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Offline leashy

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4th Annual Sakura Festival
« Reply #150 on: April 23, 2006, 01:55:21 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
What really sucks is I still don't know who a lot of you were. It's hard to match up forum people and real-life people. Of all you guys hanging around the tent, I don't know who's who!

if you click on the pictures I posted, I labeled who most people were in the captions

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #151 on: April 23, 2006, 01:57:50 pm »
Quote from: "guspasho"
Quote from: "Neko_Chan"
Quote from: "guspasho"
What really sucks is I still don't know who a lot of you were. It's hard to match up forum people and real-life people. Of all you guys hanging around the tent, I don't know who's who! I know the Publicity people, and Tom's kind of hard to miss, but that is all. And I wanted to meet someone who wanted to be our charity auction manager this year, but never figured out who it was or if she even showed.

Waiiitt... You where there? XD How did I not know you were there? -siiiiigh-

I was wearing my t-shirt that said "I am ninja, you can't see me" on it, so you didn't see me :)

Not really, I just didn't hang out at the booth the whole time, really only between doing other stuff.

D: Ohhh...

'Cus I was gona apologize, for being rude earlier in the year... :\ But it's lame to do it over the internet because you ca'nt see me cry.

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #152 on: April 23, 2006, 01:58:14 pm »
Quote from: "leashy"
Quote from: "guspasho"
What really sucks is I still don't know who a lot of you were. It's hard to match up forum people and real-life people. Of all you guys hanging around the tent, I don't know who's who!

if you look at the pictures I posted in the captions, I labeled who most people were

I put captions on some of them too.

Offline Eternal Yamcha

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« Reply #153 on: April 23, 2006, 03:31:55 pm »
I remember Yamcha headbanging, but didn't understand why.

I was doing just for the heck of it... Also because it isn't often that I believe my hair is long enough to actually get a kick out of doing it.

I believe I saw you there guspasho, then again, it's all little more than a dream to me right now. You were wearing sunglasses, right? If so, I was wondering why in the world you were being ridiculously quiet. If it was you, I thought that you were ticked off about something, you looked mad.
"Raisin Bran Crunch: BUY ME SOME; MOM!!!"

Offline Trumby

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« Reply #154 on: April 23, 2006, 05:37:40 pm »
Quote from: "Shadow"

It was cool to see other people in cosplay as the day went on. I had to convince my FMA-crazed friend to go take a picture of the Greed cosplayer, as well as the two Edwards. She's so shy! ^_^

Overall it was a great experience! I loved every minute of it. And now I'm all psyched for the con.

Haha, that's me (Greed) and the two Edwards were actually an Edward and a movie Alphonse (friends with them)!  :P

Gushapo: I'm rather hard to miss as long as I'm in my costume..seeing how Greed is pretty difficult to not see <.<
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Offline Eternal Yamcha

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« Reply #155 on: April 23, 2006, 06:45:09 pm »
In picture 46/49 (in Leashy's Yahoo photo thing...) that is my friend Asia in the foreground (Pink Kimono) and my girlfriend "Dizzy" in her awesome Asuka Cosplay.

In picture 48/49, behind Shadow... Is me. You can see the back like, 1/8th of my body... The only way you can tell that's me is from the cut off khaki shorts.

I have to give this event another thumbs up... People recognized my girlfriend as Asuka instead of the girl from Rahxephon... I think at the last K-Con 3 people knew she was Asuka out of how many people went? At the Sakura Festival... I believe more people recognized her out of the what? 50 K-Con attendees that went? That boosted her confidence in her costume.
"Raisin Bran Crunch: BUY ME SOME; MOM!!!"

Offline leashy

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« Reply #156 on: April 23, 2006, 07:07:01 pm »
her costume was sooo pretty too, I really wish I had gotten a better picture of it

Offline Shadow

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« Reply #157 on: April 23, 2006, 07:21:21 pm »
Quote from: "Trumby"
Quote from: "Shadow"

It was cool to see other people in cosplay as the day went on. I had to convince my FMA-crazed friend to go take a picture of the Greed cosplayer, as well as the two Edwards. She's so shy! ^_^

Overall it was a great experience! I loved every minute of it. And now I'm all psyched for the con.

Haha, that's me (Greed) and the two Edwards were actually an Edward and a movie Alphonse (friends with them)!  :P

Gushapo: I'm rather hard to miss as long as I'm in my costume..seeing how Greed is pretty difficult to not see <.<

You're Greed! My friend thought you were just awesome. But she was so shy to go over and talk to you. I barely got her to go over there and take your picture. Your costume was great! =D

*Hits self* D'oh.. I knew they were an Edward and an Alphonse. Why in the heck did I type that? *fixes*

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Offline Dizzy_Kat

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« Reply #158 on: April 23, 2006, 08:15:22 pm »
That was an absolute blast. I loved cosplaying, by September at least I should have the costume completed, with shoes, proper clips and my hair cut the right way.
It was so awesome meeting people and hanging out around the tent. I loved Megumi's hair and the two girls with cat ears *I'm horrid with names, sorry* Everyone there amazed me and you were all so nice! I registered and am all set and ready to go to Kumoricon!
Marceline the Vampire Queen

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« Reply #159 on: April 23, 2006, 09:49:19 pm »
Hello - this is Sarah. I met a few of you at the fest (Spindrift etc.) - your tent looked great and I love the mascot!  I am sorry you ran out of reg forms for a while, but like I said, what a great problem to have - lots of people interested! I am very excited to help out as a Kumoricon volunteer in any way I can: pr, auction whatever! Can't wait!

Hope to talk to you all soon,

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Offline leashy

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« Reply #160 on: April 24, 2006, 09:26:55 am »
Quote from: "Dizzy_Kat"
That was an absolute blast. I loved cosplaying, by September at least I should have the costume completed, with shoes, proper clips and my hair cut the right way.
It was so awesome meeting people and hanging out around the tent. I loved Megumi's hair and the two girls with cat ears *I'm horrid with names, sorry* Everyone there amazed me and you were all so nice! I registered and am all set and ready to go to Kumoricon!

Cat ears?  That was me and Megan (Hawkeye)

Offline Dizzy_Kat

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« Reply #161 on: April 24, 2006, 01:14:58 pm »
Ah Excellent! It was nice to meet you!
Marceline the Vampire Queen

Offline Vondan

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« Reply #162 on: April 24, 2006, 01:19:49 pm »
And no one thought to get pictures of the suspected aunts.
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline Daxe

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« Reply #163 on: April 24, 2006, 01:29:04 pm »
Ooh, no pictures of me... :cry:
Thats alright I got a caption with hello kitty  8)

Offline leashy

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« Reply #164 on: April 24, 2006, 02:17:21 pm »
There were others with cameras so maybe someone else has some pictures to post up.  Daxe sorry I didn't get a picture of you and Xaam.  It was before I started goign camera crazy

Offline Daxe

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« Reply #165 on: April 24, 2006, 02:30:03 pm »
BLAST! Thats alright, next time there is a group get together, there will be plenty of chances to get pictures of Moi! And if tempted with the right pockey and or ramune I also do Yaoi poses! ^.^

Offline leashy

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« Reply #166 on: April 24, 2006, 02:41:02 pm »
Daxe, are you guys coming to the May meeting? You totally should

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #167 on: April 24, 2006, 05:47:47 pm »
@ leashy,
 thanks for posting the album i had wanted to barrow my moms digital but wasn't able to, and i had told my friends in japan i'd take a pic of my boyfriend at the festivel and you got one of him in the kendo pictures! yay kendo boyfriend!
hes the blonde in the far right with the sunglasses in pic 45
and i'm the one in pic 28 looking like i was gonna cry but i was just asking where i could drop off the stuff for the katamari ball and squinting from the sun, too bad you didnt get one in my sakaki cosplay, for those who didn't reconize me i was in the pink top and brown skirt
i liked the kendo demonstration, especaly the sisters who fought they were so cute, chibi kendo!
@Vondan, i do happen to know there was one nerdy aunt there, as i met her at easter, a distane relative of my boyfriends cousin, i met her nieces and told them about it and she brought them, my boyfriend said i couldn't tell she was nerdy just because she went to k-con, lots of peope bring there kids, but as she actualy registerd and watched the cosplay skits, where most parents just bring there kids and watch tv, she also make her nieces outfits
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline leashy

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« Reply #168 on: April 24, 2006, 05:57:52 pm »
Quote from: "superjaz3p"
too bad you didnt get one in my sakaki cosplay,

I know, I was disappointed that I didn't get a picture of you in your cosplay or a picture of the kendo demonstration on stage, I was kinda tuckered out by that point.  I do have another picture of you and your boyfriend looking like off to the side or something, I will send it when I get home, it's nothing special though, I tried to be discrete when I took my picture but I realize now that I should have asked more people to pose haha.  Anyway, right.  I'm glad that I got a picture of your friend and that everyone is enjoying the pictures

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #169 on: April 24, 2006, 05:59:49 pm »
thanks :D
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Xaam

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« Reply #170 on: April 24, 2006, 07:32:12 pm »
The Hello Kitty glompage was priceless but it was indoors, and Daxe had our camera at the time. We went around taking picture with the disposable camera we had with us...we took a lot of pictures of the karate and kendo and taiko drummers, maybe we could find a way to post those as well? You'll have to ask Daxe, he's the man with the plan. And anyways, its his camera. Alls I know, we pretty much captured the demonstrations on stage.

It was so fun meeting all of you people, but I tended to meet most of you from a distance....Gah! I need to get over my shyness.  :?

@ Leashy

I'll totally be at the May meeting! I can't wait to see the site where it'll all go down.


I've always wondered....why the aunt fetish? Will a cousin who is about your age still work? Trust me, she is very nerdy. More of the Star Trek and books type nerdy, but definantly someone I could picture going to K-con.

And I also have a moderately hot, somewhat mentally stable, very available freind of the family who would looove to come and meet you I'm sure.
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Offline Vondan

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« Reply #171 on: April 24, 2006, 08:08:20 pm »
Quote from: "Xaam"


I've always wondered....why the aunt fetish? Will a cousin who is about your age still work? Trust me, she is very nerdy. More of the Star Trek and books type nerdy, but definantly someone I could picture going to K-con.

And I also have a moderately hot, somewhat mentally stable, very available freind of the family who would looove to come and meet you I'm sure.

Aunts are the most obvious relation my age the kids on the forum would have.   With work I never get out to meet any single Nerdetts my age.  The women who seem interested, I’m not interested in.  Friends always want to fix me up with some ones cousin who is/was a party girl.  A women keeps comming into my shop every other week, my friend Nanny G suspects she is breaking stuff on purpose to meet me but she is a single mom.   I get mildly retarded girls asking me to ask them out and a crazy neighbor girl was following me all over asking if I had a GF or a wife cause she came to America to find a husband (I first noticed her talking to street signs).  My favorite nerdy girl on the bus I saw buying a pack of cigarettes.  My favorite Goth-nerdy sandwich girl got drunk and got a tattoo.  I get “Dancers” offering me “Favors” as payment for repairs (I must be gay I took the cash).  

The one time there was a woman over 30 at the anime club, I was talking to her after outside the comic store when I asked what she did she said she worked in a library and then looked into my eyes and said “You could call me a libraian”.   I was about to ask her to marry me or to get ice cream at DQ 50 feet away, another kid from anime club walks up and wont stop talking about his D&D character and just would not stop and she left and never came back to the club meetings.

Star Trek nerdish is good I have patterns for Lt Ohura's outfit, I wish they had a Trek Con or any other Sci Fi con in town more then once every 10 years. And when I recently moved I had 30 boxes of books.

Hot does not mater to much to me, most of the ladies I think are adorable I point them out to friends and they call dogs even Nanny G makes fun of them (she is the one who would slug me in the tummy if I look at college age girls).  Mentally stable is really good, I was married once but she had “Problems” before I meet her and even though with my support seemed to get over it she still had issues with handling stress and honesty so no more ladies with “Problems” or who even look under weight.  

They can both come to my booth at K Con, I’ll be dressed as Pops Racer or Captain Avatar
Field Marshall Von Dan

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Offline Xaam

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« Reply #172 on: April 24, 2006, 08:20:45 pm »
@ Vondan

Duly noted.
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Offline Daxe

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« Reply #173 on: April 24, 2006, 09:47:42 pm »
lol, unfortuanately the camera I was using was half used by something else, not sure what. Ill get them developed eventually and post some pics but they are mostly pics of the first taiko drummers and the first karate group. T.T

And sure I was wanted to go check out the site, first hand. I'll plan to be there. I'll bring Xaam with me too.

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« Reply #174 on: April 24, 2006, 09:53:27 pm »
Quote from: "Daxe"
And sure I was wanted to go check out the site, first hand. I'll plan to be there. I'll bring Xaam with me too.

And suddenly I feel like luggage.  :roll:
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Offline Daxe

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« Reply #175 on: April 24, 2006, 09:56:31 pm »
Lol, you dont know what its like to feel like luggage till someone tells you what the lost luggage award mean on SSB Melee

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #176 on: April 25, 2006, 09:26:47 am »
^_^ Tom says that there will be Pcoky Club meeting there, so that means Free Pocky! I shall be there alsooo.

Offline TomtheFanboy

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« Reply #177 on: April 25, 2006, 11:27:56 am »
Gee, thanks Neko.

As much as I love sharing Pocky with people, I don't really want people coming up and demanding to be fed. There were a couple people like that at a the end of the last convention.

people on the forums....

Pocky Club is about spreading the joy of our fandom and world peace through pocky and cosply. Not stuffing your lazy face, meanies! :evil:

Not that anybody I've seen recently has been a problem! Hee hee!  :D

I wonder if I'll be able to get any green tea pocky for the next meeting....
Tom the Fanboy
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Offline Xaam

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« Reply #178 on: April 25, 2006, 01:35:32 pm »
Green tea is my fave! I recently aquired some which I am altogether far too selfish to share. Greedy when it comes to green tea pocky! But maybe I could show up and eat it in front of ya'll. :mrgreen:
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Offline leashy

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« Reply #179 on: April 25, 2006, 06:28:26 pm »
@ Xaam

I tried the green tea pocky samples at the Sakura Festival and I dunno it seems to be an aquired taste.  I mean I like green tea and green tea ice cream and all but I wasn't a huge fan of the pocky..hmmm.

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #180 on: April 25, 2006, 06:38:01 pm »
Sorry Tom. TT_TT

I'll bring some Pocky Too, Just Strawberry and REgular CHcolate... Maybe I'll get some Yan Yan and Hello Panda to mix it up.

I'm soooooo sorry about that stick of Green Tea pocky Tom. D: I did't mean to break it. It was... impluse?

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #181 on: April 26, 2006, 07:01:45 pm »
pocky is meant to be shared too, i had one piesce then shared the rest of the envalope , i aslo share the panda cookies i had, there yummie but hey not pocky
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #182 on: April 26, 2006, 07:38:35 pm »
TT__TT -sob-

I ate a whole envelope of pocky by my self... -sniffle-

Offline leashy

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« Reply #183 on: April 27, 2006, 07:41:30 am »
I can home yesterday and my boyfriend had gotten me a box of strawberry pocky to share with him, he said it was only $.75

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #184 on: April 27, 2006, 09:18:05 am »
Quote from: "leashy"
I can home yesterday and my boyfriend had gotten me a box of strawberry pocky to share with him, he said it was only $.75

Strawberry Bits or just Strawberry Creme?
Strawberry bits is sooo much better. n_n But if you can't find it, the creme is yummy too.

Offline superjaz

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« Reply #185 on: April 27, 2006, 09:57:15 am »
yesh the crushed is particularly yummie but i gotta have chocolate!
hey leasy have you posted the pic :)
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
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Offline leashy

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« Reply #186 on: April 27, 2006, 01:10:15 pm »
@ Neko just strawberry creme, but it was yummy and unexpected

@Superjaz.. GAH noooo ;-; I will write myself an e-mail and hopefully remember sorry

Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #187 on: April 28, 2006, 09:24:04 am »
Leashy-chan, thanks for the message on my phone. n_n It made my day actually, haha. <333

Offline Radien

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« Reply #188 on: May 01, 2006, 04:37:15 am »
I heard the Sakura festival was a huge success, with 31 people and many in costume, and I'm sad that I wasn't able to go. :( It would have been an uphill battle for me to try to go, though. My car died a few days before the festival, AND my only passenger/carpooler cancelled, AND I found out that mom and sister's choir was having their annual potluck that weekend, which I would have missed (their choir is like family, I've known them so long). I concluded that I was not fated to go to Portland that weekend. >_<;

I'll definitely be sure to go next year, now that I've heard people coming back with such great reviews. Thanks, all of you who stuck your heads out and even did cosplay amidst non-otaku strangers for the sake of the con.
b ^_^ d

(that smiley's a "two thumbs up," in case you can't tell)
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Offline Xaam

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« Reply #189 on: May 01, 2006, 01:32:33 pm »
Sorry you couldn't make it Rad, but next year will be even better (these things improve with time).

*Dances* Who still has some green tea pocky left? Oh yeah, thats me baby! Neko, Supe, and Leashy can't have any either!! XD
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Offline leashy

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« Reply #190 on: May 01, 2006, 03:18:29 pm »
Quote from: "Xaam"
Oh yeah, thats me baby! Neko, Supe, and Leashy can't have any either!! XD

Someone needs to learn to share!... Or to eat her pocky faster!

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« Reply #191 on: May 01, 2006, 04:16:24 pm »
Quote from: "Xaam"
Sorry you couldn't make it Rad, but next year will be even better (these things improve with time).

*Dances* Who still has some green tea pocky left? Oh yeah, thats me baby! Neko, Supe, and Leashy can't have any either!! XD

I'm also still clinging onto my last box of green tea Pocky. Why didn't I get more..?! T_T

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Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #192 on: May 01, 2006, 06:42:02 pm »
-sticks out tounge- Neeh! I don't want any of your icky Green Tea Pocky~ You can have it alllll to yourself! T^T

Offline Xaam

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« Reply #193 on: May 02, 2006, 12:01:03 pm »
Awww. I feel slightly guilty. But now its all gone and I can't share it with you guys! T_T
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Offline Hawkeye

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« Reply #194 on: May 02, 2006, 01:40:31 pm »
I'll share some green tea pocky with neko and leashy and the others.  :-P
"Now I'll show you how real vampires do battle!"

Offline Vondan

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« Reply #195 on: May 02, 2006, 04:41:44 pm »
I'm making a 5 foot leather pocky and i'm not gonna share
Field Marshall Von Dan

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« Reply #196 on: May 02, 2006, 04:43:08 pm »
Alright. Now I'm angry. I have a horror story to share..

It was morning. I looked in the cupboard where the Pocky from the Festival was kept. I looked inside to see the box of almond Pocky sitting there. But.. the green tea Pocky was missing. *sobs* Someone must have eaten it! It was a brand new unopened box. And when I find out who stole it... there will be carnage.

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Offline Neko_Chan

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« Reply #197 on: May 02, 2006, 05:47:01 pm »
Quote from: "Hawkeye"
I'll share some green tea pocky with neko and leashy and the others.  :-P

nononnooo. x_x I hate the Green Tea Pocky. Share it with someone who will appriciate it!

Offline leashy

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« Reply #198 on: May 03, 2006, 09:27:59 am »
Quote from: "Hawkeye"
I'll share some green tea pocky with neko and leashy and the others.  :-P

I feel loved ^^ Don't really like green tea pocky but I still feel loved!  Woah.. I have no money.  I hate moving, I got paid on friday and now I have $9 until next friday =(

Offline Moraela

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4th Annual Sakura Festival
« Reply #199 on: May 08, 2006, 08:29:38 pm »
OMG this is sooo late but XD  I went to the Sakura festival and saw the Edward Elrics.  I recognized them but knew they wouldn't know me.  I was stalking them alittle, though they didn't notice.  I wanted to take pictures and dress up, too, but my inuyasha costume fell to pieces soon after the last Kumoricon.  Since this is the first year I ever knew about the Sakura Festival I'm definitely planning on going dressed up next year! XD
"However long the night may last, the dawn will always break."
"He thought they were the most beautiful birds in the world, the he found out they were only seagulls." ~Maude: Harold and Maude