Hey guys! I was informed that the Zelda Photoshoot was mashed together with this one. If it is okay with the original host I would like to host a Zelda photoshoot around 1 on Saturday.
I have created a Facebook group for it and would gladly take over the forum thread.
Umm..I have no idea what you are talking about..I never heard this..I'm the one running this photoshoot, so if anyone should be notified of this it would be me. I never heard of any mashup. I believe I posted in the Zelda thread that those cosplayers are invited to this shoot because Zelda is Nintendo, but they SHOULD be 2 different shoots. Zelda with their own, and this one separate.
Also, what thread are you offering to take over? The Zelda one? If so, it's not up to me or the people of this thread. It's completely up to the Zelda thread and their host. If that host is neglecting to update (and isn't seeming to come on anymore) then ask them if you can take over because of the odd situation, but if that host is still active, it's rude to just take over.
However, I don't care if you have a Zelda photoshoot earlier the same day..I have no right or reason to tell you not to..You can have any photoshoot whenever you want to. I don't have any say in what you can and can't do with your own time. If the people in the Zelda thread are fine with it, then go ahead..Being on the same day as this Nintendo one would be better than on any other day anyway, because that way they can have that, then this.
Oh, and before you get too confused on what I first said about them being invited, but not mashed, what I mean is that this is an ALL thread. As in every single cosplayer that is in a game playable on the Nintendo game systems (console and handheld alike) are welcome to show up to this Nintendo shoot. Zelda itself will be Zlda ONLY, meaning no Mario, no Samus, ONLY Zelda characters. In a way, this is a mashup, but Zelda should have it's own specific shoot as well. It would be rude to the Zelda cosplayers to not let them have their own shoot and force them into this one and nothing else lol
I hope this cleared up the confusion you had. If you have any more questions or anything, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to try not to give a confusing answer (I'm not teh best at that haha) but still, it's better to know for sure
Hope to see you there. And sorry this is so long..I didn't mean for it to be lol Oh well, I hope it helps.
Sorry, I saw this first and after posting this, I went to the Zelda thread.
The person closed it because Kori told them false information..I'd appreciate it if people would not do that. But you can win all the time I guess..People will say whatever they want without confirmation anyway..
Anyway, the person that started the Zelda thread only deleted the info (and linked referring to here) because of that incorrect information. I know she is on here A LOT and VERY often, so I messaged her (her and I talk quite a bit in threads here) and informed her to just not listen to anything Kori says, if she's just gonna throw around whatever information she wants.