And they want to tell people it was the insulin and not the infection until the autopsy comes out. Which as family is their choice.
She was super spunky. I remember we auditioned for survivor together XD She was so excited. Camping, parties and Ren fair. She LOVED costumes and dressing up. She had many dreams and goals. Us in Medford/Talent/The rogue valley who lived/and/or were constantly with her in her time there are having a memorial celebration in October. Exchange stories and remember the good times.
I cannot believe it. When I was first told I thought I'd misunderstood or it was a prank or a joke.
Mel was a girl worth knowing, a real day brightener. Shared most of her everything with me ;_; We had so many plans, like at Kumoricon for example. We should do something for her there, even if it's small. Even if it's just three of us.

Us the day of the Survivor try outs

Us in a random photo shoot she wanted (She loved her shoots ^.^)

My beautiful girl