime club help...  (Read 5119 times)

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A little anime club help...
« on: September 05, 2007, 03:14:31 pm »
Hey guys. I'm the president of my school's anime club this year. I was vice president last year and helped the whole club get started so I'm really excited to be the head hancho this year X3 A little problem though, I found out they want to start it next thursday and because of the con I'm totally not prepared. I have some anime that we will watch for the first couple weeks but I want a veraity. The only thing that is stopping me is we need something that is PG-13 or under and since most of the stuff I watch is too violent/too much sexual content I'm stuck in a rut.

Some of the things we watched last year were:
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi henge
Azumanga Daioh
Shakugan no Shana

Some things we are going to watch this year are:
Ouran High School Host Club....
that's really all I got so far, I really want us to watch Haruhi but the teacher said that it might not be allowed.

So I need your guy's help! I need some good anime that I'd be allowed to show at club. If there's like one really bad thing in it that is later in the anime that's ok. We usually only watch the first 3 episodes of it or some interesting eps later in the series. I would really like to be able to show some shonen anime as well because last year we watched a lot of shojo stuff. Also we try not to show things that are on Adult Swim/uber popular anime and such since everyone can pretty much watch it at anytime or we've watched it before (naruto, Bleach, ect)

So can you help me guys D:?

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Offline emmyriceball

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2007, 03:36:55 pm »
It's a sad day when you're not allowed to watch anime in school.

I guess I'd reccomend:

Kanon 2006
AIR tv
Chrono Crusade (Might be not okay, maybe.)
Manabi Straight! Gakuen Utopia (It's cute, although sometimes seems like slight pedo-bait O.o;)
Hayate the Combat Butler

That's about it. x3

Offline reppy

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2007, 03:40:12 pm »
Battle Athletes (OVA contains nudity, I don't think the TV series does)
Death Note
Detective Academy Q
El Hazard
Excel Saga
Full Metal Alchemist
Honey and Clover
Howl's Moving Castle
Kiki's Delivery Service
Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu
Love Hina
Lucky Star
Rurouni Kenshin (TV only, OVA is too violent)
Saber Marionette J
Serial Experiments Lain (questonable content perhaps)
Sorcerer Hunters
Tenchi Muyo (OVA contains nudity, don't think the Tenchi Universe TV series did though. Tenchi in Tokyo? We don't talk about Tenchi in Tokyo.)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Visions of Escaflowne
Yakitate!! Japan

I'll try to think of more.. my dad just came to pick me up so I can fix his PC. ^_^;
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 03:43:43 pm by reppy »

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Offline ~boogiepop~

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2007, 08:06:11 pm »
Thanks for those so far guys~ We've watched some of the one's that reppy suggested and others I think still may get us in trouble but you guys gave me enough ideas to have some stuff for some weeks to come :3 ::{I always forget about the old animes so thanks for some of the ideas XD}:: I still looking for more stuff so more suggestions would be helpful as well.

But thank you Reppy and emmyriceball :D

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Offline Negima

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2007, 08:20:32 pm »
Are you planning to show any anime that's unlicensed in the US?  The anime club over here has played a couple of anime that are unlicensed and they were great.

"Love Con: Lovely Complex" (or "Rabu Con")
Sayounara, Zetsubou Sensei (or "Goodbye, Mister Despair") (Dark humor)

Offline ~boogiepop~

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2007, 07:32:57 am »
Are you planning to show any anime that's unlicensed in the US?  The anime club over here has played a couple of anime that are unlicensed and they were great.

"Love Con: Lovely Complex" (or "Rabu Con")
Sayounara, Zetsubou Sensei (or "Goodbye, Mister Despair") (Dark humor)

Most of the stuff we show is unlicensed, thanks for the ideas :D

~2012 cosplay mofos~
Ramona Flowers- Scott Pilgrim, Miria Harvent- Baccano!, Filia- Skullgirls, Milk- Pop'n Music

Offline Negima

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2007, 12:18:30 pm »
Are you planning to show any anime that's unlicensed in the US?  The anime club over here has played a couple of anime that are unlicensed and they were great.

"Love Con: Lovely Complex" (or "Rabu Con")
Sayounara, Zetsubou Sensei (or "Goodbye, Mister Despair") (Dark humor)

Most of the stuff we show is unlicensed, thanks for the ideas :D
Okay then.  In that case I'll give you a quick description so you know what you're getting into with those shows.

"Love Con" (which is also shown in Shoujo Beat) is a high school romance anime.  The guy, Otani, and the girl Koizumi, have been dubbed as a comedy group at the school with the way they always argue with each other.  Otani is considered to be short for a guy while Koizumi is considered to be tall for a girl.  In one event, they make a bet: Whoever can find a boyfriend/girlfriend first, the loser has to buy whatever the other person wants.

"Sayounara, Zetsubou Sensei" (I've only seen one episode) is about a teacher who's always trying to kill himself (seriously, he has a kit).  The class he teaches also has its fair share of........ interesting students.  For example, a girl who must do everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) perfectly, a stalker, and a girl who likes to dress as that one girl from "The Ring" and hide in small places.
To describe the sense of humor, imagine FLCL doing a high school anime.

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2007, 02:45:47 pm »
Umm I'd say air gear (because it's t3h shiz) but they swear alot and they're all perverted haha ^.^;;;

Umm Eureka seveN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think there was TOOOOOO much violence in that, just machines blowing up. One episode was pretty bloody, but not too bad.

You can always watch movies too :D there's all of miyuzaki's marvelous movies, and there's the final fantasy movies. wheeee
Someday...I'll get around to you.

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2007, 03:02:40 pm »
Thundercats, Hellsing, Shaman King, Witch Hunter Robin all come to mind.  I don't think the last two are too violent.
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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2007, 08:36:06 pm »
I'd like to recommend that you throw in the occational live action movie.  My club does that from time to time.  The last time we did one, (that I can recall), was called "Welcome Back, Mr. McDonald."  I don't recommend that one in particular, just because it almost bored me to tears.  The last ten minutes or so were pretty good, though.

Anywho, yeah, that's my suggestion.
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Offline Black~Rose

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2007, 09:19:23 pm »
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Hamtaro!! (I know its a little childish but its just so kawii!!)

and the other ones I can think of probably wouldnt work.

Offline AzuKyo

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2007, 09:38:29 pm »
I'm in the same boat as you Boogiebop (except this is my second year as president, I'm also the founder of my school's club).

I suggest the following:

Seirei no Moribito (Fantasy, Great Art, good for attracting members who dislike old looking anime)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Subs will contain profanity; Mecha; Throw reason to the curb, enjoyment anime)
Dennou Coil (Cyberpunk meets Ghibli; Story and Art are exceptional)
Bokura ga Ita (Shoujo; Probably the best shoujo since Kare Kano; an episode or two might be unappropriate due to content)


Sayonara, Zetsubou Sensei (Hilarious dark humor, first thing I showed this year)
Eureka Seven (Mecha; Good all round)
Lovely Complex (Shoujo; Quite humorous)

Shows I do not recommend for school anime clubs:

Lucky Star (Lucky Star is one of the funniest anime to come out of Japan, but a majority of its humor [if no all] was not meant for Westerns. A bunch of fans seasoned in anime and Japanese culture [the latter being key] would enjoy this series, but fans with minimal exposure would not get all of the humor and it would get old quick for them).

This reminds me, what the hell am I going to show tomorrow (probably Dennou Coil).

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Offline Naleh

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 01:27:27 pm »
Thundercats, Hellsing, Shaman King, Witch Hunter Robin all come to mind.  I don't think the last two are too violent.
Hellsing...not too violent? *bursts into laughter* That's a joke right? I love Hellsing but there is no way it would work.

Oh Tokyo Mewmew, CardCaptor Sakura, Tsubasa, and xxxholic, could work. There's another one I want to add but I can't remember it suddenly... And I don't know if they will be easy to find.
K-con 08-
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Also please don't hate the plantman....Zetsu's a people person. (nomnomnom XD)

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2007, 10:46:57 am »
i think we should watch some sayonara zetsubo sensei!!!!!
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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2007, 02:00:12 am »
Is it your school or your club advisor that wont let you watch anything past pg-13.
Our anime club allows anything but hentai, we've watched Shuffle, Chobits, Midori Days, and other things with nudity, language, blood, ect. We might watch Elfen Lied this year. We just have to get parental forms signed for each member at the beginning of the year. You should ask you advisor if you can change that and do parent forms, just make it clear everything you watch will be in decency and not pornographic.

I'm really not sure on pg-13 anime, but I can give you some advice on what anime in general not to watch. Stay away from anything thats on TV or has been on TV (Naruto, Bleach, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, ect...) That way you watch something no ones really seen. Hmmm.... I DID think Scrapped Princess was a really good anime and it would be appropriate for your club, you got your bishi, your action, your magic users, your robot-creature things, more creature than robot. Escaflowne was another good one.

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2007, 09:57:57 am »
I remember giving a speech on how to run your own anime club in one of Black Rose's videos there, but I'm not sure if I actually finished it.

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Re: A little anime club help...
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2007, 10:22:18 am »
I remember giving a speech on how to run your own anime club in one of Black Rose's videos there, but I'm not sure if I actually finished it.
LOL No you didnt, Gomen we were being to random lol "their stalking us"