Author Topic: Artist Alley Partner?  (Read 4680 times)

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Artist Alley Partner?
« on: March 23, 2014, 03:53:19 am »

I am looking into the possibility of getting a table at AA this year (depending on the cost of the table, I read that it was $85 in 2012, but I would imagine it would have gone up a little?) If I can find a partner to table with, I would be more inclined to obtain a tax certificate and apply when the applications open.

A few things about me;

* It would be my first time tabling. Although, I have no first-hand experience at tabling, I have been doing a lot of research, reading a lot of  DA journals / tumblr posts / watching panels on youtube etc.

* I live in Portland proper, and I plan on arriving at the con with other friends. Not sure if I will book a hotel yet or not.

* I will be cosplaying as Sailor Mercury (that's allowed, right?)

* I plan on selling both original works (original characters and concepts) as well as fan art (so far I have items made for Sailor Moon, Madoka Magica and Kyoukai no Kanata, working on a few more!)
--> Look at my DeviantArt

* I will be attending under the name Maruru Arts. I hace a website but it is still under construction (here it is)

If you are interested, please comment below, note me on DA or email me at! We can work things out from there! thanks for reading!
Deviantart: Mooncastle