Author Topic: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!  (Read 12493 times)

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Offline absolute_apocalypse

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2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:10:09 pm »
Hello everyone! Beginning this year I am the AMV Staff Assistant and will be one of the primary contacts for the AMV Contest this year. I just wanted to let you all know that submissions are now open and the finalized rules are up on the main website here: Importantly: the digital deadline is Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 11:59pm Pacific Time and the physical deadline is Friday, July 25, 2014, 5:30pm US Pacific Time.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post them here, message me at this account, or email me at absoluteapocalypse [at] gmail [dot] com. Thank you all for your interest and I look forward to all your submissions!

Offline Prinz Eugen

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2014, 10:23:39 am »
Hey - good luck and have a Great Time!
If I get any e-mails or submissions to my old e-mail address, I will forward them to you privately.
- G

Offline absolute_apocalypse

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 01:37:39 am »
Thanks! :)

Also, it has been brought to my attention that the rules don't say what information to submit so I thought it would be smart to write it out here. Please send us the following with each email:
~Your name and preferred alias (your name will be kept private if you provide an alias)
~Your email address (if none is specified, I will assume this is the one you sent from)
~The title of each AMV you are submitting
~The name of the source anime, song, and musical artist/source you used
~Your preferred category for each AMV (if you feel strongly about your AMV being played in a specific category let me know)

Feel free to submit multiple AMVs within the same email! Let me know if you have any questions!

Offline superjaz

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 09:03:07 pm »
Hey - good luck and have a Great Time!
If I get any e-mails or submissions to my old e-mail address, I will forward them to you privately.
- G
Heard you weren't doing it this year, thank you for all your hard work!  Its been a highlight of the past years for the whole family.
(sorry for being off topic)
superjaz, that is jaz with one z count'um ONE z!
Proud mom of 2 awesome kids

Offline absolute_apocalypse

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 07:14:21 pm »
Hi everyone, just wanted to remind you that there is exactly a week left until our digital deadline closes!  Make sure to get those AMVs in! We've gotten lots of good submissions so far :)

Offline jeffry_fisher

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2014, 10:50:30 am »
it has been brought to my attention that the rules don't say what information to submit...
~The name of the source anime, song, and musical artist/source you used
~Your preferred category for each AMV (if you feel strongly about your AMV being played in a specific category let me know)

Some AMVs use clips from lots of different anime series/movies. For the retro category, you definitely need all the info. Do you need it all for other cats, or is "various" a valid label? Likewise songs.

Despite the "music video" name, some AMVs (e.g. trailers and some comedy) use audio sources that are not songs.

For next year, you (or the next AMV coordinator) may want to review all of the rules and categories to define them according to what you have the energy and passion to police (e.g. checking ages of anime and audio in a retro category, checking "anime" for non-Japanese knock-offs etc, deciding whether or not to accept video-game imagery along with anime).
"People who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't"

Offline absolute_apocalypse

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2014, 01:27:55 pm »
Some AMVs use clips from lots of different anime series/movies. For the retro category, you definitely need all the info. Do you need it all for other cats, or is "various" a valid label? Likewise songs.

Despite the "music video" name, some AMVs (e.g. trailers and some comedy) use audio sources that are not songs.

For next year, you (or the next AMV coordinator) may want to review all of the rules and categories to define them according to what you have the energy and passion to police (e.g. checking ages of anime and audio in a retro category, checking "anime" for non-Japanese knock-offs etc, deciding whether or not to accept video-game imagery along with anime).

I felt like adding a lot of qualifiers might make things confusing for contestants; obviously there are videos that it doesn't make sense to state song title or all of the anime sources, it's just meant to be a starting place to make things easier for us to file.

But yes, I agree next year the rules need to be heavily reviewed; I keep finding things I think should be changed in them.

Offline angryginger00

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2014, 02:34:56 pm »
Some AMVs use clips from lots of different anime series/movies. For the retro category, you definitely need all the info. Do you need it all for other cats, or is "various" a valid label? Likewise songs.

Despite the "music video" name, some AMVs (e.g. trailers and some comedy) use audio sources that are not songs.

For next year, you (or the next AMV coordinator) may want to review all of the rules and categories to define them according to what you have the energy and passion to police (e.g. checking ages of anime and audio in a retro category, checking "anime" for non-Japanese knock-offs etc, deciding whether or not to accept video-game imagery along with anime).

I felt like adding a lot of qualifiers might make things confusing for contestants; obviously there are videos that it doesn't make sense to state song title or all of the anime sources, it's just meant to be a starting place to make things easier for us to file.

But yes, I agree next year the rules need to be heavily reviewed; I keep finding things I think should be changed in them.

I just wanted to add on to this.  All the videos are screened up to ensure that they are up to meeting the rules of the contest.  With that being said we have been checking the retro category to ensure that they meet the requirements. 

While we are checking the videos as they come into us.  It is not the role of the Coordinator to disqualify a video.  That is the role of the Judges.  A video can be in clear violation of the rules but we aren't disqualifying it.  We may be writing the editor back asking them to fix the problem so they have a chance of making into the contest.  At the end of the day though the Judges are allowed to make exceptions to the rules if they believe it will provide a higher level of entertainment to the audience. 
Staffing Con's since 2008

A rare thing has happened! The angryginger00 has posted a message here.

Offline jeffry_fisher

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2014, 12:10:58 pm »
Any progress (raw entry count, number of entries that made the judges' cut etc)? Any pre-con AMV news or hype? Did the judges add a whole category like they did last year? Has the AMV show & contest been scheduled yet?

Also, will there be a "late-night" AMV screening this year to show entries that may have been well made but were too long, not quite PG-13 etc?

"People who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't"

Offline absolute_apocalypse

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Re: 2014 AMV Contest Submissions Are Open!
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2014, 07:24:03 pm »
Any progress (raw entry count, number of entries that made the judges' cut etc)? Any pre-con AMV news or hype? Did the judges add a whole category like they did last year? Has the AMV show & contest been scheduled yet?

Also, will there be a "late-night" AMV screening this year to show entries that may have been well made but were too long, not quite PG-13 etc?


Bad news first: I am not the ultimate authority on these matters but I believe we were not scheduled time for a post-contest show, a late-night screening, or any of the other AMV related programming that we traditionally have. I hope that all of these things will return next year but unfortunately, that is the state of things from what I have heard.

The good news is that judging will occur this weekend and I plan to take over live-blogging this year; I hope to have most of the stats and such up by the end of judging! Hopefully people are looking forward to it :)