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Offline BrokenPsyche

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Cosplay for 2015
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:14:55 pm »
Thread for cosplay plans 2015
Feel free to share your plans even if you aren't too sure about them yet.

Be nice and be respectful to others.

Offline Sailor-Jeimi

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2014, 08:27:50 pm »
Not too sure yet on exactly what..
I know for sure friday is Kingdom Hearts day, that's the same every year..Then I know for sure one day there should be a Dragon Ball PJ Panel, so hopefully I will have PJ Gohan for that. For the Kingdom Hearts stuff, I will most likely have Sora like 2014. I don't wanna do Larxene because holy heck I will die in that coat in that heat..If I can get my group to do it, I may have Maid Larxene with other maid and butler versions of Org members.

There's a good chance I'll have a Harley Quinn cosplay..I have a my "lolita-inspired/Maid (It will be lolita-insired but have a removable apron and with the apron I have serving stuff), and I also have an idea for another OC version.

Then I know I for sure will have Hikari (Or dawn as most people know her by) from Pokemon. I will have her Platinum game version outfit.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 05:04:26 pm »
It's unlikely that I'll get to go in 2015, but I'm keeping my hopes up!
Within the next few months, I'm planning to learn to sew and make myself a cosplay of Rufus Barma from Pandora Hearts. Then if I can go to Kumoricon, I'll try to debut it there.
Welp, can't come to Kumoricon for the next four years... See you all in 2019 hopefully ;w;

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2014, 05:15:38 pm »
I'm sure you'll be beautiful if you get to go!

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2014, 05:42:11 pm »
Thank you! xD It will be my first time cosplaying a male character so I will have to see how it works out.
Welp, can't come to Kumoricon for the next four years... See you all in 2019 hopefully ;w;

Offline otakunobody

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2014, 05:16:51 am »
           I was sad to miss last year's con but with the greatest pleasure I can almost promise that my best friend, AcadiaTheSphynx, and I will be attending this year.
           In no particular order yet:
-Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
-Wizard (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
-Hiro (Big Hero 6)
-Kirara (Inuyasha)
-Vaporeon (Pokemon)

           I can't wait to see you guys again :)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 04:11:55 am by otakunobody »
Kumoricon 2015
- Kiki [Kiki's Delivery Service]
- Hiro [Big Hero 6]

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2014, 06:35:20 pm »
I'm going to be Natsu from Fairy Tail. I'm also considering cosplaying Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, and a Attack on Titan crossover.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2014, 12:35:34 am »
I know for sure that I will be cosplaying Death the Kid from Soul Eater at NewconPDX 3 in 2015 (I'll have to, since I'm hosting the Soul Eater panel as him!).

As for Kumoricon '15, I'm not certain what my cosplay lineup will be yet, but it will probably include a mix of previous cosplays as well as new ones.  I might bring back Soul and/or Crona from Soul Eater that I debuted at K-con 2014, I'll definitely want to fit Kid in there somewhere, but I also have plans to complete cosplays for Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon, Phantom Thief Dark from D.N.Angel, and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, also from Soul Eater.

But, of course, I have humongous list of cosplays I want to do as soon as possible, but I'll only have time for so many!  We'll see how things go!
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2014, 12:03:36 pm »
I know for sure that I will be cosplaying Death the Kid from Soul Eater at NewconPDX 3 in 2015 (I'll have to, since I'm hosting the Soul Eater panel as him!).

As for Kumoricon '15, I'm not certain what my cosplay lineup will be yet, but it will probably include a mix of previous cosplays as well as new ones.  I might bring back Soul and/or Crona from Soul Eater that I debuted at K-con 2014, I'll definitely want to fit Kid in there somewhere, but I also have plans to complete cosplays for Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon, Phantom Thief Dark from D.N.Angel, and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, also from Soul Eater.

But, of course, I have humongous list of cosplays I want to do as soon as possible, but I'll only have time for so many!  We'll see how things go!

We might bring Soul Eater stuff if you wanna hang out with us..My friend still does Black Star (I believe I told you this from this last year) and I may be able to do Eruka Frog or Just redo Spirit still (Still have everything for him). Trying to get my other friend to do something Soul Eater too. I know she loves it but idk if she ants to cosplay from it.

Offline BrokenPsyche

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2014, 01:33:28 am »
For newcon I'm going to be Fem!Dirk from Homestuck

Offline riku-chan

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2014, 02:35:17 pm »
I'm planning on cosplay alot of different character's at kumoricon 2015 some of them being.

finished Len Kagamine---from vocaloid.
needs patched up\finished Sailor Monochrome---my sailor moon OC.
finished Ritsuka---from loveless.
in progress Remilia Scarlet---from touhou project.

I might do other cosplay's but I'm still not sure what other cosplay I wanna do.
~~Kumoricon 2018~~

Offline Valkyrie542

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2014, 05:23:21 am »
Cosplay plans already? How exciting~

I had a hard time choosing, but I'm definitely going as Stefan Bekowsky from LA Noire; and I think I've finally settled on Buddy from Resident Evil Damnation and Erica Reed from Cognition for this year.

I'd like to do a fourth, but doing three new costumes this year will be challenging enough, I think. ^^;
-Kumoricon Cosplays-

Coming Soon!!

Message me if you're doing similar cosplays and want to meet for photos!

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2015, 11:03:07 pm »
I have a few costumes planned, one being Sorey from Tales of Zestiria and the other being Kanata from Trinity Universe. I'm more focused on Kanata right now and have been doing a lot of work on just learning how to make the hakama pants for the last few months. Sorey might not make it, but I'd really like to make and bring him.
I have no idea what I'll bring for costumes I've already completed, perhaps Kagamine Len since he was surprisingly very comfortable.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2015, 12:22:53 pm »
I have a few costumes planned, one being Sorey from Tales of Zestiria and the other being Kanata from Trinity Universe. I'm more focused on Kanata right now and have been doing a lot of work on just learning how to make the hakama pants for the last few months. Sorey might not make it, but I'd really like to make and bring him.
I have no idea what I'll bring for costumes I've already completed, perhaps Kagamine Len since he was surprisingly very comfortable.

**Heavy breating**
OMG!!!! TRINITY UNIVERSE!! I have to finish Mizuki now....I was talking to mygroup about this and we are all willing they just have to find characters..I think my one friend is willing to do Lucius..And the other idk..But OMG!!

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2015, 04:22:57 pm »
Oh yea, Forgot to post for my own cosplay stuff in that last one haha

Ok so, so far we have some ideas..

For sure:
Kingdom Hearts-
-Sora (me)
-Riku (Eve)
-Xemnas (Cesar)
You guys may have seen me..I know a LOT of you did becasue I was Sora almost the entire con 2014..I had Ultima Weapon and I was KH2. My friend was Xemnas that was with me for some of the time. Same thing for this time. Same cosplays except I'll have a Riku with me..

-Litwick (Eve)
-Lampent (Cesar)
-Chandelure (Me)
If you guys see us at Sakuracon this year, we will have the same cosplays. If we do them for any night times, we wil all have lights in our cosplays in the flames (Litwick on the top of the head, Lampent in the tie, and Chandelure the pigtails and in my hinds).

-My Original Character. My friends might do my other characters. We'll see..

Most Likely:
-Coco (me)
-Fox (Cesar)
-Velvet (Eve)
-Yatsuhashi (Martyn)

-Gohan (me [Cell Saga])
-Hercule Satan (Cesar)

Maybe, but not likely (not saying names of anyone doing the characters because we have no idea):
-Trinity Universe..I wanna do Mizuki or if I can, Rizelea..idk about the other people..
-Zelda stuff if we all finish..I need to finish Link but it's kinda hard..

« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 12:29:05 pm by Sailor-Jeimi »

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2015, 03:13:36 am »
LOL dude due, no~ I've been spending months brainstorming how to make this costume. I want necomimi ears for his ears but I'm like "MEH BROKE" and actually think it'd be more fun to make my own fully and have super strong magnents. Of course, this is also cause my motive to make as historically accurate as possible is attached to the desire to enter it into Costume Contest so... lol I'm going more anal than I would otherwise with my own costume.

I am looking forward to murdering plushies from the dollar store  ::)
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Offline eishamrell

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2015, 01:16:28 pm »
My plans for Kumoricon 2015 are Hikaru from Ouran High Host club gender-bent so female version. While my identical twin sister will Kaoru gender bent from host club. I am also creating Periwinkle and she will be Tinkerbell.
Smile!!! : )

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2015, 09:34:01 am »

As my sig says:

-Ravio - Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
-Haku - Naruto
-Humanoid female Toothless - How to Train Your Dragon.
-Schala - Chrono Trigger
-Giffany - Gravity Falls
-Bulma's mom/Dr. Brief's wife - DBZ

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2015, 05:45:23 pm »
My line up (and other members in my group), in no particular order, is:

Miroku- Inuyasha
Tadashi (maybe)- Big Hero 6
Gibson (with Antauri, SPRX and possibly one other character)- SRMTHFG
Rarity (just day 0, maybe)- My Little Pony

And I'll probably bring my Miroku cosplay to fill up any day I don't feel like cosplaying anything listed. If I do that, I may have Inuyasha and Koga with me (if not we will probably do our South Park group one of the days)

« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 02:46:17 pm by NaruSasuFanGal »
Kumori con 15

Sango- Inuyasha
Lucy- Fairy Tail
Robin- Young Justice
Craig- South Park

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2015, 12:36:41 pm »
Beetlejuice for certain if I can make it this year.

I was the Beetlejuice of 2012 and 2013, I missed 2014 but I have seen pictures of another Beetlejuice that showed up that year so I was happy that someone continued it.

If I can make it for 2015 I would love to be Beetlejuice for 3 days and on 1 day be Greed from FMAB. Although I want to put on the muscle to pull it off good

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2015, 07:06:37 pm »
LOL dude due, no~ I've been spending months brainstorming how to make this costume. I want necomimi ears for his ears but I'm like "MEH BROKE" and actually think it'd be more fun to make my own fully and have super strong magnents. Of course, this is also cause my motive to make as historically accurate as possible is attached to the desire to enter it into Costume Contest so... lol I'm going more anal than I would otherwise with my own costume.

I am looking forward to murdering plushies from the dollar store  ::)

Was that to me?
If so here's my reply..If not, I must be misreading..
Nekomimi ears? for a dog character? I wanna make your sword lol I've already made Cloud's sword, and his is basically the same thing..My game has the Sakura Managraphic I think..The one that heals you after every turn cuz I'm a little cheater..I love that Managraphic though..I'll be using it on whoever I cosplay..

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2015, 09:17:55 pm »
Yeah sorry Jeimi, I tend to not quote in forums. Old forum habits.
Yeah, nekomimi ears can have the ears taken off and replaced. My idea is (assuming I can cave and buy the system to begin with) is to make the dog ears that fit on top of pegs.
I'd make the sword myself probably. I've got nowhere to store a sword that big though. My plan would be to try making it out of EVA foam, but I haven't looked into pricing or anything yet.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2015, 09:24:57 pm »
Yeah sorry Jeimi, I tend to not quote in forums. Old forum habits.
Yeah, nekomimi ears can have the ears taken off and replaced. My idea is (assuming I can cave and buy the system to begin with) is to make the dog ears that fit on top of pegs.
I'd make the sword myself probably. I've got nowhere to store a sword that big though. My plan would be to try making it out of EVA foam, but I haven't looked into pricing or anything yet.

Ah ok, then I was right to reply lol
Anyway yea I know what you mean now. In 2013 I was rooming with someone that had the nekomimi ears. Those things are way kool lol I didn't know they made dog ears you could fi over them though so that's neat..

For the sword, I'd honestly use insulation foam. Not EVA..EVA foam bends a lot, and will cost a ton to get that much. The insulation foam you can get the thinner one and make it 2 layers outta the one sheet and sandwich a handle that goes all the way up. Or even cheaper, wooden dowel, cardboard and spray foam. You use the spray foam to spray inside the hollow cardboard sword which makes it hard, and somewhat still light (nowhere near as light as insulation foam, but it won't kill you to carry like wood will). Then the dowel would be long enough to go all the way up the blade. And cardboard is So..

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2015, 09:46:31 pm »
I'm already super excited for kumoricon! I have plans to do Oikawa Tooru from Haikyuu, Link from Skyward Swords, Kyoko Sakura from Madoka, and either Sora from KH2 or Touka from Tokyo Ghoul.
Kumoricon '15
-Chihiro (Spirited Away)
-Kenma (Haikyuu!!)
-Shion Karanomori (Psycho Pass)

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2015, 07:36:41 am »
Yeah nekomimi have little pegs that the ears sit on :D I'd make a cardboard base for the inside so it can sit on the pegs then use floral or cushion foam or something to make the ears around it. I found some cheap magnets at the hardware store, so I think it'll be more practical for me to just make the ears from scrap and have them attach through magnets  ;)

Insulation foam, the kind I'm thinking of, is like .... fiberglass right? It sheds a ton of tiny little pieces when you shape and slice it. I have no room for a mess that big. Plus I lack the tools - no dremel, a joke of a handsaw and xacto knife, and what not. I'd probably make it out of foam core board, assuming I have the patience to cut that stuff again with turkey scissors. EVA foam looks nice and thick and rubbery and would probably be cheaper than laying down layers of foamies on top of the foam core board.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2015, 11:34:12 am »
Yeah nekomimi have little pegs that the ears sit on :D I'd make a cardboard base for the inside so it can sit on the pegs then use floral or cushion foam or something to make the ears around it. I found some cheap magnets at the hardware store, so I think it'll be more practical for me to just make the ears from scrap and have them attach through magnets  ;)

Insulation foam, the kind I'm thinking of, is like .... fiberglass right? It sheds a ton of tiny little pieces when you shape and slice it. I have no room for a mess that big. Plus I lack the tools - no dremel, a joke of a handsaw and xacto knife, and what not. I'd probably make it out of foam core board, assuming I have the patience to cut that stuff again with turkey scissors. EVA foam looks nice and thick and rubbery and would probably be cheaper than laying down layers of foamies on top of the foam core board.

Insulation foam is the big sheets that you get at hardware stores. Usually meant for inside walls. Usually pink or green in color. Usually has the pink panther on the pink ones..But yes it does that a It's annoying..I made my Cloud one out of it:
It was messy as crap..

The thing about EVA foam though, is that it'll be a lot more expensive. That foam is already expensive as it is, getting enough to make that sword will be way harder. The cardboard method I said would be cheaper and tons easier actually. Less messy too. Like the foam board, you won't have little shavings everywhere, but rather a big piece with a large cutout in it, except the fact that it's FREE!! lolAnd you will still need to bevel the foam board, which will create a mess. You can lightly cut cardboard to bevel it:
Both of these are the same method I mentioned.Literally the only "mess' was the piece of cardboard with the shape cut out.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2015, 04:59:00 pm »
Interesting. I don't think I can bevel the foam core board - the styrofoam inside would shred too much. But if I layer the foamies on top right it might bevel right. Not sure.
I don't like the result pure cardboard has at the end - the little signs of still seeing the cardboard through it. I'd want to cover it with foamies. The cardboard I used to strengthen the sword I'm making now was from a pizza box actually lol But even that's covered with the foamies so it gets a smoother look.
Either way, a lot of the tools required to make props I don't have and can't get.  :-\ Oh well. I work with what I can.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2015, 05:57:52 pm »
Interesting. I don't think I can bevel the foam core board - the styrofoam inside would shred too much. But if I layer the foamies on top right it might bevel right. Not sure.
I don't like the result pure cardboard has at the end - the little signs of still seeing the cardboard through it. I'd want to cover it with foamies. The cardboard I used to strengthen the sword I'm making now was from a pizza box actually lol But even that's covered with the foamies so it gets a smoother look.
Either way, a lot of the tools required to make props I don't have and can't get.  :-\ Oh well. I work with what I can.

That's why you seal it..You don't just paint straight onto cardboard..You use something like gesso to seal it, sand that super smooth, and paint on that.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2015, 09:01:53 pm »
Most cardboard boxes still have those ribs. If it's the kind of cardboard that's got a smooth face, then it'd be okay, but meh. I'll probably not make the sword. It's not on my list of to-make. I've got 2 twin swords to make for another costume, as well as 2 other costumes to make before I even consider making a sword that's too large to store anywhere.
They need to invent the Capsule Corp already, cause I need a way to store things in tiny spaces now.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2015, 09:26:57 pm »
Most cardboard boxes still have those ribs. If it's the kind of cardboard that's got a smooth face, then it'd be okay, but meh. I'll probably not make the sword. It's not on my list of to-make. I've got 2 twin swords to make for another costume, as well as 2 other costumes to make before I even consider making a sword that's too large to store anywhere.
They need to invent the Capsule Corp already, cause I need a way to store things in tiny spaces now.

Well since you aren't even wanting to make it anyway it doesn't really matter, but I just wanna point out that what your saying is incorrect to what I'm trying to explain..If you cover cardboard with gesso, it COVERS the surface of the cardboard. Anything that the cardboard looks like, does not matter once you apply the gesso. Of course god forbid I ever be able to find a picture of what I'm talking about..I know they exist in tutorials, but those tutorials disappear off the internet for the length of time I need them for any reason..So I can't really show you. But the point is, once you apply the gesso, the texture of the cardboard goes UNDER it and you can't see it. So no matter what the cardboard is or how it looks, you are covering it. You do not see the "ribs" that you are talking about. That's the whole point of sealing it. Once you apply the gesso and it dries with enough coats to cover the cardboard's surface, you sand it until it's as smooth as you want it. You can smooth it as smooth as glass if you want. So whatever you are trying to say, is wrong, I know for a fact how this works. If I had an electric sander I'd be doing that to it.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2015, 09:51:58 am »
Ooooh I get what you mean. I usually only apply 2-3 layers of gesso on stuff to seal it, since that's the amount needed to seal most things I work with.
How would you bevel cardboard for a sword blade without power tools?
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2015, 05:15:22 pm »
Ooooh I get what you mean. I usually only apply 2-3 layers of gesso on stuff to seal it, since that's the amount needed to seal most things I work with.
How would you bevel cardboard for a sword blade without power tools?

lol I knew you'd get it.

Mmk so what you do, is you figure out where you want the bevel to start. So let's take cloud, since I actually did that to an old one I WAS making before I switched to insulation foam. You can see on clouds sword where the bevel starts..It changed color on mine from black to silver. Then mark it with a pen. Doesn't need to be a dark sharpie line, just something you can see. I usually use a normal old pen.Then cut it like you were cutting away the piece. EXCEPT!! Don't cut all the way through. Cut it to the point where it'll bend. Like this:
The red is where you cut but not all the way through, and the blue you cut out. Do it mirrored on the other side. That way when they are put together the direction it folds will be in the bending toward each other. You make sure inside the blade is wide enough so that when you bend the edges together, it creates a bevel.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2015, 08:26:23 pm »
Huh. That's creative. That'd be something I'd have to have measurements or learn in-person to get. Or youtube vids. It looks easier than just shaving down the edges with a dremel sander - which is what most tutorials say to do.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2015, 08:45:07 pm »
Huh. That's creative. That'd be something I'd have to have measurements or learn in-person to get. Or youtube vids. It looks easier than just shaving down the edges with a dremel sander - which is what most tutorials say to do.
That's becasue most tutorials that deal with carving are for materials that you need to carve..You can't carve cardboard. That isn't possible..You need to do with it what you do with paper. Anything you read about carving is for a THICK material. Don't follow those for any thin materials.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2015, 09:13:40 pm »
I just finished reshaping the sword I was working on out of the foam core and foamies. I also attached the handle to it. The weight is better distributed now, but ... well time will tell if I attached the bamboo handle to the foam properly. Hopefully hot-temp hot glue and a bit of bracing will hold.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2015, 11:00:14 pm »
For newcon I'm going to be Fem!Dirk from Homestuck

YES, the more Soul Eater, the better! ^-^  I'm hoping that there will be a Soul Eater photoshoot this year, since there wasn't one last year and I ran into a lot of people who were disappointed that there wasn't one.  It would be awesome to hang out with some fellow SE fans and cosplayers!
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2015, 10:56:21 am »
For newcon I'm going to be Fem!Dirk from Homestuck

YES, the more Soul Eater, the better! ^-^  I'm hoping that there will be a Soul Eater photoshoot this year, since there wasn't one last year and I ran into a lot of people who were disappointed that there wasn't one.  It would be awesome to hang out with some fellow SE fans and cosplayers!

lol I think you might have quoted the wrong person..That person is doing Homestuck..They didn't mention Soul Eater.
Anyway though, the reason I replied to you..My friend and I may be cosplaying Soul Eater this year at Kumori. I have Spirit and he has Black Star. And if I CAN, I'll see what my other group members are doing, if they are.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2015, 04:21:53 pm »
It's been years since I made a costime for myself, but I may start thinking about something.
A question I have about competing: Is it to some degree a popularity contest in which characters from popular shows tend to create more audience energy (and therefore higher marks, immediately) or are the rules or the judging somehow managed to factor in:
- workmanship - like evenness in stitching or embroidery, taking account whether done by hand, by simple motor-driven machines, or by computerized machines? (which operate essentially like the CNC [computer numerically controlled] x-y table of a modern punch press.)
- accuracy in pattern design as compared to the prototype character? Are features like seams, gores, pockets, pin-tucks, lapels, cuffs, or belt loops - placed the same as on the anime character, allowing for real-world human stature (5 to 6 and a half heads tall in relation to anime characters who are usually 8 to 11 heads tall?)
- accuracy in accessories attached to the costume (do buttons, brooches, sleeve and hem trim, command rank pips or medals, insignias of schools, corporate uniforms, or military units match the anime, and are these hand-made versus purchased at
- accuracy in accesories incidental to the character (distinctively fashioned swords, scoped rifles, other weapons, tools, or equipment or other gear)
I'd be interested in learning about how this all works.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2015, 04:57:53 pm »
You should email them to ask, but so far as I know, it's based around the pre-judging that you do before your walk-on. Any presence you do from the walk-on is only for the guest judges who can award other awards. And it's not based on popularity; I'm pretty sure the girl who won Best In Show a year or two ago was cosplaying a traditionally accurate costume of Inuyasha's mother that she all hand-stitched and used traditional techniques.
Workmanship and accuracy is considered "attention to detail" and you can get an award for it. I believe it was LtCommanderRichie who did a costume that won an Attention to Detail award one year because she had gone to great lengths to make everything accurate and it was really meticulously done- it looked fantastic.
I recall when I was pre-judged at Kumori last they told me I might be bumped up into the next workmanship level if I could get the tension on my machine to stop fudging things up.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015 - Anyone run on antique machines?
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2015, 09:37:56 am »
Workmanship and accuracy is considered "attention to detail" and you can get an award for it. I believe it was LtCommanderRichie who did a costume that won an Attention to Detail award one year because she had gone to great lengths to make everything accurate and it was really meticulously done- it looked fantastic.
I recall when I was pre-judged at Kumori last they told me I might be bumped up into the next workmanship level if I could get the tension on my machine to stop fudging things up.
I know that was the case in years past, I was wondering about how the current crew will handle things.
I guess the rules don't come out till late spring or early summer?
Thread tension reminded me of antique machines - I iust watched "Eien no Zero" - the Japanese movie about some high-school age kids who find out at their grandfather's funeral that he was really a step-dad, and that their real father had perished as a "Special Attack" pilot (i.e, kamikaze.) They try to find out more about his life, but with the story set in 2005 (watch for authentically oversized brick-phones) the means that most of the men who knew him would be in their eighies.* One such old man had a wife who was using a beautiful, period Fukusuke, much like this one:

[* I am into ham radio and Morse now, and only a few weeks ago I was pounding brass with a NINETY-ONE year old operator who was a radio man in the WW2 US Navy. My emotion was indescribable - to hear the callsign come back felt not only like a return from a great distance, but also as if the message was crossing time on vacuum tubes, from decades past... ]
Does anyone run on (or get to borrow time on) antique or purely mechanical machines?
Would this - authentic fabrication means or methods - be a factor in scoring a period costume?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 09:39:49 am by Prinz Eugen »

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2015, 10:49:14 am »
I imagine you could post a question up on the forums in the contest area, or send them an email. But yeah, we won't know the current rule-set until around May is my guess, but might be later or sooner.
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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2015, 10:26:14 pm »
just finished patching up my sailor monochrome cosplay and it looks good as new to me! :)
~~Kumoricon 2018~~

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2015, 10:41:15 pm »
Gohan is a GO!! So that's good. Starting it monday (at least buying the fabric for the outfit itself, it'll be that purple that Piccolo also wears. I might be making the cape thingy too. Idk..

Also my new idea for Pokemon.
I will be Gym Leader Roxanne. In her updated outfit from Omega Ruby and Alfa Sapphire.
Here's the kool part, aside from having a wig that actually freaking LOOKS like hers (I've seen ZERO accurate Roxanne cosplay hair so far):
1. I will have a Pokemon with me. It will be a prop, not a person. It's a prop of Nosepass, her main Pokemon. It won't be HUGE like the anime, but rather shorter like the trading card height and the fanart. It's up to my hips. I posted about it in the Pokemon thread if anyone cares to look..
But basically this (this is from the Omega and Alfa trailer, but it's very anime lol):
But a little smaller becasue that's still kinda big lol
2. I will have badges. MANY badges. They will be the Stone Badge.
I will have a sign that reads something along the lines of "I, Roxanne, Rustboro Gym Leader, challenge anyone to a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors, best 2 out of 3. Victors receive a Stone Badge"
Basically as it says (it will be a little more cleaver than that, she's smart so I gotta make it witty), anyone may challenge me to a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors, and anyone that wins will receive a badge. And no, I will not always use rock..Funny as that joke may sound lol (for those that don't know, much like Brock, Roxanne uses is Rock Pokemon..)

I also might bring my secret cosplay..Only one person that frequents this forum knows what it is, and she won't say either lol
My hints were very VERY vague:
"It involves 2 guns, 2 swords, brown hair and leather (well vinyl since I can't afford real leather)"
[/size]It's Final Fantasy though..That's all the hints I'll give..Any pictures of pieces other than the base fabric before it's cut, will give it away..[/color]

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2015, 12:56:58 pm »
I plan to go as Princess Tutu and Ty Lee so far, not specifically in that order. I don't know for sure what I'm doing for the other two days, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be Daughter of Evil Rin for the ball

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2015, 08:16:26 pm »
I have decided for sure that I'm doing Natsu from Fairy Tail, L from Death Note, Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds, and my Attack on Titan OC.

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2015, 02:54:42 pm »
Since my list updated, I guess i should make a physical updated list too.
I have "for sure" ones, that I'm either hosting things for, or are already started making, which are:
-Gohan from Dragon Ball Z. Cell Games Super Saiyan version.
-Coco from RWBY with my group doing the rest of Team CFVY.
-Something from Kingdom Hearts. I have one of 2 ideas:
++Sora, KH2 version, becasue I already have it..
++Nobody inspired Gothic Lolita
-Princess Peach from Mario. Likely, Fire Peach.

-Sasha from Attack On Titan. This is just if I happen to get done..But I doubt it..If not, maybe a casual version.
-Takamina or Yukirin from AKB0048. Unlikely, but yea..

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2015, 03:05:26 pm »
This is Jojo con for me! I will for sure have Jolyne and Fugo. If I have the money I will probably try to get Risotto done as well. I may also take Jotaro. ALL THE JOJOS!

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2015, 12:09:42 am »
Well I'm hoping to go as a few people ^^

For sure going as:
Greece- Hetalia
Rico Brzenska - Attack on Titan
Solf J. Kimblee - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood ver.
Arrietty - The Secret World of Arrietty
Twilight Sparkle - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Roman Torchwick - RWBY

Possibly going as:
Pierce Villiers  - Alice in the Country of Clover
Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist
Annie Leonhardt - Attack on Titan
Sailor Mercury - Sailor Moon
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 01:27:29 pm by SableKitten »
Kumoricon 2016 Plans
For Sure: Guren Ichinose (Owari no Seraph), Hanayo Koizumi (Love Live!), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist, hesitant because costume is still not here)

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #48 on: June 10, 2015, 03:11:32 pm »
If I make it I really want to go as Death The Endless from Sandman comics, Hilda from LOZ:LBW and maybe something else

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Re: Cosplay for 2015
« Reply #49 on: July 23, 2015, 03:24:15 pm »
Line up:
-Sora (Kingdom Hearts 2) OR
-Gohan Super Saiyan 1 (DBZ Cell Saga)
*Depends on how hot it is, if it's not too hot, I'll be Sora)
-Gohan again if I stay out late
-GymLeader Ruby Rose (RWBY/Pokemon crossover)
-Sora again for after the Pokemon shoot for the rest of the night
-Nepgear (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
-Gohan again for the rest of the day/night
-Gohan again until I leave.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 05:17:54 pm by Sailor-Jeimi »