Author Topic: 2006 April 15th GM Minutes  (Read 5853 times)

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2006 April 15th GM Minutes
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:09:43 pm »
Sorry about the delay. Please feel free to ask questions.

April General Meeting Minutes

Meg: We will alternate dates and locations to accommodate our directors.  General meetings will rotate between Portland, Eugene, and Salem only. Liasons may go to Seattle, Corvallis, etc. to promote the convention.

Meg: We are all Team Kumori, we all represent the convention, but no you cannot make final decisions or contact outside resources without the express permission of your department head.

Meg: We swapped the website banner back. It will contain the new mascot as soon as she/he is determined.

Meg: Talk to the director if you are going to do something.

Meg: General meeting culture: planning sessions rather than recruitment, or vice versa?
Meetings will remain as planning sessions. Other events will be planned by publicity to promote awareness and recruit staff.

Meg: We will not have live instant messanger meetings with someone updating the far location. Meeting minutes are already posted on the site for those who cannot attend General Meetings, and anyone can ask questions there.

Meg: If you email someone on staff and do not receive a response in three (3) days, send out another and CC: Meg

Meg: Staff whitelist Kumoricon, staff list contact information

Meg: Need to dump the blog for an effective website. Ed: has programming experience but is really busy until April 27th.

Auction coordinator
More guests
Much more swag
Sell ad space to vendors

Brian: Two confirmed guests, three unconfirmed including one really good one but unconfirmed. No work done on charity auction. Eric has registered three vendors and seven tables total, a few more in the mail, working on getting a different layout for Artist Alley so that’s been holding up getting back to Artist Alley requesters.

Planning for opening ceremonies. Meg has a plan for this event.
Schedule, room by room to coordinate fire code limits with panels/ events

Brenda: Added a bunch more panels, everything except Meg’s half-done panel request form (Meg will submit another when Brenda sends her the form to place online.)  

Open banquet room is still available for all of Sunday. Brenda needs paperwork for all events, anything that is to show up on the schedule.

Open online programming meeting May 3rd at 8:30 on Yahoo IM, contact Brenda on Yahoo IM at handle nyco27.

Need a ton of volunteer positions filled, ie contest judges, watching AMV rooms, etc.

Budget request forms, no one has submitted any!

Kumoricash? Gift certificate item that people can submit for prizes, instead of using donated swag.

Lyle found static whiteboard paper that will stick to walls, $24 for 36ct. Some panelists did not include all their info such as length of panel.

Guy: Does the meeting want Guy to provide an updated page with the AMV contest entries? Will not be listing entrants at this time.

Signs by June Meeting. Determine what signs are needed during May meeting walk through
Badge info to programming, coordinate design now
Authoritative head count, list of registered or access to Activa, if info there
List of available borrows from Sakuracon – David is working on this for gaming already, so please forward requests to him for one request
Volunteer Coordinator

Meg: “Andrew” is volunteering to be registration manager

Meg: Ops desperately needs managers. Volunteer Mgr, Registration Mgr, Infodesk Mgr, Asst Ops Director.

Meg: Registrants names will not be posted online, but registrant will receive a comfirmation email.

Advertisement for May Meeting!!
Work with band for possible concert
New Mascot contest for 2007 mascot starts May 1, 2006
Get banner up ASAP
Team Kumori Packets
Con book

Heidi:  Publicity has a temporary flyer. (Cannot distribute.)
Mascot contest deadline is today, at 11:59PM.
Needs a check to order flyers.
Publicity will be at Uwajimaya Festival with preregistrations and necklaces for sale.
You'll be loved, you'll be loved, like you never have known. When memories of me will seem more like bad dreams. Just a series of blurs, like I never occurred. Someday, you will be loved.