Author Topic: Cosplay Photography Locations  (Read 4144 times)

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Offline Valkyrie542

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Cosplay Photography Locations
« on: January 28, 2015, 11:10:34 am »
I thought it might be a good idea if we all listed some really nifty places to get photos taken!

I'll post some of my favorite spots from Vancouver that I visited during Kcon 2014!

Note: If you know of some locations that are not in the Vancouver area, please state otherwise to avoid confusion!

-Marine Park: The park consists of a playground, some park benches and picnic tables and a parking lot in the forefront of the area. Also, there's a dirt path near the trees that leads into an open field and goes down to the river and some wetlands (it's about a 1/2 walk down the path, and be sure to wear boots if it rained recently)!

-Hillside: While en route to Marine Park, there are some lovely grassy hills and there are even some train tracks. (Also, on your way into Vancouver, you might notice a railway with some old trains you can pose in front of!)

-Tunnels: Along the hillside en route to Marine Park, there is at least one tunnel - with a bike trail on the other side - that would make for some mysterious photos.

-Dock By The Red Lion Hotel: At the Red Lion Hotel, there's a beautiful river that's a popular place to take cosplay photos in front of! There is also some stone steps that may also be nice to use for photos.

Add to the post if you know of any more locations that are some of your favorites to use!
-Kumoricon Cosplays-

Coming Soon!!

Message me if you're doing similar cosplays and want to meet for photos!