I and hawkeye will be bringing a couple wireless radios for use with the con for testing. We just got a killer deal on a set of 2 for 30 bucks that have a 10 mile range. BUT we have concerns on the ranges that we are allowed to use and or not use legally. Any assistance would be great.
Im not too sure about legal restrictions, personally I think if there were legal restrictions they wouldnt have made them usable up to 10 miles.
But here is something about radios to watch out for. Make sure that they are on something other than channel 1. You should be able to configure them for channels 1-11, but by staying on the default channel 1 there is a chance anyone else out there with one could listen in or even broadcast and make a big confuzzle of things. You always run this risk since anyone can access those channels and possibly interfere with transmissions but most ppl arent intelligent enough (or are too apathetic) to change their own channel.
Also note that if your radios broadcast at 2.4Ghz then you will most likely get lots of interference/white noise from all the cell phones/wireless devices in the building since most devices send signals at 2.4Ghz (damn FCC).
My recommendation, set your radio's to channel 6 or 11 they are the least likely to have anything running through them, and even if there is something operating on those channels it will be so little that you should be able to minimize interference. Good luck.

If your radios are advanced enough to set the range on them, then I suggest you set them to the area of the convention. Any bigger and they could interfere with outside sources. This is just a way of being nice, no reason to set up a 10 mile field when your going to use less than 1.