Author Topic: A humble request from a Kumoricon goer  (Read 2694 times)

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Offline Animeman73

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A humble request from a Kumoricon goer
« on: February 03, 2013, 02:21:49 pm »
Hello Kumoricon staff,

It is my most sincere hope that you get this. I actually have a humble request for you.

The story so far is this. The other day when I was on facebook I came across KYLE T.V. on TWITCH. Kyle Herbert, the voice actor's channel. And well I got the chance to chat with him a little. And while I realize you've already set up Todd Haberkorn, my request is, do you think for Kumoricon this year you could bring Kyle Herbert to it please? In my conversation with him he made mention that he's interested in either coming to Sakuracon or Kumoricon.

Since there doesn't seem to be a request thread up this was on the only thing I could think of. A simple and hopefully very pleasant sounding request.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 07:56:27 am by Animeman73 »
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Offline AllyKat

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Re: A humble request from a Kumoricon goer
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 07:44:24 am »

Thanks for reminding us about the Request Thread! I'll talk to the powers that be and get that sorted out ASAP! And I'll pass along your request. We can never guarantee anything but we always appreciate fresh new ideas from our attendees, it helps us get a picture of what the community wants to see and will enjoy!
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