the four of us in the Eugene/Springfield/Gleenwood Tri City Area should have our own meeting except steve has to wear a bubble boy cosplay
Dude, I'm already sick. That's why I'm not going. If anything, you guys would have to wear it to protect yourselves from me.

OH by the way! If any of you see a strong-looking girl with a Sesshoumaru tattoo on her left arm at the meeting, then her name is "Jo," and could you please tell her that Steve from the coffee shop says "hi" and thank her for coming.

I noticed her tattoo while getting a mocha at work in Salem and, of course, had to inform her of the anime convention that holds meetings three blocks away from her workplace.

She seemed pretty interested. I didn't go to work this week (caught the plague), so I didn't get the chance to remind her, but hopefully she looked into it herself since I last mentioned it to her.
Oh, and if you're into espresso, drop by the Blue Pepper, just north of the library. They have really good sandwiches and coffee, and you might see Jo behind the counter, for that matter.