Convention Events and Programming > Cosplay

The costume idea

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Is there a specific anime theme to this convention.

If I came as like a Sailor Scout would I be totaly out of place?

Or if I came as a character from a game?

From my impression, anything goes as long as it's anime related. At other cons that generally stretches to allow anime and anime-ish video games as well (such as Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Soul Caliber, etc). And from the talks of all the Sailor Moon cosplaying peoples on the board, if you went as a Sailor Scout then you'd blend in pretty well  :P I've heard they're looking for enough Sailor Scouts to have two teams of scouts battle it out in a cosplay skit...

hello peoples. um... is it required to do a skit if you cosplay?

Skits are encouraged, but not required.  If you have a great costume and would like to enter it in the costume portion of the competition, you are welcome to do a "walk on."  

Also, we award Cosplay in the halls.  Different members of staff and volunteers will be giving out "Hall Cosplay" awards throughout the whole convention.  You might not have a fantastic "overall" costume, but let's say someone happens to notice that you did an amazing job with the shoes or a prop or something.  We'll also be awarding things like that as well.  The Hall Cosplay portion is very causual and it's just a matter of being "caught looking cool in costume."

so yeah, this will be my first time at a convention, so i'm still a little unclear. so if i was in a skit, would i be doing the whole thing by myself, or with my friends, or will you select people to come up and do one? :?  :?  :?


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