Author Topic: A Noob's Question About Cosplaying....  (Read 3617 times)

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Offline Syd-chan

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A Noob's Question About Cosplaying....
« on: July 06, 2007, 10:27:21 am »
Hey, I'm a noob, but you can call me Syd-chan!

Okay, the meat of this is that I was wondering if you had to stay in the hotel the con is in? Because, I think KumoriCon is in a HILTON. I can't do that. Now, I live between Centralia and Longview up in Washington, so I might be able to make the drive, but parking will kill us. I was also wondering if you could take a bus to the place where the Con is?
Oh, and do they have admission fees or whatever?

Offline TomtheFanboy

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A Noob's Question About Cosplaying....
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 11:08:13 am »
This is about cosplaying? Let me say some things that the mods want you to know.

There, that's done.

You do NOT have to stay at the Hilton to go to the convention, that would mean about 2000 of our attendees would not be allowed in. Most people who couldn't get rooms will be staying at the Econolodge, Red Lion, or Shilo Inn.

Parking is free on the weekends and holidays in Vancouver, you just have to be crafty enough to find a spot.  :lol:

The Vancouver bus mall is about one block diagonally away from the hotel. If C-Tran goes near you ( I checked, it doesn't even go to Longview) then you can bus to the con. For people on the other side of the river, this is where the Trimet bus stops as well. If you caught Greyhound and then used CTran I'm sure that you could get there.

If you go to the "Plan Your Own Adventure" section of the forums you might be able to ask people for a ride when they go down I-5 on their way from Seattle. Hundreds of our attendees live in Seattle, I just don't know how many are on the forums. I suppose you could check the Sakuracon boards as well.

As far as admission price, yes. If you pre register before the end of the month it is 35 dollars for the whole weekend and your badge will be mailed to you in August.

If you pay at the door it is 40 dollars and you'll have a big line to wait in.
Tom the Fanboy
Passion over Pedantry!
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Offline Syd-chan

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A Noob's Question About Cosplaying....
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2007, 04:30:55 pm »
Sorry! I'm new, so thanks for telling me about the 'Help and Question Board'. Thanks for all the information!  :D